TOMORROW—OFFICIAL LAUNCH of the 2019 Midnight Cry Prayer Project, Feb. 1-22. Watching through the third month as prophesied by Chuck Pierce last December. We will see and pray through defining moments of history!

TOMORROW—PRAY GEORGIA ANNUAL ASSEMBLY! Feb. 1-2, Columbus GA. Georgia is called to set a new way forward for our nation in this season. So we are honored to join Ed and Lynn Alderson for this incredibly strategic gathering! For more information or to register CLICK HERE.

IT’S TIME! Glory Outpouring, Feb. 8-10, Josiah Center, St. Paul MN with Pastor Dave Carlson. It’s cold outside… but revival fire is blazing in Minnesota! Join us as we encounter His glory.

FIRST—tomorrow we launch the Midnight Cry Prayer Project through February 22. I feel like God has sanctified this time almost as a response to the 21 day watch starting the year. I sense the Lord saying “Defining moments of history.” Lets get on the wall and keep watch!

I was literally watching on the walls of Jerusalem in 2015 when the Lord spoke about to me about our 2016 presidential election. It was actually election day for Israel, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu winning in a dramatic turnaround. 

“As you have stood for My election in My covenant land, so I am releasing an election turnaround for your nation in 2016.” 

Turnaround. Unexpectedly, Trump. And God’s turnaround is absolutely still in play as we enter into his third year of his presidency. A season of perpetual breakthrough that transcends politics yet impacts this sphere. Locally, regionally, nationally.

State of the Union—Pray!
This Tuesday evening, February 5, President Trump will deliver one of the most important State of the Union addresses in recent history. Tradition has finally transcended political vitriol as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi invited Trump to give his message in the House auditorium. 

I am asking each of you to engage NOW through Tuesday in prayer as President Trump and his advisors put his message together. Pray for Holy Spirit wisdom, clarity, and anointing. Pray for ease and flow in delivering the message. And pray for the hearts of those assembled—both sides of the aisle—and all Americans to hear with open hearts what the President seeks to convey. DECLARE THE IMPASSE IS OVER!

Left Wing, Right Wing—Return to Him
I want to emphasize again what the Lord emphasized to me a week before election day last November. While praying I looked out our window and saw a bald eagle soaring over the Potomac. The eagle, of course, is a symbol for our nation. As the eagle soared, Capitol was in the background, then the White House. All of the sudden the eagle caught an updraft and shot up higher, circling the area from a height I could barely see. 

Note this wasn’t a vision, it was real. Nevertheless it was clearly a prophetic experience from the Lord. 

I then heard the Lord give a word of warning to the Democratic Party—really to both parties. It amazes me how relevant this word is right now, given the historic push by Democrat-led state legislatures to legalize what is essentially infanticide. Late term abortion to the point of birth.

“The Lord says, RETURN TO ME! Dive into the cleansing water of My blue wave. Let My revelation cleanse you. Let the current of My river redirect you from the sewer your platform is spiraling headlong into. Open your eyes underwater and let me wash all defilement from your vision. Let Me release My waters and birth you anew. 

For I desire a left wing and right wing for My eagle of this nation, pure and strong, so that I may thrust this nation higher. But know that I have already rendered My judgement against the evil intentions and immorality you have propagated even to my children in this land. Therefore I will not allow your defiled waters to redirect the course of this nation any more.”

Prophets—Be the Eyes of the Eagle!
Hear God’s heart in this. He wants all of us—whatever political party or affiliation—to return to Him. To return to covenant with God, and return to the Judeo-Christian values which provided the infrastructure and framework for the greatness we as a freedom nation still enjoy. He wants a left wing and a right wing centered in Him so we can soar higher. 

The other option is to fly aimlessly in circles and eventually be devoured by each other. Break the impasse!

Final point. He wants the prophets to return to this same plumbline of covenant consecration to Him. We are not to be owned by the left wing, nor are we to be owned by the right wing. Instead we are to be the EYES OF THE EAGLE. With vision to guide and direct the nation higher. 

Trump’s First Two Years—Five Accomplishments
It is with this heart of covenant alignment alone I want to emphasize five major accomplishments of the Trump administration during his first two years in office. As Jolene and I travel it has become clear to me that most followers of Christ are not fully aware these have been achieved. Especially given the unprecedented resistance faced by the administration, they are actually extraordinary. And they are covenant issues. 

  1. Shift to LIFE. The Trump administration is the most pro-life administration in American history—not only in words but in deeds. Yes two conservative justices have been seated on the Supreme Court. But Trump is not waiting for Roe v Wade to be reversed. The administration is working to effectively eradicate abortion practices from government policy. Across the spectrum of departments. Even including a bold and historic announcement at the United Nations that America is now a pro-life nation!

  2. Historic Turnaround—Judicial Appointments. Not just Supreme Court justices but also a massive influx of conservative judges on a Federal level. These appointments are stemming the trend of judicial activism, and will direct the American judicial system for decades to come.

  3. Honoring Jerusalem as Capital of Israel. Most believers do not fully comprehend the magnitude of this extraordinary decision. Trump openly defied 70 years of global diplomacy which essentially forbade the sovereign nation from choosing Jerusalem as its capital.

  4. Withdrawal from Iran Nuclear Accords. Here’s another major accomplishment which many believers do not fully appreciate. During the Obama era, more than a hundred billion dollars was released from America to Iran even while its leaders re-emphasized their relentless pursuit to “wipe Israel off the map” and “destroy America.” Still the Shiite nation’s greatest goal wasn’t to conquer Jerusalem, but to overtake and rule the Islamic holy cities of Mecca and Medina. Our previous support for Iran thrust the entire Mideast into confusion and volatility, especially among our allies. Curbing the deal eradicated a covenant with death that was set for Israel’s destruction and our own.

  5. Economic Turnaround. Most would put this first—and for good reason. We all know about the booming stock market and the millions of jobs generated by a revitalized economy which has resulted in the lowest unemployment rates for blacks, hispanics and women in 40 years. But economic gain without God’s hand of blessing would ultimately be short-lived. The above policies have helped to realign our nation covenantally with God. Therefore ensuring His hand upon our economy as we secure the path of this new way forward. 

These much-needed course corrections are opening doors of opportunity for ALL AMERICANS. A new way forward, despite challenges, is for ALL AMERICANS.