CALL TONIGHT 9PM ET! Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm!

WATCH OF THE BREAKER 2024! April 1-Passover for Israel and America. 



One year ago, Jolene and I were leading the Spirit of Elijah tour along with Ed Watts and Jamie Fitt. On the first day of our tour Kristin Walch received a dream where she saw that the journey would be joyful, without terror threats, but on the final day the Lord would give us a prophetic alarm that must be sounded.

And on the final day we unexpectedly finished the tour at Yad Vashem, the Jewish Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem. It was the only day they could fit a hundred people from our tour. 

Our friend Robert Weigner accompanied us. He had just discovered more of his family that had perished in the Holocaust. We walked the halls together, haunted by the displays conveying the unprecedented rise in antisemitism under Hitler, and the heartbreaking travesty suffered by the Jewish people. 

Our tour group regathered in an open courtyard outside. Robert raised his Lion of Judah shofar to heaven and began to play Taps. The military song honoring the fallen. Not a dry eye in the place.

Unexpectedly the Lord prompted Robert to present the Lion of Judah shofar to Jolene and me as a gift. We were blown away by this act of generosity. Then suddenly the lights came on, and we both realized that it was a fulfillment of Kristin’s prophecy. At Yad Vashem a commissioning had been given. A prophetic alarm had been entrusted for us us to sound. 

Our first prophetic word warned about Iran seeking war against Israel because their generals perceived the covenant land was at its weakest point in decades due to internal division. We also echoed warnings we had earlier given of the rise of antisemitism, even in America. The book Turnaround Decrees tackles this in both the introduction and the final chapter. 

We are now here. Israel is at war not only with proxies, but with Iran itself. Meanwhile campuses nationwide are exploding with antisemitic demonstrations. 

And the Watch of the Breaker continues. Join us tonight as we pray. YOUR INTERCESSION MUST PREVAIL.