PRAYER CALL WEDNESDAY—BIG NEWS! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us.

REVOLUTION 2017—THE MIDNIGHT CRY, Museum of the Bible, Washington DC. December 14-16, 2017—over Hanukkah. With Dutch Sheets, Faisal Malick, Cindy Jacobs. Limited seating so make plans now to join us. REGISTER NOW—CLICK HERE!

Please join us tonight for an important call! The midnight cry is beginning to resound. Jolene and I are getting some clarity from the Lord prophetically regarding the Revolution gathering this December, and will be sharing some big news. It’s time to unlock again the power of covenant to release us into His new season! 

We must also keep our nation in prayer after the tragic terror strike yesterday in New York City, which left eight dead and eleven wounded. Since Monday evening I have felt a tension, a heaviness in the air over Alexandria, Arlington and Washington DC. It’s always there but this is heightened. 

Pray for all terror plots to be thwarted. And please continue to pray for President Trump and the Trump administration.

Please pray for me also. I am engaging again in writing our next book! Agree with me for a flow of Holy Spirit revelation, and creative grace to convey His heart. 

Covenant blessing to each of you!