PRAYER CALL TONIGHT! with Pastor Todd Smith, catalyst of the Dawsonville Baptism Revival! 9pm EST. The Dawsonville Revival has been going on for more than a year. Todd’s ministry at Remnant Church launched the Brunswick Baptism Revival on 2-22. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!

FIREWATER! March 28, 29, 31. Todd Smith returns to Remnant Church, Brunswick GA for baptism revival meetings. Jon and Jolene joining with major announcement on east coast Glory Train movement. If you’re anywhere close, please join us!

PLEASE PRAY! At the word of the Lord, Jolene and I have taken March to pray, plan and focus on Washington DC. We have seen amazing breakthroughs already. Please keep us covered! 

To sow financially CLICK HERE TO GIVE. 

THIS PURIM! RICK RIDINGS CALL TO FAST, PRAY— Prayer for these priorities will continue through the 21 day “Now Therefore Arise” prayer project. YOUTUBE VIDEO CLICK HERE. 

THANK YOU ALL for the encouragement on yesterday’s posting. Lori Perz brought a genuine word of the Lord for Purim 2019. Turnaround and triumph! If you haven’t yet reviewed the posting please don’t rob yourself of the blessing. To read CLICK HERE.

Tonight through tomorrow marks Purim. We covet your prayers as we will be in key meetings most of the day. And then Jolene and I return next week to Brunswick GA for more FIREWATER with the Brunswick Baptism Revival. I hope you can join us! 

As mentioned Tuesday, Pastor Todd Smith, a firestarter of this revival, will be with us TONIGHT for a special Purim call! For more than a year Todd has hosted an extraordinary move of Holy Spirit at his church in Dawsonville GA. Many people have been healed of infirmities—even of stage 4 cancer. Lives have been dramatically touched by Holy Spirit. 

And when Pastor Todd ministered at Jamie and Redonnia Jackson’s church in Brunswick GA, this miracle movement quite literally multiplied. They will also be joining us on the call. 

Firewater Brings Freedom!
In the beginning, darkness was over the surface of the deep but the Spirit of God brooded over the waters. The Lord said LET THERE BE LIGHT. And He separated light from darkness. That is exactly what He is doing right now in the midst of this baptism experience. He is brooding over the baptism waters and shining His light into the depths of our being. Light is being separated from darkness, bringing healing, deliverance, cleansing and wholeness through the manifest fire of Holy Spirit. God’s “firewater” brings freedom!

Moses led his people across the Red Sea. Joshua led his people across the Jordan. Elijah brought his protege supernaturally across the Jordan, and then that same mantle parted the waters again and ushered Elisha into his double-double-portion ministry. 

Later in Israel’s history, John baptized in the Jordan, demonstrating the spirit and power of Elijah in the very same region where Elijah ascended. Elisha received a double portion. That’s exactly where the Spirit of God brooded like over Jesus, and filled Him. 

Note that in each case the baptism process marked the culmination of a transition season. We are in the same today. Lets cross the waters, meet with our Bridegroom, and possess our inheritance. LET THERE BE LIGHT! 

Lets expect this even tonight—for yourself and even for our nation!

Purim—Esther’s Baptism
As we have now started Purim, it’s important to note this same cleansing process was given by God to Esther. Six months myrrh, six months frankincense, then released to her king. May you be saturated by God’s cleansing and rejuvenation as you prepare for this new season of encounter with Your Bridegroom!

Please join us this tonight. And plan to make it down to the FIREWATER gathering March 28, 29 and 31 in Brunswick GA. Bring towels and a change of clothes if you want to be baptized. We will share briefly tonight, and also more comprehensively during this gathering, about the upcoming Glory Train journey.

Final point. For a few months now Holy Spirit has been emphasizing a few aspects of His work in Purim 2019. Later in the call, probably at the beginning of the second hour, I will take some time to briefly share with you what He has been conveying. If you have time it will be worth your while. 

So don’t miss a precedent-setting call focused on the move of Holy Spirit in our land IN REAL TIME. Lets see His glory come down!

Covenant blessings to you, Jon & Jolene