PRAYER CALL WEDNESDAY! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. 

NEW BOOK—THE MIDNIGHT CRY! Prophetic perceptions for 2018-2020 including the Burning Lamp Awakening, Rome to Jerusalem, Donald Trump, National Turnaround, more. To receive your copy of our new book click here.

“Were you here? Could you see it from your home?” 

When guests come, and we show them the view from our porch, the same question often arises. We live across the highway from the Pentagon. What was it like on 9-11?

Jolene and I didn’t even know each other then. I was an “intercessory missionary” in Kansas City when the towers fell, and the Pentagon was struck by planes commandeered by radical Islamist terrorists. But my life and world would forever change that day. I know yours changed as well. 

Honestly much of our watch right now for Washington DC and the nation is focused on a simple and solemn resolve. This must never happen again. We are especially grateful to all the prayer warriors out there keeping vigil through the midnight hours who carry in the depths of their being the same resolve. This posting is for you.

“The Midnight Cry” is our prophetic word for 2018. And actually this posting became the first chapter of our book by the same name. Especially as we face down Hurricane Florence these next few days, the prophetic perceptions seem accurate. Please read through. We’re going to focus on themes of “The Midnight Cry” over the next week or so.

A note on the midnight riders. During Chuck Pierce’s Head of the Year gathering, Chuck literally heard the sound of horses galloping through the sanctuary. I think we’re on to something…

The Midnight Cry—Prophetic Perceptions for 2018-2020
“Behold the Bridegroom. He’s coming. Rise up to meet Him!” 

The most anticipated words in human history are described by Jesus as a “midnight cry”. They signal His imminent return. In a pattern conveyed by ancient Hebrew customs, a Jewish Messiah is coming for His bride. Messengers will be sent before His face to announce His arrival. Across the nations, this bride is going to awaken, light her lamp, and join His great procession.

Recently the Lord began to highlight “the midnight cry” to me as  a prophetic message to describe His work in 2018 and beyond. I was at first surprised. Many who read Jesus’ parable of the wise and foolish virgins believe it refers solely to the the end times. After all, it clearly prophesies the return of the Bridegroom—in a midnight hour of history known as the end of days.

But are we really that far down the road right now? 

Not yet. But as you will see, Matthew 25, the passage surrounding this “midnight cry,” actually projects not only into the end of days but into every season of renewal and spiritual revolution that God initiates. They are all rooted in these amazing words. And we are in one of these very seasons right now.

Behold the Bridegroom. He’s coming. Rise up to meet Him!

Eight Keys for 2018
Here are eight keys to the “midnight cry” of Matthew 25 which are full of prophetic significance for 2018. We’re going to explore some of them more thoroughly later. The parable conveys:

  1. A midnight crisis—it’s really dark out there. Then suddenly the breakthrough comes and there’s no more delay. Both challenges and the answers to many prayers will be coming suddenly this year. We must keep a midnight watch to shift the midnight crisis. 
  2. A midnight cry—the midnight rider received and conveyed divine intelligence which positioned God’s people to advance. There’s a lot of rhetoric out there. But there’s also a genuine cry resounding from many prophets who are accurately perceiving the movements of His Spirit in the earth. We must know His timing. Tonight a summons to a wedding is being sounded. Time to behold the Bridegroom once again!
  3. A midnight awakening—the response to the midnight cry literally startles the bride awake. “Startling” is a key word for 2018. Many will be startled by God’s work this year. Many who awoke in 2016, who went back to sleep in 2017, will be startled awake before 2020.
  4. Burning lamps lit—as we awaken to Jesus in 2018, our lamps of devotion must be relit with fresh fire. Where you’ve been scattered, let your eyes again become focused so your body can be full of light. His glory is being restored! Watch for a “burning lamp movement” to arise. From region to region, God is resetting our lampstands and relighting the flame!
    And please remember that burning lamps bring exposure.
  5. The wise take oil—the wise virgins are commended for investing now to secure their provision for the future. In this season of economic resurgence it is wise for you to do the same. Gain the oil of the Spirit and resources in the natural to succeed in the journey ahead.  
  6. Exiting and entering—Jesus is drawing His true disciples to Himself. Note that the bride leaves the door of her home to join the wedding procession, and then enters into the door of His celebration. We are now in a season of open doors. Therefore how you exit and enter becomes very important. Redeem the time. Get moving! 
  7. New tabernacles movement—always remember that the bridal procession culminates under a bridal canopy. Look for a refreshing new season of intimacy to spring forth as God launches the next phase of His Amos 9:11 restoration of the Tabernacle of David. His glory will be a bridal canopy for His people! 
  8. From Rome to Jerusalem—This is part of the bridal procession this year as His menorah is being restored. God is emphasizing Hanukkah and Tabernacles for 2018. Watch how the lamp even becomes reunited with the tabernacle from 2018-2019. This will heal the eyes of the bride and fill her with 2020 vision. 

At Faneuil Hall in 7-22, 2014, the Lord released what we now call His “Turnaround Verdict.” From Daniel 7:22, a verdict of justice in favor of the saints, restraining the enemy and releasing the saints to possess the kingdom. Elections in both Israel and America, including the 2016 presidential elections, were dramatically impacted. A midnight turnaround! We’ll share more on this later in the book. 

We have begun to perceive Him as Judge, and now as King. What I want you to see, though, is how each ensuing season was actually sourced from our initial revelation of Jesus as Bridegroom. This is vital to understand. Because gaining a fresh vision of this Lover of our souls is key to unlocking the next wave of revelation the Lord wants to bring. 

Behold the Bridegroom. He’s coming! Rise up to meet Him.

Amos 9:11 Tabernacles Movement—5778
Our nation is now awakening and rising up. But where exactly are we going? This bridal procession has a destination! And scripturally, the journey of the bride culminates in a great celebration—under a bridal canopy. 

Prophetically, a new “Tabernacles movement” is beginning to usher in globally the next phase of the restoration of the Tabernacle of David. This movement is prophesied in Amos 9:11-14. I don’t believe it was any coincidence the Lord mandated that our own procession, a nationwide Glory Train journey, culminated at the 50 state, 50 tent “Awaken the Dawn” gathering. With 24-7 worship on the National Mall over the Feast of Tabernacles! 

The Lord is tabernacling with us. In fact, Tabernacles 5778 launched His body into both our new year Hebraically, and a new season of revelation that will move us forward from now through 2020.

Even the Hebrew meaning of this new year symbolically conveys this movement. Here’s just a taste. The number “8” is the Hebrew number “chet.” The picture of this number symbolically conveys two meanings. First, it conveys a door or a gate. Second it conveys a bridal canopy. A tabernacle. So it’s not a coincidence that as we entered into the Hebrew year 5778, the first major gathering of the body of Christ was a 50 state, 50 tent worship meeting on the National Mall! 

Remember that to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, God originally commanded His people to convene in their nation’s capital—Jerusalem—to worship the Lord in tents. “Awaken the Dawn” gathering was one of the closest representations of God’s original command seen since biblical days. 

And again, it is a sign for us. A new tabernacles movement is forming. Our covenant restoration is going to be met with His tangible presence, personally and corporately. Burning lamps will be restored to the tabernacle. New wineskins are going going to form to hold the best wine that Jesus has saved for last. 

And over all, His glory is going to be a bridal canopy for His people!

Limited Window of Opportunity
That said, there’s another message from the “midnight cry” we must take seriously this year. Because Jesus also warned that the door to His wedding ceremony would close very quickly. 

Please consider that the foolish virgins did not make it through the gate. They were shut out. And their only recourse was to try and take what the wise virgins had obtained. 

At first Jesus’ message seems way too abrupt, especially given the context. All are welcome at His wedding feast—after all, He died for us and rose again to secure our place by His side! 

But there are also consequences to our actions. Jesus is warning us to set the course of our lives accordingly and redeem the time. Because an amazing door has now opened for us to secure our future. We’ve emphasized over and over again this window of opportunity is limited. We must fully give ourselves while it is at hand. 

But how? `First, Jesus emphasized it is important to buy oil now that will sustain your lamp in the future. Plan and prepare. Invest in the destiny you know the Lord has summoned you to fulfill. Let your seed set the course for your future. Sow to the Spirit, and you will reap a perpetual flow of provision to sustain you through the journey! 

Second, as Jesus admonished, you need to keep watch. 

The Midnight Watch
Jesus opens His parable of the midnight cry by describing how the bridal party awakens and lights their lamps. An amazing, symbolic prophecy of a midnight watch in the midnight hours of history. A global prayer movement! 

He closes this entire parable by describing this call to His disciples. Nobody knows the day nor the hour. Therefore keep watch!

Note that the watch portrayed in this parable was not actually initiated by the bridal party’s awakening. Instead, the watch originated with a solitary forerunner who kept alert while others slept. He received the divine intelligence about God’s timing. And he rode to convey the orders he received. 

That’s your invitation as well.

Again, I believe we will see the resurgence of a “burning lamp movement this year” which will empower the prayer movement to keep this watch Jesus is calling forth. A midnight cry to counter a midnight crisis.

Many are looking for signals, but perhaps a signal has already been sent. In 2007 James Goll released a profound book called Prayer Storm. He was commissioned by the Lord in a dream to relight and release the global Moravian lampstand. A global 24-7 watch of the Lord to counter the global end-time storms that would soon ensue. 

Quite literally, a midnight watch.

The book and movement were both ahead of their time. To our amazement, James recently entrusted Jolene and me with the leadership of this movement. And I believe the imagery of a global Prayer Storm speaks more into the coming years than we could possibly imagine.   

The Midnight Crisis
Here’s some real-time divine intelligence regarding a midnight crisis. Just after Hurricane Harvey struck the shores of Texas, our friend Lynnie Harlow released the following word.

“On Monday night I had a dream. In the dream I was asking God to protect our President. I also asked him help our President start to say things more diplomatically. I heard God loud and clear tell me “NO” to the second one. He then said, “I am using the foolish things to confound the wise. And over the next 3 months there will be a huge shaking back to back to back on a National level.

“But then breakthrough WILL COME. And through the hard places a CRY will come forth in this Nation and the flood of MY spirit will not cease.”

Lynnie prophesied huge shakings would occur back to back to back. Amazingly, after she prophesied this word two other hurricanes—Irma and Maria—formed and hit our nation. Along with Hurricane Harvey, they literally struck back to back to back.

It is amazing how prayer lessened the impact. I’ll share one amazing story with you in a moment. But even after the storms, more shakings continued.

  • North Korea successfully tested a hydrogen bomb, and then threatened to unleash hell on our land.
  • A sniper in a Las Vegas resort hotel sprayed bullets into a crowd attending a country music concert, leaving 58 dead and 546 injured.  
  • Shakings in Hollywood exposed Hollywood gatekeeper Harvey Weinstein and his reprehensible legacy of sexual abuse. 
  • The reverberations continued in Washington DC with injustice and corruption being daily exposed at a level which made Watergate look like child’s play. 
  • On October 31, ISIS struck our homeland. A terrorist rammed into a crowd of people, killing eight and wounding eleven. It was the largest known terror strike in New York City since September 11. 
  • At least 26 people were killed after a gunman entered a church service in a small town near San Antonio, TX. It was the worst shooting incident in Texas history. We are praying for the survivors. 

Back to back to back. Seeing the accuracy of Lynnie’s word, my greatest hope is for the rest of this prophetic promise to be fulfilled as comprehensively. Preferably immediately. Through the hard places a cry will come forth, and the flood of My Spirit will not cease. 

What provokes the hand of God to move? What can lessen the impact of coming storms? More than anything, the cry of your prayers. 

Countering a Category 5
Hurricane Irma was barreling towards Florida when my friend Mario Bramnick, an apostolic leader from Fort Lauderdale, received an amazing assignment. He felt the Lord called him to remain and pray onsite. You might remember that Irma was a Category 5 hurricane, the strongest seen in the Atlantic in more than a decade. 

And it was the second of the “back to back to back” hurricanes Lynnie Harlow had seen. Forecasters had predicted a direct hit for Mario’s home. 

My advice was to get out of there, and I even invited his family to fly to DC and stay with us. But he felt strongly to stay and keep watch! It was amazing to see how the storm suddenly shifted away from Florida. If it had remained only 20 miles to the east, most of the state would have literally been devastated. Instead the winds and rain caused only minimal damage. 

What an incredible lesson for us all to learn. Note that I am by no means endorsing the idea of remaining onsite during a hurricane. But I am advocating a “prayer storm” to counter the coming storms. 

Keep watch! Keep your lamp burning. Your midnight watch can absolutely lessen the impact of the storms of coming challenges. Or avert them all together.

White House Prayer
“Have you ever heard the story of the midnight cry? Like, with Paul Revere?” 

Having just prayed through a hurricane, Mario Bramnick called me to get details on Lynnie Harlow’s word. He had also just heard in his spirit the phrase “midnight cry.” As in the days of Paul Revere, there’s a midnight crisis which provokes a midnight cry. 

“I’ve heard something similar, my friend.” He didn’t know I had received two prophecies, one by Cindy Jacobs, prophesying that I was a “spiritual Paul Revere.” More on that in a moment.

Mario’s focus on a coming cry actually began began in our home a few months before. Looking out our window at Washington DC, we spent some time praying in preparation for a meeting we were attending at the White House—actually to mobilize prayer. 

Immediately the Lord began to quicken to him how circumstances must provoke a new level of prayer, a cry from His people. Mario even felt that President Trump was being invited to lead the way. This perception is already proving very accurate. From calling a national day of prayer to invoking God to overcome friction between nations, Trump has led the nation in crying out to Jesus. We in turn must continue to pray for him! 

President Trump is a revolutionary figure. From the beginning of his candidacy we’ve prophesied that he will be a Winston Churchill for our time. The most important question then becomes—Why does America need a Winston Churchill in this hour? 

What exactly are we facing?

Maybe this is why the Lord is so emphasizing the midnight cry for 2018. Note that Winston Churchill’s fierce leadership through World War II was accompanied by a “burning lamp movement” of 24-7 prayer led by Welsh intercessor Rees Howells. I know the Trump administration desperately needs this magnitude of prayer as our nation confronts the challenges of our time. We need a midnight cry… beginning at the White House! 

The Midnight Riders
When Mario asked about Paul Revere, I almost mentioned the copy of our book “Crown & Throne” I had given him. It chronicles the rise and calling of a new breed of spiritual revolutionaries. I’m sure he read it! He probably just overlooked that part. 

In case you missed it too… here’s a recap of the story. Like many born in Massachusetts, I’m actually a direct descendant of one of the Pilgrims who signed the Mayflower Compact and committed this land and government to Jesus Christ. I am also a distant cousin of legendary patriot Paul Revere. His “midnight ride” launched the American Revolution—and birthed our nation. 

Revere observed two lamps burning in the steeple of the Old North Church, signaling that a British invasion of Boston had commenced. He began a midnight ride through neighboring villages, awakening the local militias to fight with what became known as “the midnight cry.”

Back in 1998, a prophetic word redefined my world. I had just hosted a conference in Boston’s Faneuil Hall, known as the “womb of the American Revolution.” I then flew to Kansas City for a conference. A prophet still unknown to me shared the following vision:

“You are a spiritual Paul Revere. I see you holding out a burning lamp, going from city to city. And instead of saying “The British are coming! The British are coming!” You are saying “the Lord is coming! The Lord is coming!”

The prophet had no idea my ministry was called Lamplighter, yet he saw me holding a burning lamp! Neither had he any idea I had just held a conference in Boston’s Faneuil Hall. It was the epicenter of Paul Revere’s revolution. 

A few years later Cindy Jacobs prophesied to me the very same mandate—literally almost word for word. How she does things like this, I still have no idea.

“You are a spiritual Paul Revere…” Cindy began. She then added one simple phrase to this prophetic message. “And everywhere you go, revival is going to break forth.”

Two different prophets, one unknown and one known worldwide, conveyed the exact same message to me word for word. An amazing calling. But I simply could not grasp either the message or how to move forward. This “Paul Revere” was stuck!

Then one morning in 2001, revelation came. I was seeking the Lord at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, and my Bible randomly fell open to Matthew 25.

“Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, but the prudent took oil in flasks along with their lamps. 

Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep. But at midnight there was a shout, ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’ Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps…” (Matthew 25:1-7).

To my astonishment, these words seemed to leap right from the pages… and into my mysterious prophecy! Matthew 25 actually conveys a midnight ride. With a midnight cry. And even a midnight awakening or revival! Further, this midnight rider was sent before Jesus to announce His coming.

And in response to the cry, the bridal party lit their lamps! As they awakened, they trimmed their lamps and went out to meet the Bridegroom. Which meant that the midnight rider who inspired them was actually a “Lamplighter.” 

I also immediately knew that many “lamplighters” were going to be raised up before the great midnight cry actually resounds. John the Baptist was a prototype of this calling, a “burning lamp” announcing Christ’s first coming. Likewise in the end times, a great company of midnight riders, holding out their own burning lamps, will be sent before His face to announce His movement in the earth. Behold the Bridegroom!

And their midnight cry will summon multitudes to the wedding celebration. NO KING BUT JESUS!