JAMES GOLL ON PRAYER CALL TUESDAY NIGHT! 9-10pm EST. 9-10 pm EST. Please make plans now! Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!

Please note again that the prayer call this week has been shifted to TUESDAY NIGHT to accommodate James Goll’s schedule.

Hey! Thanks for your generosity these past few days! Only $300 remaining in costs for September’s Israel tour. THANK YOU LORD!!! If you’d like to donate, please visit link at right or go directly to www.lamplighterministries.net. You will share in the reward!

Our journey continues. Jolene and I have been in Houston Texas for the past few days, visiting with dear friends. We had the honor of briefly sharing at the Little White Church Sunday, as part of wonder-filled services led by Pastor Carolyn Sissom. Holy Spirit moved powerfully, just as He did when she ministered in DC during the National Day of Prayer. Thunder!

We’ve spent the past few days with two powerhouse prophetic intercessors whom we met while in DC. Terry Deckard, now a Houstonite, once lived on Pennsylvania Avenue directly between the Capitol and the White House. Rosie Phillips moved from Washington DC to Washington State, and is now the HAPN/RPN coordinator for the state.

What I find fascinating is that all of us are now integrally involved in prayer for Israel and the Mideast. Terry serves as a prayer coordinator for US-Israel Education Association, founded by Heather Johnston. And as you will see, Rosie Phillips became sovereignly drawn into prayer for Jerusalem after receiving an extraordinary vision while in DC. I heard the story afresh this morning. Below are her insights.

Vision of Washington and Jerusalem—Rosie Phillips
When I lived in Alexandria VA, I was driving into Washington DC for a prayer meeting. It was actually on my 35th anniversary. As I got to where the Pentagon is on 395, I looked over to the left, and I saw Jersualem superimposed on Washington DC. The skylines looked like the skyline of Jerusalem, though I didn’t see the Dome of the Rock. They were multilayered, it was jut like you’ve taken a mould of Jerusalem and put it right on top of Washington DC.

I asked the Lord why it looked like that today. I’ve driven the route often and have never seen this. He said, “This is a chosen city.”

I went to prayer meeting and couldn’t even focus on prayer meeting because I was so consumed with this vision. In my spirit I knew there was a strong connection between the two capitals.

Then I remembered a few perceptions. I remembered the “city on a hill” scripture, and Ronald Reagan’s desire that America be a city on a hill as well. I also remembered that Jesus wept over Jerusalem over missing its day of visitation. Finally, that we are the apple of His eye. This scripture is about Jerusalem and Israel, but I felt God’s love also for Washington DC as well.

Rick Ridings talked about a bridge being built between Jerusalem and Washington DC. Through this vision I saw there was a connection in every way—governmentally, spiritually. Clearly it means to me that there needs to be a greater connection. We need to be praying for Israel, connected to them. Spiritually and governmentally, there needs to be a working together, a coming together shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm.

Labor on Labor Day!
Friends, Holy Spirit is clearly emphasizing His desire for unity between Jerusalem and Washington at this time—not birthed by idolatry or fantasy, but by His heart and covenant dream for Israel and the entire Mideast. It is no coincidence that Rick Ridings came from Jerusalem to prophesy the emerging “Crown and Throne” movement in Washington DC last year. And remember the vision of the prayer movements entering into military formation to fight for Israel and the Mideast.

Further, it’s no coincidence that in this very hour we are being summoned to pray into James Goll’s dire warning about chemical weapons from Syria. Do you feel God’s heart in this? Do you feel the Spirit’s travail this Labor Day? Lets continue praying against their use in both Syria and Israel. Pray for Holy Spirit to fully align and mobilize prayer movements across the nation to travail and prevail for God’s dream in this hour… from Washington to Washington to Jerusalem!