PRAYER CALL WEDNESDAY—BIG NEWS! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us.

REVOLUTION 2017—THE MIDNIGHT CRY, Museum of the Bible, Washington DC. December 14-16, 2017—over Hanukkah. With Dutch Sheets, Faisal Malick, Cindy Jacobs. Limited seating so make plans now to join us. REGISTER NOW—CLICK HERE!

NO WAY. So like, a global party in Chicago? Hosted by a renown globalist and former president and his wife? Launching their inaugural global summit, the first they personally convened to change the world once again, ON HALLOWEEN?

Yup. Can’t make this up. Don’t take the candy. 

Defiance of God
One has to wonder… with all the options of dates available, why would former President Obama choose October 31 to launch the next public phase of his global pursuits? Obviously it must have been intentional. With the Obama Foundation’s emphasis on global engagement to facilitate change, why not launch on election day next week? Or Veterans Day next month?

Serious here. The choice of the date seems to convey that this inaugural globalist summit is being intentionally rooted in the highest occult holiday of the year. Launched by a president who, during his tenure, often dared to stand in open defiance of God’s heart—changing time, season, and law. Seems that the song remains the same.

Seeking Global Occult Reformation?
Keep in mind that today is also Reformation Day, actually the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s world-changing manifesto. Is it possible that President Obama is conveying his intention to launch a global movement today of the magnitude of Martin Luther? Seeking to define the next 500 years? Drawing on the time gate of October 31 to access both occult power and the grace of global reformation?

Bring a convergence of “occult” and “global reformation” and what do you get? How about a global occult reformation, seeking to forge global governance? 

It feels like an attempt to create some kind of hybrid movement. The conference I’m sure will be supercharged with positive energy and genuine hope. Young adults from across the nation and world will be inspired and impacted. And viable, creative solutions to legitimate problems will be presented. But make no mistake. The covert pursuit remains to usher in a globalist movement tied to idolatry, with the intent of bringing our nation and nations into subjugation. 

Reformation Day 2017
Please pray. The good news is that, as of Reformation Day 2017, God’s new move of reformation is already in play. In a year marking the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem’s restoration under Israel’s sovereignty and the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, a breakthrough move of His Spirit is already beginning to bring genuine freedom. This movement marries together the miracles of Exodus with the miracles of Acts—a “glory revolution.” 

Note that the legal foundation for this movement has been forever secured by the divorcement of Baal and restoration of covenant with Jesus Christ. Judgement has been rendered in favor of the saints, granting the restraining of the beast and releasing the saints to possess the Kingdom (Daniel 7:22). 

A global Moses movement will prevail over the global Pharaoh movement. So welcome to the “Glory Revolution.” LET MY PEOPLE GO!