
JAMES GOLL JOINS CALL TONIGHT! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us.

April 9—7:30 pm. Jon and Jolene and the Gate DC! Come pray at United Cry—then lets receive the Glory Train through the gates of Washington DC. 

NEW VIDEO—REVOLUTION BOSTON! Join Cindy, Jamie Fitt and the Philadelphia Tabernacle of David, Jon and Jolene and others this Patriots Day, the anniversary of Paul Revere’s ride! 6:30 pm April 18 at Faneuil Hall Boston. 

Cindy Jacobs 6:30 pm April 18 at Faneuil Hall Boston. Dutch Sheets 6:30 pm Passover, April 22 at Davids Tent DC on the National Mall. Make plans now! 

Prayer Storm… Glory Storm!
Dear Glory Riders,

Thank you for praying for the Wisconsin Primaries. The conflict of thrones is raging! From the national elections to the imposition of Baal structures on our land, it’s stormy out there. What a time to ascend the whirlwind and worship before Christ’s Throne!

What a time to be endued with the mantles the Lord has for each of you, the mantles in the whirlwind.

Jolene and I are in Nashville TN, connecting with James Goll on the international “Prayer Storm” movement. Most of you know that during Revolution 2015 this December, James sensed a sudden summons from the Lord and mantled us for Prayer Storm.  The commissioning God gave James is to restore the global Moravian lampstand—a pure covenant flame that propels the advancement of God’s Kingdom in Israel, America and the nations. Quite suddenly, this mantle was passed for us to carry. Under James as the Founder, we serve as the international directors of Prayer Storm, and by July 1 Lamplighter will assume the legal stewardship of the movement.

The great news is that we have the privilege of collaborating with James over the ensuing years. What a time to see God’s lampstand blazing! What a time to see the storm of God’s glory released to the nations, and the storm winds of the enemy abated.

Midnight Riders Watch—April 9-22 (Passover)
Most of you are connecting in prayer this Saturday coast to coast. Lou Engle is ushering the nation into a second Pentecost at Azusa Now, believing God for the unleashing of prophetic promises given to William Seymour of a major move of God within 110 years of the original outpouring. Looks like at least 100,000 saints are converging to welcome this miracle into our land!

And in Washington DC, United Cry is gathering at the Lincoln Memorial for the exact same purpose. Lets stand together from coast to coast and see the Glory Storm released!

April 9 is a time to make covenant with God by sacrifice. For us it is a launching point for the East Coast journey of the Glory Train. But in a broader way the time marks the release of God’s Midnight Riders, glory revolutionaries who will ride with a forerunner anointing to unleash a freedom movement upon this nation. In a move of the Spirit which marries the miracles of Exodus with the miracles of Acts!

You might remember “one if by land, two if by sea.” Just as Paul Revere watched for the signals from the upper room of the Old North Church, so we are now watching for Throne Room signals at this midnight hour for our land.

This is so important. From this watch we together start our midnight ride.

Our itinerary is below. From Connecticut to Faneuil Hall Boston on Patriots Day and then to Times Square on April 19, a date already illuminated by two events—the opening of a Baal Temple, and the New York election primaries.

Good thing you’re praying for us.

Passover 2016—with Dutch Sheets, Washington DC
April 9 marks two weeks until Passover on Friday, April 22. Dutch Sheets is actually joining us at Davids Tent on the National Mall to mark this national transition. We’ll have a live webcast so you can join in. A conference call is planned for earlier in the afternoon.

Many prophetic voices, including Yolanda McCune, have poured into us key revelation confirming the significance of Passover THIS YEAR. Please mark the time from April 9 to April 22 for consecration, fasting and forerunning prayer towards the breakthrough God desires to give us all. Time for the Midnight Riders to break forth a new day in this land!

Glory Train Itinerary—Northeast Tour
April 15-16 Glory Train Conference with Kingdom Watchmen, Valley Shore Assembly, Old Saybrook CT
April 18  Revolution Boston with Cindy Jacobs, 6:30 pm Faneuil Hall Boston
April 19  Radiance Int’l House of Prayer, 6:30 pm 353 W. 48 Street Studio B, Times Square NYC
April 20  In the Light Ministries, Philadelphia PA with Jamie Fitt
April 22  Passover—Dutch Sheets, 6:30 pm Davids Tent, Washington DC

Dream—Train on Turnaround Mountain
Jolene and I love visiting with James Goll. The great thing about prophetic collaborations is that the voice of the Lord becomes amplified in our midst. Watch for this on tonight’s call.

I want to close by sharing a dream the Lord gave this morning. It contains both a blessing and a warning—to us personally, perhaps to the Lamplighter family, and to the nation.

Jolene and I were taking a train up a snowy, icy mountain. The tracks went completely around the mountain several times, going higher with each revolution until making it to the top.

When it came time to catch the train, only one other family member had made it to the station. Most of our family had actually missed the train! So we stopped midway up the “Turnaround Mountain” to wait for other family members to come aboard.

And that’s when the train started rolling backwards, back down the mountain. No brakes had been applied when the train stopped! Though the train derailed, all the cars remained upright. We had to get the cars back on track and start the climb again.

Friends, I feel prophetically the Lord is saying we are commencing a strategic journey to ascend “Turnaround Mountain.”  WE CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS TRAIN! We together need to be on time for this one!

The Glory Train is simply incomplete without all the family aboard. It’s way harder to stop in the middle of the mountain than for us to be on board and moving together from the beginning.

As the Lamplighter family, your intercession, fasting and engagement is an on-ramp to meet us at the station. In this regard, April 9-22 is so very key to the miracle the Lord is desiring to grant the land. It is pivotal for turnaround. Please pay whatever price for Heaven’s ticket, and lets get on the Glory Train together!

Further, not only do we need the engine of prayer to fuel the momentum, but we need brakes too. Jolene and I occasionally need breaks. Further, we need the brakes of intercession to halt the train and hold our place until we can move forward.

It goes without saying that your intercession and investment helps to bring both the acceleration and the braking of this Glory Train project. We are so grateful for your willingness to give your all, joined with us, to fully access the “turnaround window” the Lord has granted His people.

Turnaround. Exodus and Acts.Let My people Go. The restoration of God’s glory. Come on Glory Revolutionaries, lets roll!