PRAYER CALL WEDNESDAY FROM ISRAEL! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. 

NEW BOOK—THE MIDNIGHT CRY! Prophetic perceptions on 2018-2020 including coming awakening, Iran and Israel, national turnaround, more. Includes the prophetic word on the global release of a “Moses Movement” bringing freedom. To receive your copy please CLICK HERE.

Two days ago, the world discovered the true depths Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons, in open defiance of the nuclear accords signed in 2015. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced extraordinary proof of this in a televised address Monday, amazingly at the exact same time Jolene and I were ministering at Succat Hallel. 

From both Israel’s highest office and from a 24-7 house of prayer overlooking Mount Zion, a Midnight Cry was being issued. Behold their threatenings. Time to wake up and respond! 

January, 2018. The raid most likely took place at midnight. Israeli Mossad agents covertly breached a secret compound in the suburbs of Teheran. They captured some 55,000 papers and 100 CDs—literally half a ton of top secret material—providing comprehensive documentation proving Iran’s secret pursuit of nuclear weapons. 

January, 2108. Early in the morning of January 29, I awoke praying the words, “Behold their threatenings, and grant to your servants boldness…” As I sat at our perch overlooking Washington DC and prayed, Holy Spirit spoke to me, “The next phase of execution of Daniel 7:22 is now being released.” 

When the Lord spoke this, I immediately saw how this next phase included the exposure of hidden opposition to God’s covenant purposes. As the Lamplighter family, we had actually been focused on this in prayer throughout the previous six months. 

I also perceived by the Spirit how the execution of this “Turnaround Verdict” is being meted out progressively, just as God’s judgement against Pharaoh and the gods of Egypt were meted out progressively. Judgement in favor of the saints. Restraining the enemy and releasing the saints to possess the Kingdom.

What I did not realize was that a key detail of God’s divine intelligence—announcing the exposure of Iran’s nuclear intentions— was even being released that morning. 

Prime Minister Netanyahu made his global presentation exposing Iran on 4-30. Asking Israel, the United States and the world to literally “Behold their threatenings.” This phrase is taken right from Acts 4:29-31, the passage filling my heart as I awoke that morning in prayer. 

Can’t make this stuff up, folks. Amazing how the Lord conveys His heart and work so personally to us all, in a way that provokes awe in His sovereignty and inspiration to give ourselves to His cause. 

The Midnight Cry—Countering an Iranian Holocaust
You may not perceive it right now, but we have entered into a Midnight Hour of history—just as the Lord warned us, as conveyed in our book “The Midnight Cry.” Provoking a midnight watch, a midnight cry, and ultimately manifesting a midnight turnaround releasing God’s breakthrough and awakening.

Conflict in the Mideast is absolutely on the horizon. Haman has been exposed. Undeniable proof is now in hand of an existential threat to both Israel and America. As we have warned incessantly since 2015, the Iranian Nuclear Accords merely increased Iran’s capacities to pursue weapons of mass destruction. 

It is interesting the Lord spoke in late January of the next phase of His “Turnaround Verdict,” near the time when the Mossad secured tangible proof of Iran’s continued nuclear threat. “Behold their threatenings.” It is as though this exposure of evidence, in the courts of Heaven and the seats of kings, which catalyzed this next phase. 

Behold their threatenings. This was the plea of the saints before Heaven’s Court during an extreme time of persecution. God responded by granting not only a new level of freedom and healing, but a release of His Holy Spirit of such a great magnitude that “the place where they were praying was shaken.” 

And as in their day, this same plea has been met with Heaven’s verdict. Turnaround. Visitation. Healing. Freedom. During our time in Israel, from my encounter with God at the Western Wall or Kotel to the dramatic ministry time Monday at Succat Hallel as PM Netanyahu addressed the world, it is clear this next phase of God’s “Turnaround Verdict” has been covenantally and governmentally released from Zion. Not only exposing Haman, but marking a new phase of a freedom movement bringing restoration from captivity across the Mideast and world. 

We knew the Lord was emphasizing to us the dates between 2-22 and Purim 2018 for the release of this next phase. Purim, of course, is the Jewish holiday commemorating Esther’s plea before her King and king which resulted in a dramatic turnaround which exposed and prevented an Iranian holocaust in her day. Haman’s plot was exposed. Friends, lets all pray that the exposure by Netanyahu of Iran’s dark pursuit of nuclear weapons will catalyze the same result. Literally the prevention of an Iranian holocaust. 

Israel, America Together—Legacy and Destiny
Even the convergence of dates bears witness to the dramatic invitation by the Lord of hosts to our two nations, each established by covenant with the God of Israel. A new freedom movement is being released. A spiritual revolution which protects and defends the liberty entrusted to us by the Lord, and advances His liberty in the nations. As God confronted Pharaoh, so the Pharaohs of our age are again being confronted by the Lord in this freedom movement. LET MY PEOPLE GO! 

Lets keep in prayer the strong coalition between Israeli and American diplomatic, intelligence and military capacities. Remembering that this April 18-19 brought the convergence of two dramatic legacies: the 70th anniversary of Israel’s independence, and the MIDNIGHT RIDE of Paul Revere which launched America’s War of Independence. 

From the Throne of God, the gavel has fallen. A new freedom movement has begun. 

Two Governmental Turnarounds
What’s ahead? The spiritual intensity is tangible here in Jerusalem and throughout Israel. There is no doubt we have entered into a season of conflict both in the spirit and the natural. 

But ultimately incredible things are ahead as this next phase of execution of God’s Turnaround Verdict is fully manifested. 

Let me briefly bring to your remembrance two dramatic governmental breakthroughs in conjunction with the first phase of execution of this Turnaround Verdict. In March 2015, the Lord sent us to Israel to pray through the final ten days of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s election. Our friend Linda Wyatt had invited us out, and suggested mid-March would be a good time for her. Jolene and I booked our flights for March 8-18. Simply because we love Deuteronomy 8:18. Anyway, the morning after we booked our flight, Holy Spirit awakened me with a word. “As you have stood with Me for your elections, so I desire for you to stand with me for My elections in My covenant land.” 

I knew the Lord was referring to Daniel 7:22. Ironically, at the time I couldn’t figure out how the Lord could apply this verdict to Israel… I thought He had given specifically it for America!  


Daniel was in Babylon, a land comprised of Iraq and Iran, when he received the visitation from the Lord summed up by “the Turnaround Verdict.” He was introduced to the magnitude and majesty of Heaven’s court, and bore witness to several key verdicts, including the most important judgement which forever secured our redemption! Daniel saw Messiah immediately after His resurrection, coming with the clouds and presenting His own body and blood before the Ancient of Days. Provoking Heaven’s Court to render the ultimate verdict of justice in favor of the saints. Redemption, liberty, destiny secured! Above all else, intimate friendship with Jesus forever secured. 

But it’s important to note that this verdict was issued in Iran related to Israel. And it is now being applied at this magnitude once again—on behalf of Israel, the Mideast, America, and the nations. It’s now time for turnaround. It’s time for a freedom movement to sweep through these regions by the Holy Spirit! It’s time for the promise of Isaiah 19 to trump the threatenings of the enemy. Egypt My people. Assyria, or Syria and the region, restored as the work of His hands. And Israel, God’s eternal inheritance.

Long story short, we ministered and prayed into this “Turnaround Verdict” in Jerusalem, even prophesying that the Lord would bring an election turnaround on behalf of Prime Minister Netanyahu. It seemed impossible. Yet against all odds, Netanyahu prevailed.

And on the same date as his election, we were on walking the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem for the first time with our friend Linda Wyatt, heading to the Western Wall or Kotel. And on the walls of Jerusalem, facing the Kotel, Holy Spirit spoke to me that He was issuing a governmental turnaround for the US presidential elections in 2016. 

Who knew that Donald Trump would soon emerge as a candidate. And just like Netanyahu, his election was secured by an extraordinary election turnaround.

I want to reiterate a prophetic perception from January, when the Lord first spoke to me about this next phase of release. The verdict is inclusive of Deep State deliverance. THE SAME TURNAROUND VERDICT which swept both Netanyahu and Trump into power will preserve their respective terms in office. 

You might also remember how, within a year, President Trump had completely reversed the decree Obama put forth over Jerusalem. Openly defying all diplomatic protocol on a global level, he boldly declared Jerusalem to be the capitol of the Nation of Israel. And he committed America to putting a stake in the ground towards this end, moving our embassy this month from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Now President Trump is faced with the task of repairing the horrific damage inflicted upon our nation and world by his predecessor throughout the Mideast— through wrong decisions in Syria, through the Iranian Nuclear Accords and more. 

Glory Bomb! Trump and Netanyahu—Lynnie Harlow Word
It is clear that Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu have been summoned on the international stage as catalysts of God’s intended turnaround. Shortly after we left for Israel, Lynnie Harlow prophesied the following:

On Thursday April 26th I was having coffee and stood up from my couch to head into the other room. As soon as I did everything faded around me and I saw President Trump.

He was holding a golden rod in his hand and it was extended. I then saw the earth start to move and realized it was moving across the globe and stopped in Israel. I saw Benjamin Netanyahu grab the other end of the rod and a brilliant flash of light exploded from the center of the rod. It looked like a Glory BOMB!

I heard the Lord say read Zephaniah 3: 14-17…

“Sing O daughter of Zion! SHOUT, O Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem! The Lord has taken away your judgments, He has cast out your enemy. The King of Israel, the Lord is in your midst; YOU SHALLL SEE DISASTER NO MORE. In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem; DO NOT FEAR; Zion let not your hands be weak. The Lord your God is in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”

Afterwords He said, “make sure you get this to others you’ll see why”…so I felt something eminent was coming.

How extraordinary that Lynnie saw this vision just days before Monday’s history-making announcement. The scepter of the wicked must no longer remain on the land allotted to the righteous (Psalm 125:4). And in a midnight hour, Zion’s scepter is being extended to release His freedom movement to the nations.

No King but Jesus…