FIREWATER! March 28, 29, 31. Todd Smith returns to Remnant Church, Brunswick GA for baptism revival meetings. Jon and Jolene joining with major announcement on east coast Glory Train movement. If you’re anywhere close, please join us!

PLEASE PRAY! At the word of the Lord, Jolene and I have taken March to pray, plan and focus on Washington DC. We have seen amazing breakthroughs already. Please keep us covered! 

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THIS PURIM! RICK RIDINGS CALL TO FAST, PRAY— Prayer for these priorities will continue through the 21 day “Now Therefore Arise” prayer project. YOUTUBE VIDEO CLICK HERE. 

PURIM 2019—Jolene and I had just returned yesterday from meetings at the White House complex when astounding news broke. Many of our whispered prayers there had been immediately answered—seemingly in real time. President Trump once again moved against severe diplomatic opposition and strengthened the future of Israel. This time by taking a decisive and courageous stand in support of Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

This as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seemed to provide very public prayer coverage—TOGETHER AT THE WESTERN WALL. 

Genuine deliverance came ON PURIM! Unprecedented. You literally cannot make this stuff up. 

Not to miss a Haman moment, Russia, Turkey and Iran have since condemned Trump’s decision and pledged more support for Syria. Remember the clear warning Rick Ridings and Andrew Brunson trumpeted at Revolution this December. Quite literally a line has been drawn in the sand. And the Russia-Turkey-Iran alliance is obviously now absolutely in full swing. 

Pray Now for Trump!
This history-defining moment was occurring just as fresh rumors began to swirl through the corridors of power in Washington DC regarding the soon-to-be-released Mueller Report. More on that in a moment. For the immediate, I’m sure it’s a difficult moment for President Trump right now. Our nation—and especially the faith community—owes the President a YUGE debt of gratitude for his courage to simply do what’s right, nationally and internationally. God’s covenant boundaries were honored by the United States today through President Trump’s leadership. And His blessing will be commanded in return!

“The covenant I have made with you, you shall not forget, nor shall you fear other gods. But the Lord your God you shall fear, and He shall deliver you from the hand of every adversary!” (2 Kings 17:38-39). Pray this with me. Lord, President Trump on Purim honored Your covenant with the land and people you eternally call Your own. We are asking now that You deliver him from the hand of EVERY ADVERSARY. Lord by Your Spirit, now release Your covering over him. We release Your shalom, Your covenant peace which devours and displaces all chaos. Expose all plots from the Haman structure seeking to destabilize him and even rob him of life. Uncover Haman’s guilt. Immediately summon Your prayer army to press in to You on President Trump’s behalf. Enough is enough! In Jesus’ Name AMEN. 

Golan—Securing the Gate to Israel
Our friend Lynn Alderson prophesied that 2019 was a year to secure the gates. This is exactly what Trump and Netanyahu have accomplished with the Golan Heights. 

Two years ago, Jolene and I, along with James Nesbit, Jamie Fitt and Ed Watts, brought a hundred leaders and intercessors on tour to pray on the Golan Heights. An Israeli IDF watchtower was behind us, and the border fence was before us. We were right on the border with Syria.

Live worship kicked into high gear, a hundred voices strong. And that’s when our tour guide pointed towards the fields just across the fence and submitted a chilling warning. ISIS was close enough on the other side of the fence to actually hear us! 

Most of you know our team. Lets just say our guide’s watchful observation only encouraged more resolute sound. Accompanied by fervent prayer for Israel and the people of Syria! 

Right now, of course, the radicalized Iranian regime has displaced ISIS as the primary terror threat emerging from Syria. We’ve all known Israel remains the ultimate target of radical Islamist terrorists—whether Sunni or Shia. We’ve all seen the devastation imposed on nations by their assaults. But on the Syrian border with Golan it all suddenly became very real. Existential threats absolutely remain at Israel’s gate. And securing the natural barrier of the Golan is essential to keep Israel safe.

Purim and the Real Election Collusion
Four years ago on Purim eve, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sought help from the United States to curb Iran’s terror ambitions. He made an historic address before a joint session of Congress. We in turn made a decision to completely destabilize Israel’s security, and even destabilize the Prime Minister himself. Haman’s hand was strengthened greatly through the Iranian nuclear accords. More than $150 billion was released to a nation dedicated to eradicating Israel from the face of the earth—and America as well. The administration of that time even diverted State Department funds to destabilize Netanyahu and strengthen his opposition in the election process. 

As the Mueller Report is set to be released, lets remember THE REAL ELECTION COLLUSION by a foreign nation against another nation’s soverign, democratic process. The very ones who now accuse Trump were integrally involved in the deliberate targeting of Prime Minister Netanyahu. 

And lets also remember how this Mueller probe started. The famed “intelligence dossier” alleging Russia collusion was actually a hit job funded by Trump’s opposition—the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Yet it was passed off as legitimate actionable intelligence by even Republican opponents of then-candidate Trump.

You can’t make this stuff up. I say this through tears. Please pray for Trump. And pray for our nation to rise up with a holy intoleration of Haman’s clear plots of subversion. Ultimately these powerbrokers are not subverting Trump. They are subverting the will of the American people and the legitimate voting process. Their goal is a complete takeover and indoctrination of the great people who inherited freedom’s torch for this generation. LET MY PEOPLE GO!

Passover to Purim—Prophetic Directive
Let me prophesy to you. From Purim to Passover the Lord is arising to perpetuate the Purim miracle in your life, and even within the halls of government. GOD IS OVERCOMING THE THE DEFICIT OF JUSTICE IN THE LAND.

I prophesy to you that Haman structures and hidden Pharaoh structures will indeed be exposed. So will Haman’s own bloodguilt be exposed in this turnaround season. And a time is coming when the barriers separating light from darkness, good from evil are going to be so strong from the Lord that Pharaoh’s chariots will either turn back or be drowned in the currents of the river of justice. He Himself is releasing this. 

You know what this means, Lamplighter family. Our prayer watch is shifting, but it will continue through Passover. Please pray immediately for President Trump and for our nation. NOW THEREFORE ARISE!

Jon & Jolene