
PRAYER CALL TONITE! 9PM EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!


Jolene and I are on our way to Rochester, NY for five days of meetings with our friend Randy Baker, director of Pray New York and the HAPN/RPN leader for the state. There are many words about revival breaking out in this season. Please pray for us!

No King but Jesus… No King but Jesus!

Really that’s all my heart can convey. Thanks to all who came, and all who prayed, for hosting Holy Spirit and making Revolution exhilarating. Several seasoned believers have shared with us it was the most impacting conference they had been to!

If you’d like to “relive the Revolution,” please visit Whole Word Fellowship’s website. The sessions are there for you to review.

Thanks to the generosity of so many, we actually made budget this year! And attendees were also able to sow a significant offering to five prayer ministries in the metro DC area.

We are so grateful. So are they. There are simply no words to convey.

Miracle—The Turnaround Mantle
Last week, we shared with you the clear prophetic directive for Revolution that God is releasing a turnaround mantle. We asked you to believe God with us for the full restraint of the enemy’s hand, and the full release of His mantle to turn our nation and governance back to Him. Lynnie Harlow and Abby Abildness both wrote amazing prophetic words on this, and we were privileged to share with you our word for 2015, “A Mantle in the Whirlwind.”

Can I tell you just one story? On Friday, more than a hundred intercessors were able to invade Washington DC to pray onsite with this turnaround mantle, to release God’s turnaround mantle to our Nation’s highest seats of power.

We prayed at the Capitol, the Supreme Court, the Pentagon, the State Department. We prayed at the National Archives, where the US Constitution is on display. And we prayed at the White House.

We came to bless, not to curse. We came to see a turnaround.

Friday—News on Israel, Secretary of Defense
On this very day, President Obama announced his nominee for Secretary of Defense. And on this very same day, possible sanctions against Israel were leaked. We were apparently onsite during a key meeting where his nominee was introduced, and the Mideast peace process was debated. Keep this in mind as we continue.

And just ask yourself—what are the chances we would “happen” to be in DC on such an historic day? What are the chances that Dutch Sheets, a key apostolic leader for America, would join with Rick and Patti Ridings, key apostolic leaders for Israel, for prayer in the US Capitol as all this was transpiring?

Frankly, we chose Friday for the prayer journey because the sanctuary was being used during the day by a Christian school. So last Friday a fantastic generational healing seminar was facilitated nearby at the Northern Virginia House of Prayer (NOVA-HOP), and an ever-growing mob of revolutionary intercessors ventured to DC.

Receiving God’s Turnaround Mantle
We were mantled with the mantle God gave our founders, including William Penn, to bring this turnaround towards godly governance. And as you will see, we became mantled with a justice mantle granted to Martin Luther King. Keep this in mind as we continue.

But on Thursday evening, our team—Abby Abildness, Jamie Fitt, Jolene and me—felt that the Lord wanted us all to enter under a prophetic representation of this mantle, and receive prayer cloths from this mantle, during our offering. I believe about 500 were distributed.

And we soon became aware that something historic was in play. The Holy Spirit began to move in power, saturating each person and literally re-mantling them as they made their way through. Nobody wanted to move from under the mantle! What began as a prophetic action became the conduit of a tangible impartation, as your prayers became released. Endued with power from on high, literally. So that this turnaround mantle could be released in Washington DC.

Not soon after, Dutch Sheets got up and essentially prophesied an extraordinary message. No words to describe, you just have to watch it for yourself. He even prophesied revival for metro Washington DC!

Capitol: Releasing the Turnaround Mantle
That was Thursday night. Friday morning we began our journey. Veteran leaders Ruth Mizell and Ann Holland led us on a private tour of the Capitol with Dutch and his daughter Hannah; Rick and Patti Ridings; Yolanda McCune and Andy Leong from Oklahoma City, representing HAPN; Sara Ballenger, director of Capitol Hill Prayer Partners; Dan Cummings, who leads a weekly service at the Capitol; Judy Wade, lead intercessor for Skyline Church in San Diego; Kathy Magnusson, an incredible intercessor for America and Israel, Jason Hershey and Samuel, one of his spiritual sons from India; and of course fellow team members Jamie Fitt and Jim & Abby Ablidness.

We prayed. We received communion, and affirmed God’s covenant with America, and with Israel. We declared the seats of governance must align with God’s covenant. We together released God’s turnaround mantle in the Capitol, then dispersed to lead journeys across the Capitol city.

White House: Mantled for Justice and Union
That’s how our prayer journey began. We culminated across from the White House at Lafayette Park in the afternoon. That’s when Cornell and Ereina Etheridge, from Philadelphia, shared their story.

Just the week before, tragedy had enveloped Cornell and Ereina’s family. They lost two family members, including a beloved cousin who died in a fire. To attend the funerals meant missing the conference, which of course they were moving to do. But Holy Spirit clearly redirected them, compelling each of their hearts that they were being called to embrace a great sacrifice of obedience.  They were to attend Revolution instead.

We all wept. It was raining. God was weeping too.

They then shared how the Lord dramatically touched them—at the National Archives of all places. Turns out there was a Civil Rights exhibit featuring Dr. Martin Luther King. As they imbibed of the legacy of sacrifices that culminated in America’s true freedom, the Lord quickened to them about the extraordinary value of their stand for Jesus in this hour of tension in the pursuit of justice.

We all wept. It rained harder. Literally.

So when it came time to walk through the prophetic action to release God’s turnaround mantle, it was very clear who should wear it. At Lynnie Harlow’s direction, and following her vision, we placed a prayer mantle over them. It was on wrong, just as Lynnie had saw. We invoked  the Lord to restrain the hand of the enemy, and then reversed the mantle over them so that it was on right.

We all wept.

Then a brother in the group added another mantle, giving them an Appeal to Heaven flag, flown during the revolution but so well-known in this hour thanks to Dutch Sheets’ ministry.

We saw before our very eyes the merging of the Jewish prayer mantle, or tallit, with America’s Appeal to Heaven flag. In front of the White House, as our leaders and struggled with Israel and wrestled with Ferguson… brotherly love took over and God made us one. We didn’t orchestrate it, He did. We together just walked out His directive. Literally convey His dream for America that every tongue, tribe and nation embrace His heart together.

A turnaround was released—as the mantle of our founders melded with the mantle of the King. It began to pour down rain.

Israel—Turnaround becomes News!
If you watched the service that evening, you already know how Holy Spirit literally interrupted and took over as Cornell and Irena shared their story. To quote Amos and Martin Luther King, Let justice roll like a river, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream (Amos 5:24).

Wanna hear a miracle? On Monday, President Obama’s press secretary announced to the world that no sanctions against Israel were being imposed. Fox News correspondent literally called it “a turnaround” and “a reversal.”

Clearly we still have a long way to go. But take some time to celebrate that God’s grace is already beginning to make an impact. You know you just cannot make this stuff up…

Turnaround mantle released.