WEDNESDAY CALL POSTPONED TO NEXT WEEK! Due to pre-conference responsibilities we are postponing our weekly call to next Wednesday. Lamplighter family, please keep Revolution in prayer!

NOW AVAILABLE—THE MIDNIGHT CRY! An incredible holiday gift. $15 softcover, $9.99 Kindle or EPub. To purchase visit Amazon, or better yet, purchase from our website—JUST CLICK HERE.  

REVOLUTION BEGINS TOMORROW—Museum of the Bible, Washington DC. December 14-16, 2017—Hanukkah. With Dutch Sheets, Faisal Malick, Cindy Jacobs. Limited seating so make plans now to join us. REGISTER NOW—CLICK HERE!

REVOLUTION—LIVE STREAMING! By Kingdom Flame with David Cranfill. To register for live-streaming CLICK HERE.

Tomorrow the “Continental Congress” the Lord has entrusted to our stewardship convenes to see Him and together set the course for the coming year. Please pray for this gathering—for breakthrough, revelation, provision, for favor. Pray for the leaders who are gathering. Pray for synergy and protection.

And above all, please pray for Holy Spirit visitation. At some point during each Revolution gathering, the Lord has sovereignly come. And our lives and world have changed. Make it so again, Lord!

We look forward to your joining us for the conference, either onsite at the Museum of the Bible or live via web stream. Come in your delegated authority as a Kingdom ambassador. And lets see the Lord establish His breakthrough His way for the coming year!

Below is an excerpt from our new book “The Midnight Cry” on the Continental Congress. From Chapter 2, “The Hanukkah Revolution,” pp. 40-45.

Could America Receive a New Beginning?
As Jolene and I moved forward in our calling, we began to realize just how desperate the situation in our nation really was. America was in a midnight hour where we as a nation could go either way. And Hanukkah’s message of covenant restoration actually became a revolutionary prototype for us, to see the Lord redeem our nation and grant us a new beginning. 

I saw how leaders during other low points in America’s history had gained the same resolve. Francis Scott Key literally watched and prayed through a midnight battle, searching for our flag by dawn’s early light. Abraham Lincoln saw the division in our land, and concluded that only a miracle similar to a born-again experience could save our land. “That this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government, of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

A new beginning, forged by covenant restoration. God granted this miracle in other times of American history. Why not now?… 

Prophecy—Paul Revere and the Continental Congress
We also realized that, like the Maccabees, we needed to convene together as an army to mobilize towards the impossible breakthrough we dreamed of. The Lord brought to mind a prophetic word which Jill Austin gave to Jolene and me back in the summer of 2006. 

Jill was a powerful prophet and a dear friend. Signs, wonders, and incredible moves of the Spirit accompanied her ministry everywhere she went. And so when Jill Austin prophesied a new move of God to us, we took notice. 

“You are generals in the body of Christ!” Jill thundered. “You are like Paul Reveres. Revolutionaries. And God is calling you to convene a Second Continental Congress that will set a new way forward even for this nation. Because Jesus is always revolutionary. And He is bringing a new move of awakening and revival… a spiritual revolution!”

Jill Austin became the third prophet to call me a Paul Revere. And as best I recall, she was the first to use the phrase “spiritual revolution.” With all the Lord had shown me personally, that really got my attention. Not long after, Jill passed on suddenly and unexpectedly. Her prophetic word on the Continental Congress turned out to be the last she would ever give us.

Keep in mind I was working full-time for the Department of Homeland Security at the time. I had no real desire to return to ministry at a concentrated level. But things changed at the word of the Lord. And just a year later, the Lord spoke to us to step into full-time ministry. It was one of the hardest decisions I had ever made because I loved my job so deeply. When I inquired of the Lord, He said simply, “The nation needs you.” And I remembered Jill’s prophecy. A decade later I guess I’m beginning to understand why.

Launching a Continental Congress
For many years we prayed into Jill’s prophecy. The Lord began to connect us with friends known and unknown who had received similar words, including Abby Abildness of Healing Tree International in Hershey, PA and Jamie Fitt of the Philadelphia Tabernacle of David. In 2013 we felt to move forward together, committing to five years of annual Revolution gatherings which we dreamed would set a new course for the future.

Jamie Fitt brings the heartbeat of God to our team. Jamie is one of only a few worship leaders I know who flows in real-time prophetic revelation with a tangible governmental anointing for breakthrough. It is an amazing gift. I wrote about this aspect of worship in our book “Crown & Throne,” and Jamie immediately adopted it. He is now pioneering a “Crown & Throne” worship movement.

Abby Abildness is one of the most effective pioneers in Kingdom diplomacy that I know. For decades, Abby’s heartbeat has been to see the dream of Pennsylvania founder William Penn realized in this hour. Penn lived and died to forge an expression of Kingdom governance rooted in God’s love, justice, and freedom. 

Penn’s doctrine was largely based on two principles. First, no king but Jesus. He invested His life for us! And therefore Jesus alone is worthy of the thrones of our hearts and the thrones of our governance.

Secondly, no cross, no crown. Only governmental leaders who follow the footsteps of Jesus by laying down their lives for their constituents are worthy to wear the crown and rule.

It’s not a coincidence that the government of our nation was later framed in Philadelphia, PA. Our nation’s foundational documents, including the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, are rooted in Penn’s deepest convictions of freedom governance.

Our team knew the Lord desired to connect the original roots of freedom governance from Pennsylvania to Washington DC so as to restore our land according to the Founders’ original intentions. During the Continental Congress, representatives of the original 13 Colonies gathered together many times in Philadelphia—first to break from England and fight a revolution, then to frame a new form of governance that would deliver the power back to the people and perpetuate genuine liberty generationally.

The Revolutionaries would rush into battle with the cry, “No King but Jesus!” And as we sought to shift our government back into the original intent for freedom, that became our midnight cry too.

Launching a Revolution
And we knew it would be a battle, just like Jill prophesied. Literally a Revolution. God was launching a Kingdom revolution to preserve the lamp of freedom our forefathers had entrusted to this nation. 

Not coincidentally, our first book “Crown & Throne: a Field Guide to Spiritual Revolution” was launched during the first Revolution gathering. We noted in its pages that nobody fights a revolution just to take ground. Instead every revolution is fought to establish new government. Little did I know it would soon become a prophetic blueprint for the revolutionary governmental turnaround we are now living out. So much of it only makes sense in retrospect, especially after the 2016 elections. 

Because we were engaging in a spiritual revolution, it only seemed right to begin our Revolution gatherings at Valley Forge, the Philadelphia suburb which hosted the ragtag continental army over a brutal winter in 1777-8. It was during this winter at Valley Forge that the eclectic collection of farmers and tradesmen, bankers and dockworkers and merchants trained and transformed into soldiers. Much like the Maccabees, they soon became capable enough to take on the mightiest army in the known world—and win.

We drew from the anointing of this hallowed ground. Because like our forefathers, we needed this magnitude of transformation to win the revolution of our time. A similar tenacity and growth in competence were both desperately needed. But above all else, Heaven’s favor needed be secured.

Our annual Revolution gatherings soon became a Continental Congress for this hour. We convened mostly over Hanukkah, both to be trained and to stand as representatives in order to set a new course together. It was amazing to discover the extraordinary power of an ekklesia, a governmental representation of the body of Christ. 

As you will see throughout the pages of this book, prophetic direction and substantive miracles have redirected our lives and even national governance from the precipice of disaster. By God’s grace alone we have forged a new way forward for our land. And most amazingly, over and over again the tracks have been laid through spontaneous prophetic expressions during these gatherings.

As a result of our work in Christ, as well as the tireless dedication of many other movements, America received a new birth of freedom in the midst of our midnight hour. What an honor to celebrate by bringing Revolution 2017 to the newly-opened Museum of the Bible in Washington DC! We see it as America’s Ark of the Covenant. And it’s the perfect setting to honor the covenant which has preserved our land. Always remember that the midnight cry is a summons to a wedding.

More on this in the next few chapters. That said, we pray that this miracle not only continue, but greatly expand. Especially to you. As you read how impossibilities have turned into miracles in our day, may you be inspired to risk it all for the dream in your heart for the Lord. 

Like the Maccabees and Miriam and all the spiritual revolutionaries who have gone before you, it’s time to conceive holy fire. And then birth a revolution which will redefine your world. (The Midnight Cry, Jon & Jolene Hamill, pp. 40-45).


Thursday Evening
7:00 pm Faisal Malick speaking

Friday Morning
9:30 am Faisal Malick speaking

Friday Afternoon Sessions
1:30 pm Jamie Fitt speaking
3:00 pm Abby Abildness speaking

Friday Evening—Museum Special Dedication
7:00 Cindy Jacobs speaking

Saturday Morning
9:30 am Jon & Jolene Hamill speaking

Saturday Afternoon—Renewal of Vows
1:30 Renewal of Vows Ceremony, officiated by Cindy Jacobs
3:00 Covenant Affirmation Ceremony, State by State!

Saturday Evening—Commissioning
7:00 Dutch Sheets speaking
National Covenant Affirmation
Special Commissioning