Plus Join Wednesday Night Prayer Call!

WEDNESDAY NIGHT PRAYER CALL! 9PM ET. Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm!

TURNAROUND DECREES #1 ON KINDLE! ON SALE NOW FOR 99 CENTS. We are thrilled that the Kindle version of our book HAS AGAIN reached number one in three categories—Pentecostal/Charismatic Christianity, Christian Prayer, and Spiritual Warfare. AND IT’S ON SALE! Shares keys to see God’s turnaround manifest in your life. To purchase CLICK HERE.

SPIRIT OF ELIJAH PROJECT—forerunning prayer from Purim through Passover, followed by the Spirit of Elijah Israel Tour. America and the nations are shaking. There’s more to come. Please receive the Table of the Lord every day. Consider fasting and spending extra time in prayer and the word! 


FIRST—In conjunction with the Spirit of Elijah Project, Lamplighter Ministries is entering a major transition. Even as we prepare for the Israel tour, Jolene and I are upgrading our postings, websites, media, weekly prayer, our giving options and much more. 

As part of this—in a decision that’s long overdue—we have also hired two part-time staff members. (Whoa… I know, right?!!!) They are both competent and seasoned. And if you connect with our calls or watch our videos you know they are already making a tremendous difference.

Our purpose for this transition is threefold. First and foremost, we are yearning to more effectively serve the Lamplighter family. Empowering you is by far our top priority!

Secondly we are seeking to impact Washington DC at an even greater measure. We’ve seen absolute miracles during the decade we have labored here. Genuine turnarounds. But the best is yet ahead!

Third, we want to increase our capacity to resource the broader body of Christ nationally and even internationally. 

Speaking of which, Turnaround Decrees has once again topped the charts in three categories! The simple reason is that there is a God-created hunger for what we are sharing. In these unsettling times people are again searching for answers, and especially a proven pathway forward for themselves and their families. Please pray Turnaround Decrees continues to impact these hearts and lives! 

At the Spirit’s leading, we are believing God for $22,000 between Purim and Passover. We are inviting you to give. Your contributions will help cover the Israel tour and costs related to our growth. But more importantly, by sowing at Holy Spirit’s invitation, you are creating space for the Lord to move, declaring to Heaven and Earth His faithfulness as your Provider! In the fear of the Lord, I believe you’ll find the Spirit of God bearing witness. And He will of course come through for you!

Midnight Hour Revival
Recently during a private roundtable in California, with Mike and Cindy Jacobs and others, the Lord spoke to Jon this phrase. AMidnight Hour Revival, with a release of the Spirit of Elijah nationally, is coming to America and many nations. Jon and Jolene were privileged to share this message for the first time publicly at Remnant Church in Brunswick GA, with pastors Jamie and Redonnia Jackson. 

If you want clear understanding of the times, and how to move through the shakings now at hand, please watch! Share it with your friends. And join us tonight for our weekly call. NO KING BUT JESUS!

PROJECT DONATION—At the Spirit’s leading, we are believing for $22,000 between Purim and Passover for the Israel tour and costs related to our growth. Please consider a generous donation today!