Start the new year with key teaching, revelation, and impartation


Start the new year with key teaching, revelation, and impartation

GIDEON RECLAMATION PROJECT! Jan. 1-21. With consecration, fasting and prayer. 

FIRST TURNAROUND TUESDAY OF 2023! Take time to pray for your sons and daughters. Lets see a generation return to Jesus. LET MY CHILDREN GO!

SPECIAL VIDEO THIS WEEK! Instead of our regular broadcast, please enjoy this video message “Receiving the Mantle of Elijah”—by Chris Mitchell Jr and Jon Hamill. Clear, cutting edge revelation is presented on the mantle of Elijah as a mantle of fathering. You will gain from a significant impartation at the end. 

Note: Our regularly scheduled broadcast will return next Tuesday!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! And welcome to the first Turnaround Tuesday of 2023. Please take time NOW to pray for your sons and daughters! 

Together we are seeing the Lord restore His anointing to turn the hearts of the fathers and mothers to their children, the hearts of the children to their fathers and mothers, and a nation to the Lord. That is the Elijah anointing. And today we are excited to partner with you to pick up the Elijah mantle!

Receiving the Elijah Mantle
This weekend we saw the Lord move in tremendous power as Chris Mitchell and I shared revelation on the dynamics of the Elijah mantle. Remember the Elijah mantle is a turnaround mantle. And as Chris brought out in his cutting-edge message, the Elijah mantle is at the core a fathering mantle. 

When we then moved together to pick the mantle up, Holy Spirit fell in power at a magnitude I have rarely experienced. In fact the glory carried over into the New Years Eve session to the extent we were literally without words entering into 2023. 

I have done my level best to communicate the release of this grace through a written post, but words alone simply cannot do it justice. So instead we are sharing with you a special conference video of the experience.

Here’s a very brief backstory. In July the Lord gave me a vision of picking up a mantle by the Jordan River. This December 10th we engaged in a prophetic action according to the vision. But a few days before He spoke to us to consecrate ourselves as Gideon. This consecration took us to both Tel Megiddo (Armageddon) and Gideon Springs, where Gideon separated out or consecrated his army. 

We are so glad you too have consecrated yourselves as Gideon. Therefore our prayer is that you as well will be enveloped by this “turnaround mantle” for your spheres and nation. Pick up the mantle! 

As you watch the video you’ll recognize the “Fire Mantle” released to us by Apostle John during the 2022 HAPN gathering, as well as a plain white mantle purchased in Jerusalem. These two mantles represented the “double portion anointing” as we followed through with the prophetic act by the Jordan River. We of course are the same mantles for now.

Why am I mentioning this? Because in a very real way our journey these past months was simply an expansion of what began with Apostle John and the HAPN leadership team. The mantle of Gideon. The mantle of Elijah. The legacies of both are being carried through as we too engage in restoring God’s covenant within our spheres and nation, divorced from Baal. A new covering is forming. And grace is being released to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, the hearts of the children to the fathers, and a nation back to the Lord. State by state and in Washington DC. 

What a way to start 2023! The video is below. Again, Happy New Year and covenant blessings to each of you. NO KING BUT JESUS!