Sept. 25-Oct. 7, 2018. With with James Nesbit, Ed Watts, Jamie Fitt, Jon & Jolene. Cost: $4990 including food & lodging, airfare, transportation, etc. Deposit $500 with registration

HIGHLIGHTS—thirteen day tour from Rome to Jerusalem with onsite worship, culminating on Feast of Tabernacles. Three days in Rome includes Vatican Tour, Coliseum, Capitol Hill, Catacombs, more. Ten days in Israel includes Jerusalem, Shiloh, Caesarea, Haifa, the Galilee, Jordan River, more.

WEBSITE OPEN! TO REGISTER or for more information, please click on following link:

NEW BOOK—THE MIDNIGHT CRY! Prophetic perceptions for 2018-2020 INCLUDING ROME TO JERUSALEM TOUR. To receive your copy CLICK HERE. 

CALL REPLAY—ROME TO JERUSALEM! With James Nesbit. One of our most powerful calls, casting vision for the Crown & Throne Rome to Jerusalem Tour. You don’t want to miss! To listen CLICK HERE. Webcast replay CLICK HERE. 


Passion. Beauty. History. Destiny. Rome and Jerusalem are uniquely paired among the cities of the earth for all who genuinely seek the Lord, and seek to discover the covenant roots of our faith. Further, we believe Israel’s 70th anniversary marks the threshold of a global move of God’s Spirit—similar in magnitude to the Reformation. 

A prophetic summons is now being issued. Tabernacles 2018. From holy city to holy city. Your invitation to a turning point in history!

A highlight of our journey will be ONSITE “Crown & Throne” prophetic worship at key historic sites. Three days in Rome will include a special Vatican Tour, as well as the Coliseum, Capitol Hill, the Catacombs, fountains, more. Then ten days in Israel will bring us us to Jerusalem, Shiloh, Caesarea, the Galilee, the Jordan River, and much more.

Jesus desires to restore burning lamps of passion in our lives—a burning lamp awakening. And He desires to restore the burning lamp of His menorah this year from Rome to Jerusalem! In 70 AD, the Roman Empire destroyed Jerusalem, tore down the Temple, and forced the Jewish people into exile and subjugation. Ancient art depicts Jewish captives carrying their Temple Menorah into Rome, claimed as spoils of war. 

In 2018, on the 70th anniversary of Israel’s rebirth, the Lord wants to reverse this journey.

In his day, Daniel perceived through scripture how 70 years would mark a new season of restoration. We are at a similar threshold today. It’s time to restore what was stolen and plundered. It’s time to set a new course for the future. It’s time for fresh provision for this burning lamp awakening!

Over Tabernacles. What a time to see the global Body of Christ aligned with Jerusalem, with Yahweh’s ancient covenant and end-time plan! As part of the tour, you will take part in a global, simultaneous “vav” initiative, staking the ground from Capitol Hill in Rome to Capitol Hill in DC, to all 50 state capitals in the USA and many capitals in the nations. Lord, extend your tent pegs and tabernacle with us!

Note that this journey is NOT a normal study tour; instead we are being summoned together to honor a “womb moment” in which the Father’s eternal purposes are being birthed for Israel and the nations. So friends, lets light our lamps—and from Rome to Jerusalem, lets go out to meet the Bridegroom in 2018! He’s standing at the gates even now, waiting for your arrival. Not by might nor power but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts!