PRAYER CALL TONIGHT! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!

PRAY GEORGIA ANNUAL ASSEMBLY! Feb. 1-2, Columbus GA. Georgia is called to set a new way forward for our nation in this season. So we are honored to join Ed and Lynn Alderson for this incredibly strategic gathering! For more information or to register CLICK HERE.

IT’S TIME! Glory Outpouring, Feb. 8-10, Josiah Center, St. Paul MN with Pastor Dave Carlson. It’s cold outside… but revival fire is blazing in Minnesota! Join us as we encounter His glory.

I’M ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT. So many breakthroughs are occurring all at once here in Washington DC. I shared Friday about the re-release of the LIFE Decree and Writ of Mandamus nationally with HAPN leaders. Lynn Alderson led a special call. I had felt to make my prayers and declarations by the White House, praying for President Trump of course as well. 

Who knew then that the end of the government shutdown would be announced at that very time! On the very day after our “New Way Forward” project culminated. 

I’m mentioning this experience again in profound gratitude to the Lord. Knowing there’s so much more to share when the time is right! We have entered a season of breakthrough. Jolene and I are counting on the daily intercession of the Lamplighter family towards this end. Thanks so much again for taking this journey together!

By the way, President Trump accepted an invitation extended by Nancy Pelosi, and his State of the Union address is now scheduled for February 5. Lets keep President Trump surrounded and saturated by prayer through this time especially.

“Midnight Cry” Begins Friday!
That said, on Friday lets officially begin a 22-day “Midnight Cry” watch. I feel like we spent much of the “New Way Forward” project peering into the doorway that the Lord was wanting to open, and perceiving the promises He has for us in this season. “In the third year of Cyrus… a message was revealed…” (Dan. 10:1). WE ARE NOW THROUGH THE GATES of the third year of Cyrus’ rule. Lets press in and access the promises held out before us! 

By the way our next two weekends of ministry will be focused on this acceleration. Join us in Columbus GA Friday and Saturday with Ed and Lynn Alderson, longtime favorites of the Lamplighter family. We will then venture NORTH to a church that has been in perpetual revival for more than a year! Yup…. It’s cold outside in St. Paul, but inside the fire is blazing…

Incredible breakthroughs are at hand. Let me whet your appetite just a little. Throughout 2018 a primary rallying cry for the Lamplighter family was “l’Chaim.” LIFE! This focus has been breathed on again by Holy Spirit in 2019, the year of the womb. 

Roe v Wade Overthrown? Word by Lynnie Harlow
All that said, let me pose a question. Is it possible that nationally legalized abortion through Roe v Wade will be overturned? Are we now in that season? 

This morning Jolene and I received an astonishing text from our prophetic friend Lynnie Harlow. It seems that last night she received a dream from the Lord which indicates the time is at hand:

I dreamed that abortion was overturned. The residual problem from it was now finding homes for all the babies the mothers did not want. 

There was long lines of mothers in a building that was like a HUGE hanger where they keep airplanes. There was 2 lines for the ladies to get in and they both were so long they went out the doors. 

Some already had their babies and some were just about to have them. I started to feel overwhelmed by the numbers and thought, “how are we going to place all of them?” I could not believe the long lines and how overwhelming it was. 

At one point I thought, “this is impossible…we’ll never find homes for all these little ones”.  But then my spirit checked me and I realized…WE ARE ALL THEY HAVE! So I keep working to place these precious little ones with families. There was a whole army of us working side by side to get this done.

I believe the dream is real-time. Meaning that we need to focus our intercession as much on releasing God’s Spirit of adoption for children in the womb as we have prayed for the lives of these children to be preserved. 

The tide turns this year. I believe the recent blood moon, demarcating the third year of Trump’s presidency at precisely 12:12 am, was a sign of this midnight turnaround from a midnight cry. Exodus 12:12 conveys the execution of a verdict which was largely catalyzed by Pharaoh’s abortion of all the firstborn Jewish boys, as recorded in Exodus 1:22. The ultimate expression of subjugation. Not a coincidence that Roe v Wade was enacted on 1-22 of 1973. Or that New York State passed its legislation legalizing abortion to the point of birth on 1-22 of this year. 

Finally, remember how Revelation 12 conveys this “year of the womb.” With a woman giving birth to God’s chosen deliverer, and a dragon seeking to devour the child to prevent his rulership. This happened in the days of Moses. This happened in the days of Jesus. And it is happening today for a reason. Watch for God’s hand in deliverance as this freedom movement moves through the 12:12 gates. His glory train, His freedom train, is again making a midnight ride. His horsepower has been released. 

And on a national and global basis, a midnight cry is resounding through the midnight hour, catalyzing His great awakening. LET MY PEOPLE GO!