
PURIM PRAYER CALL TONIGHT! 9PM EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. 

HAPPY PURIM! WE’RE ALMOST THERE! On Jon’s birthday, we invite you to celebrate with us and sow into our upcoming Israel tour. To make a contribution please click here.

Jan 4 to March 4—We’ve Come a Long Way!
“The Lord will march forth like a warrior, He will arouse His zeal like a man of war. He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry. He will prevail against His enemies” (Isaiah 42:13).

LAMPLIGHTER FAMILY, we have prayed together intensively from January 4 all the way through today, March 4! When we began, new leaders took over the House and Senate. Paris grieved, and world leaders marched. The 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz increased our resolve. Selma compelled our hearts to glory. And we soon discovered that the Glory Train is coming!

We entered the whirlwind. We explored the prophet in the whirlwind. And we received together the mantle in the whirlwind.

During this time, many dear prophetic fathers and mothers ascended the whirlwind, and decided to stay. We will miss you.

The Lord defined for us His turnaround mantle, joining Israel and America in prayer. Bonnie Jones compelled us to dream. Sandra Teplinsky and James Goll compelled us to pray. Terry Deckard reminded us that as of this Purim, YES WE CAN.

And we did! As our Turnaround Project culminated, we saw a genuine turnaround before our very eyes. PM Netanyahu’s historic speech became a plumbline for the world, bringing clarity to key decisions that frame our future.

So as we step into this next adventure, Jolene and I want to again thank you from the heart for your watchful care and generosity. It’s an honor to represent your intercession in Washington DC, and it will be an honor to represent you in Jerusalem.

Purim Campaign! DC, Albany, Vermont, Jerusalem
Tonight, we are ministering in Berne (Albany) New York. More Jewish people reside in this state than anywhere in the world outside Israel, so it is very key to minister in the Capital tonight as Purim begins. Pastor Jay Francis and team have kept the torch blazing for Israel and America through decades, and I can’t wait to see how the Lord moves among us.

Tomorrow we travel to Williston VT for the Winter Fire Gathering with David Rosen. I feel this meeting is very strategic, both for Vermont and for the Purim Campaign we are all on together. As you will see, the Lord is confirming as only He can the prophetic promise we are now forerunning. A new move of God is at hand!

Prophetic Encouragement for Vermont
Let me share briefly what I feel prophetically for Vermont. The word for Vermont is “new, new, new!” This “Sleeping Beauty State” is now emerging in a new way that will even influence the 2016 elections. Tracks have been laid for regional hubs to form, and it’s now time to mobilize and connect again with these hubs. If Vermont will move out of isolation and again connect, the train of God’s glory and revival will again visit. He will redeem the time!

There is much favor on the journey right now. And God remembers how Sleeping Beauty opened her heart to the Sound of Music. Just as the family who escaped the Nazis found refuge in Vermont, so it is time to open your heart and prepare to become a refuge state in this hour. Like the shutter to a camera, your heartfelt “yes” now to become a refuge for God’s covenant people will open for you a window of opportunity for God’s new “Throne Room sound” of awakening to be captured and released!

The Lord Marches forth! Journey Seen in Vision
OK. Let me close with this. In our book Crown & Throne, we share on the emerging move of God in the east coast and the nation. I have held in my heart a key vision for this move of the Spirit, which I share for you in detail below. In the vision, fighter jets converged over upstate NY and New England, and then and shot across to Israel.

I suddenly realized that, almost by coincidence, we are now journeying to Israel along this very same flight path.

A week ago, we flew from LA across southern Colorado and over Kansas City when this dynamic suddenly dawned on me. We are flying the very flight path of my vision! We are now en route to upstate NY and VT before getting on a plane in Montreal to fly to Israel. OVER PURIM.

You just cannot make this up.

Friends, as of last summer, I believe an east coast prayer movement has fully taken flight. Glory! Now movements are converging to resource Israel in prayer. And now, as of March 4, 2015, I believe the Lord is conveying to us that He is marching forth!

The Lord will go forth like a warrior, He will arouse His zeal like a man of war. He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry. He will prevail against His enemies.

Below is an excerpt from Crown & Throne of this vision.

Vision of Three End-Time Prayer Movements
Like many of you, I have actually been praying for this new move for a while now. In the year 2000, a prophetic experience conveyed divine aspects of what was to come.

I saw a vision of a fighter jet taking off from Colorado Springs. My sphere of vision shifted east, and I watched as a similar fighter jet took off from Kansas City. The Lord then showed me the mid-atlantic region, where a third fighter jet took flight. These fighter jets combined together in formation over the northeast and New England, and shot across to Israel.

With the vision came an immediate interpretation. I “knew” the three jets represented three end-time prayer movements, and that these movements would combine to impact America and fight for the holy land during a time of severe trial.

I also knew the first jet represented a movement of spiritual warfare that was already sweeping the globe from Colorado Springs. At the time I was for Cindy and Mike Jacobs, founders of Generals International, in this city. And I consider Cindy and Mike to be primary forerunners of this movement, along with Dutch Sheets, Peter Wagner, Chuck Pierce, George Otis Jr and others. This movement emphasized Jesus as King, with His people expanding and guarding His domain.

The second jet, which took flight from Kansas City, represented the International House of Prayer movement of 24/7 “harp and bowl” worship and intercession. Mike Bickle, Misty Edwards and other IHOP leaders became the primary forerunners of the movement, which had then just begun. Prophesied long beforehand by Bob Jones, James Goll and others, this Tabernacle of David expression primarily emphasizes Jesus as the Bridegroom of His people.

The third jet, from the mid-atlantic region, puzzled me. Though I saw the jet take off, in my spirit I knew the movement it represented had not yet even begun. Yet without this move, I knew the prayer movement of America would be incomplete and inadequate to fulfill the assignments that had been given.

I believe these three movements have actually been set by God as forerunners of America’s Third Great Awakening. It’s interesting that the jets representing these movements converged over the New England region, the covenantal birthplace of America and the of womb of the first two historic awakenings.

As Rick Ridings prophesied, God is bringing forth a “Crown and Throne” movement in this decade that will have a similar global impact to the “Harp and Bowl” movement that defined the previous decade. A new level of kingly authority in prayer is now being released. In process, thrones tied to idolatry will topple!