Call Tonight! 9PM ET Lamplighter Call
Call tonight! Jon & Jolene are home in DC after three weeks of traveling. (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm! 

FIRST—SUCH A MIRACLE. WE MADE IT! Thanks to all who sowed into the 24 for ’24 giving project. We came home today and discovered a few miracle checks in the mail actually pushed us across the threshold, even beyond our goal of $24,000! Thank you friends for your incredible generosity. The Lord provides! 

Three projects will hugely benefit from this funding. First and foremost, the Redeem America Project. Second, a special Israel project that’s been on hold until this season. Third, funding for our winter book-writing project with Destiny Image. Gonna be a big one! So thank you so much again.

TONIGHT’S FOCUS for our call is going to be preparation and prayer for the year-long, nationwide Redeem America Project. Please join us tonight as we pray into God’s strategy. Much has been clarified during our recent tour. Looking forward to sharing and seeking with you!