MIDNIGHT CRY CALIFORNIA, March 3, Equippers Church, Arroyo Grande CA. The Midnight Cry is sounding! Please join us this Purim weekend as we together step into a new season for California. Sessions at 10am—2pm—7pm. Hosted by Sharon Webster. 

ROME TO JERUSALEM TOUR already half-filled! If you are planning to join, please MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW. Sept. 25-Oct. 7, 2018. With with James Nesbit, Ed Watts, Jamie Fitt, Jon & Jolene. Cost: $4990 including food & lodging, airfare, transportation, etc. Deposit $500 with registration CLICK HERE.

NEW BOOK—THE MIDNIGHT CRY! Prophetic perceptions on 2018-2020 including awakening, Donald Trump, national turnaround, more. Includes the prophetic word on the Korean Olympics and the global release of a “Moses Movement.” To receive your copy CLICK HERE.

CALL TOMORROW 9pm EST. Covering key strategies. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us.

First—after opening registration for the Crown and Throne “Rome to Jerusalem Tour” on Saturday, it was a shock to discover we are already half full. In other words, more than 40 people have already signed up! So if you are planning to join us, please step out in expedited faith and submit your names and deposit quickly. In no way am I seeking to pressure you, it’s just that the response has far surpassed our expectations. To register or for more information, please click on the following link: http://www.cvent.com/d/dtqbfy.

The 2-22 “Turnaround” conference this past week in Washington DC marked a convergence of kairos time and chronos time which has opened for you to accelerate into possessing God’s portion for your life. More on this in a moment.

But as only He can, the Lord has sent us coast to coast to fully step into this new season. If you are in the state, please join us for “The Midnight Cry California” this coming Saturday in Arroyo Grande. I believe 2-22 and Purim represent two pillars of the “time gate” which is opening for you across the nation.  What was opened for you on 2-22 is being governmentally carried through on Purim. Coast to coast.  

As we have written many times before, we have now entered into the next phase of God’s execution of the Turnaround Verdict on behalf of our nation. Daniel 7:22. Judgement in favor of the saints, restraining the enemy, releasing the saints to possess the Kingdom. 

Until the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High, and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom…” (Dan. 7:22).

Note Daniel’s emphasis on “the time came.” It does not say “and the saints possessed the kingdom.” It says, “the time came” for them to possess the kingdom.” In other words, the time gate has opened. But you must mobilize in response in order to possess your portion. 

That’s exactly what is going on now. Remember Billy Graham’s passing, and all the prophetic words accompanying his journey to glory. Remember the announcement of the discovery of Isaiah’s seal, on 2-22, just the following day. These two signs are as two pillars again of the time gate that is opening.  

What to expect? I will endeavor to share more tomorrow. But in talking with my prophetic friend Martin Frankena today, I was stunned to hear he was receiving almost the same perception from the Lord as I was. It’s almost as though January and February somehow became carryovers from 2017. We are stepping RIGHT NOW into the promises of the new year, where the promises of God are going to be activated in a whole new way. Seals. Scrolls. Awesome prophetic revelation to the friends of God who have devoted themselves to kindling their burning lamps of intimacy with Christ.

Again—what should you expect? Jolene and I have actually written a book on this subject, even covering the Daniel 7:22” Turnaround Verdict” in great detail. If you have not already, please pick up a copy of the “Midnight Cry.” I pray it will enrich you! 

Covenant blessings to you,

Jon & Jolene