SPECIAL CALL SUNDAY—9PM ET—RESTRAINING PRINCE OF PERSIA. We will also share on God’s amazing work at Revolution 2019-2020, and hear from many of you. Conference call number: (605) 313-5156 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!

REVELATION ROAD PRESENTATION—YouTube—Prophetic overview shared New Years Eve with insights on the Midnight Cry, Iran, more, as well as announcement of Revelation Road Tour. To watch CLICK HERE.

“You’re not just entering 2020, you are CROSSING OVER INTO 2020.”

WHAT AN EXTRAORDINARY WAY to welcome 2020. No, I’m not talking about the rocket strike taking down Iran’s Soleimani in Baghdad, though that’s important. More on this in a moment. I’m actually talking about the manifestation of God’s grace, and even His governmental glory, through Revolution. 

We crossed over. Jolene and I are still without words. I can’t even really write about it yet, it feels too sacred. A heartfelt thanks to all who joined live and online For those who missed, we are working now to make the archives available to you. Because it is simply life-impacting. We will have more information coming soon.

Most of you know that the potential of conflict with Iran was highlighted to us from the beginning of 2019, when the Lord highlighted Daniel 10. “In the third year of Cyrus” Daniel fasted and prayed until the angel of the Lord broke through, and the Prince of Persia was restrained. Ancient Persia of course is modern Iran. We’ve been praying for this breakthrough ever since. And with the Midnight Shining on 12-12, with an angelic encounter followed by the service and call, followed by the Yorktown journey where we were mandated to prophesy victory over Revolution, Trump and 2020, I knew something extraordinary had transpired. Including breakthrough against the Prince of Persia.

We shared on this New Years Eve while introducing the Revelation Road project. Now Soleimani has been taken down. I know Iran has threatened retaliation and we must pray for Israel and America. The great news is this. We are now at a point where we can see historic turnaround in Iran, with the Prince of Persia restrained and the people of Iran genuinely freed. 

Only God can do this. Lets watch, pray and see His breakthrough.

Covenant blessings to each of you, and NO KING BUT JESUS!

Jon & Jolene