PRAYER CALL TONIGHT FROM ISRAEL! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. 

NEW BOOK—THE MIDNIGHT CRY! Prophetic perceptions on 2018-2020 including coming awakening, Donald Trump, national turnaround, more. Includes the prophetic word on the Korean Olympics and the global release of a “Moses Movement.” To receive your copy please CLICK HERE.

THANK YOU for your prayers for Israel and for us! My apologies for not posting earlier today. We had the honor of visiting the Elah Valley, where David took down the giant! But between rainy, flooded streets and a void of cell coverage, I haven’t been able to get this one out until now!

Israel’s 70th anniversary has been amazing. Our days here have been like stepping into a perpetual wave, saturating us each day with His covenant purpose and carrying us with gentle force to His desired destination. For instance… we have had the honor of spending a few nights in an apartment in close proximity to the home of President Reuven Rivlin. He is a good man, so respected both in Israel and internationally. It is a true honor to keep watch in prayer here for a short time, just as we keep watch in prayer over the White House from our perch at home. Quite literally from Washington to Washington to Jerusalem!

Speaking of the White House… people over here absolutely LUHUV President Donald Trump and family. They are acutely aware of the precedent-setting impact Trump is making not only for Jerusalem and Israel, but for much of the Mideast. Your prayers are being answered… please continue to keep watch! 

Tonight I hope to share on a significant encounter at the Hotel or Western Wall this past Sunday. The Lord is so intent on bringing us out of captivity. Remember how, as recorded in Daniel 9, the governmental prophet watched and prayed over the scrolls of Jeremiah after perceiving that after 70 years the Lord would restore His people from captivity. By the unexpected witness of the Spirit during prayer at the Kotel, we are in this season! 

As part of this… It is clear He is moving to expose and dismantle the boundaries of darkness which have been imposed upon us. Yeshua has decreed they will no longer define us! For so many the enemy’s imposition has actually become part of our identity. A major aspect of the struggle is actually to recognize these places of confinement, and break our agreement with them. 

Beloved, it’s time for God alone—the God of Israel, Messiah of mankind—to define our identities afresh, to define the true boundaries of our lives and even our borders! By this you will step into a new freedom in this hour.  This is part of a GLOBAL FREEDOM MOVEMENT centered in Zion, from Zion to America, the Isaiah 19 highway and the nations and back to Zion. LET MY PEOPLE GO!

So thanks for praying. Covenant blessings to each of you, looking forward to our call tonight! 

SHALOM from Jerusalem,

Jon & Jolene