NOW AVAILABLE—THE MIDNIGHT CRY! An incredible holiday gift. $15 softcover, $9.99 Kindle or EPub. To purchase visit Amazon, or better yet, purchase from our website—JUST CLICK HERE.  

REVOLUTION REGISTRATION CLOSES TONIGHT— Museum of the Bible, Washington DC. December 14-16, 2017—over Hanukkah. With Dutch Sheets, Faisal Malick, Cindy Jacobs. Limited seating so make plans now to join us. REGISTER NOW—CLICK HERE!

REVOLUTION—LIVE STREAMING! By Kingdom Flame with David Cranfill. To register for live-streaming CLICK HERE.

We are looking forward to connecting with so many of you over the next few days. For those who cannot make Revolution in person this year, we are bringing the Revolution to you! With live-streaming services provided by David Cranfill and KingdomFlame. 

Below is the schedule for Revolution 2017. Keep in mind the schedule is always subject to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Our pre-eminent priority is breakthrough. Not by might nor power but by My Spirit, says the Lord! 

Please keep this gathering in prayer. NO KING BUT JESUS! 


Thursday Evening
7:00 pm Faisal Malick speaking

Friday Morning
9:30 am Faisal Malick speaking

Friday Afternoon Sessions
1:30 pm Jamie Fitt speaking
3:00 pm Abby Abildness speaking

Friday Evening—Museum Special Dedication
7:00 Cindy Jacobs speaking

Saturday Morning
9:30 am Jon & Jolene Hamill speaking

Saturday Afternoon—Renewal of Vows
1:30 Renewal of Vows Ceremony, officiated by Cindy Jacobs
3:00 Covenant Affirmation Ceremony, State by State!

Saturday Evening—Commissioning
7:00 Dutch Sheets speaking
National Covenant Affirmation
Special Commissioning