
The mobilization of global occult forces against Donald Trump should make very clear to every praying Christian—of every tribe and race—that God desires to use this administration for His good. Powerfully. There’s simply no other reason for the enemy’s opposition. So together lets keep watch.


REPLAY—BONNIE JONES on Wednesday call! “Purim 2017, the Gateway to Glory!” Playback number is 641-715-3598 access code 552-690. You can also access by clicking here.

TONIGHT & SUNDAY! New Wine Ministries with Bramnicks, Cooper City Fl. We are stepping into a new season! I consider this one of the most important ministry times of the year. Please join us! 7:00 pm Friday evening, 10:00 am Sunday morning. 

March 11 Releasing the Presence of His Glory! Bob Jones Vision Center, Ft. Mill SC. With Bonnie Jones, more. You don’t want to miss!

Welcome to day 3 of the “Crowned Vav Prayer Watch.” I believe Wednesday night’s call with Bonnie Jones will prove historic. We have included a link to the call replay so that you can review and rehearse the word as you’d like. Click here.

It’s interesting that on 2-22, as we launched the Crowned Vav project, exactly 223 people joined in! Isaiah 22:23: “I will drive him like a peg in a firm place, and he will become a throne of glory to his Father’s house.”

Shields up! Time for Overwatch Prayer
We began the prayer call with a warning from the Lord for immediate “overwatch prayer.” I did not know then that occultists are calling for global, targeted witchcraft against Donald Trump. I just knew the Lord is calling us to watch on the wall for an extended season through Purim.

The good news is that the call to pray is out. I don’t ever recall the body of Christ uniting and mobilizing so quickly. Texts yesterday morning started my day. Our flight to Fort Lauderdale took most of the afternoon, and the time we landed my inbox and FaceBook accounts were both packed. Cindy Jacobs is facilitating a conference call, and HAPN sent a strategic prayer guide. Everybody is praying!

Including Jolene and me. At 4:44 am. We both woke up at the same time this morning, and couldn’t get back to sleep.

The mobilization of global occult forces against Donald Trump should make very clear to every praying Christian—of every tribe and race—that God desires to use this administration for His good. Powerfully. There’s simply no other reason for the enemy’s opposition. So together lets keep watch.

I’m asking you for immediate prayer for The Trump-Pence administration, including the National Security Council with Gens. McMasters and Kellogg and staff. Lets cover them.

That said, I’m going to share briefly on “overwatch prayer” and then let you get to praying.

Overwatch Strategy
When the Lord prompted me for this prayer project, the word that came to me immediately was “overwatch.” The word overwatch conveys a military strategy to cover the troops who are advancing into battle or vulnerable to enemy fire. Sometimes this is done with tanks, sometimes with snipers on a roof.  This was really strongly portrayed in the movie “American Sniper,” as well as “13 Hours,” about the Benghazi siege.

But the key is that the overwatch team must be deployed ahead of time, before the troops advance. They take out the forces that would oppose the advancing team. They neutralize their firepower. They prepare the way.

The Merriam-Webster definition of overwatch provides even more clarity. Overwatch means:

1. To weary or exhaust by keeping awake;

2. To watch through our throughout (as the night); to watch over;

3. To support by fire another element which is moving (tanks overwatching an assault battalion).

Overwatch—From Wilderness to Victory
Note that the original definition means to keep watch through the night! A picture from the Song of Songs portrays the importance of this type of mobilization as His people shift into a new season.

“Who is this coming out of the wilderness?… Behold it is Solomon’s couch, with 60 valiant men surrounding it… they all hold swords, being experts in war, GUARDING AGAINST THE TERROR OF THE NIGHT” (SOS 3:8).

As we come up out of the wilderness into a new season, please don’t think this movement will be automatically protected with no effort on your part. It needs to be guarded! And you need to keep watch. Not your neighbor or your colleague or the solitary intercessor in your church or Jason Hershey and Davids Tent. Especially if you voted for Donald Trump, it is YOUR responsibility to keep this administration covered in prayer. Night and day. YOU!

Keep watch.

Double Portion—Turnaround and Glory
As shared on Wednesday’s call, the season from now through Purim and beyond marks a time of tremendous change. We as a nation are already engaged in an historic turnaround, which needs to be kept in prayer with all diligence.

We are also entering into a period where God is progressively releasing the restoration of His glory. Both movements are linked together. In fact, the same engine is driving both. But our hearts, our vision and intercession need to expand according to this double portion the Lord is releasing. Forerunning the new while protecting and defending what we have gained.

This is where we need the overwatch. Taking dedicated intercession to a new level to protect and defend while we together advance. This is an emphatic word of the Lord for this new season.

Here are seven points for you to employ as you deploy.

  1. Breakthrough! Take the higher ground. There’s no “overwatch” without the word “over.” We have emphasized prophetically the past few weeks the importance of coming to higher ground. It’s so encouraging to hear so many of you have received God’s upgrades in the spirit and the natural. You are seated with Christ in heavenly realms as you engage in this watch. “The breaker goes up before you” to prepare the way (Micah 2:13).
  2. Pray God’s covenant. As you align and stand, He promises to deliver you from the hand of every adversary. Remember part of the divorcement of Baal and restoration of covenant is the issuance of His restraining order against the enemy. Claim this! “This covenant I have made with you, you shall not forget, nor shall you fear other gods. But the Lord your God you shall fear, and He shall deliver you from the hand of every adversary” (2 Kings 17:38-39).
  3. Pray in the Spirit for others. Keep watch! Keep pressing in prayer in the Spirit until you sense breakthrough. This is an often-neglected secret for victory! It is part of the full armor of God, described in Ephesians 6. “With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert (keep watch) with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, and PRAY ON MY BEHALF…” (Eph. 6:18-19).
  4. Release His angels! Declare God’s “real-time” word. Remember this is the Year of the Sword! Declare His real-time word by the leading of His Spirit. From the same passage: “And the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17). As you pray God’s word, declare His angels are activated to bring them to manifestation. “Bless the Lord, you His angels, mighty in strength, who perform His word, obeying the voice of His word!” (Psalm 103:20).
  5. Pray from victory. Jesus conquered sin and death. He conquered every principality and power. The weapons of our warfare, the weapons He has already equipped you with, are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Cor. 7:4). And He has ordained you for victory. Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ! (2 Corinthians 2:14). Declare His victory in your journey!
  6. Keep watch—focused on Jesus! Isaiah 6 conveys how the seraphim before God’s throne gaze on God’s beauty even while keeping watch over His work in the world. “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts! The whole earth is full of His glory!” (Isaiah 6).
  7. Pray Psalm 91 for yourself and others. This passage, the life-line of countless soldiers in battle, conveys God’s watch over us. Lord we release your angels to have charge over us and keep us in all our ways!