DANIELLE FREITAG JOINS CALL TOMORROW! 9pm EST. Danielle is a pioneering leader in God’s new womens movement. She and her husband Corey are hosting the Justice Awakening 52 conference Super Bowl weekend to confront sexual exploitation and trafficking. We are honored to join them in St. Paul, Minnesota for the gathering. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!

Justice Awakening 52 Conference! Feb. 1-3, 2018, with Benji Nolot, Danielle Freitag, Jon & Jolene, more. Please see https://www.justiceawakening52.org for more information. 

NEW BOOK—THE MIDNIGHT CRY! Prophetic perceptions for 2018-2020 including Donald Trump, National Turnaround, more. To receive your copy of our new book click here.

L’chaim this Turnaround Tuesday. TO LIFE! And thank you for taking the time each Tuesday to pray for your sons and daughters. Luke 1:17 is so key. As we pray together across the nation, God is turning the hearts of the fathers back to the children, and the hearts of the children back to the fathers! 

That said, there is no greater intercessory priority this year than protection for our sons and daughters in the womb. This Friday marks the annual Right to Life March, held each year around the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. We are in a major “turnaround window” to set a new course for Washington DC and the nation FOR LIFE.

We are in a year to shift from a covenant of death empowering a culture of death to a covenant of life empowering a culture of life. This is perhaps the defining mandate on God’s heart for turnaround this year! Even the Hebrew meaning of “18” bears witness to this priority. The Hebrew word for 18 is chai, which means LIFE. “To life, to life, l’chaim!” 

The Trump administration has already made extraordinary strides, not just shifting the courts but also shifting stated policy across the spectrum of government. There’s still a long way to go. And I fully believe the Lord desires that 2018 go down in the record books as a year of LIFE!

So this week is a call to prayer for the Lamplighter family and for the body of Christ. Pray for President Trump—for protection, for wisdom, for the courage to continue defining the history of this nation for LIFE. For real. Pray for Administration officials tasked with this amazing work. Pray for Congress and the Supreme Court. Pray for government officials to clearly hear God’s heart and respond with all of their hearts. 

Because we must shift in America from a covenant of death empowering a culture of death to a covenant of life empowering a culture of life. By the grace of God the way has now been made! 

As the Lamplighter family, we have been entrusted with an apostolic prayer assignment to catalyze this turnaround. I am asking each of you to bring the LIFE mandate to the Table of the Lord tonight. Ask the Lord to enforce His verdict annulling the covenants with death and hell regarding abortion. Ask Him to expose the actions of those who remain aligned intentionally against God’s heart, perpetuating the systemic betrayal of our most sacred and foundational trust. That is protecting a life in the womb. 

“Can the prey be taken from the mighty man, or the captives of a tyrant be rescued?” 

Surely, thus says the Lord, even the captives of the mighty man will be taken away, and the prey of the tyrant will be rescued; for I will contend with the one who contends with you, and I WILL SAVE YOUR CHILDREN” (Isaiah 49:24-5). 

Covenant blessings to each of you,

Jon & Jolene