VIDEO—GLORY TRAIN 2019—TABERNACLES SERVICE! With Mario Bramnick, Jon and Jolene in Fort Lauderdale. One of our most powerful services, closing out the Glory Train journey. It’s time to receive your inheritance! To watch CLICK HERE.

WEDNESDAY—SPECIAL TABERNACLES CALL! 9pm EST. The American Passover has begun! Conference call number: (605) 313-5156 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

REVOLUTION 2019-2020 December 29-31, Trump International Hotel. With Dutch Sheets, Cindy Jacobs, Chris Mitchell Jr, Jamie & Redonnia Jackson, Gideon Group, more. 

REGISTRATION: $120 before Oct. 16, $150 after Oct. 16. To register on Eventbrite CLICK HERE.  

SHALOM, Y’ALL. Chag Sameach! In other words, Succot greetings. Happy holidays. Happy Tabernacles! 

We are excited to announce that, as of the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles this Sunday, the Glory Train 2019 journey has come to completion! From 7-22 through this Sunday, the beginning of Tabernacles, we traversed the original 13 colonies plus Florida, releasing the governmental glory of God through the geographic east gate of our nation. 

Sent Before His Face—From Faneuil Hall to Fort Lauderdale
Faneuil Hall—Face of God Hall—in Boston on 7-22, receiving God’s verdict that awakening has begun! Provincetown and Plymouth, historic places of covenant with the Pilgrims. Old Saybrook, Northampton, and Rome NY, historic wells of the First and Second Great Awakening. Philadelphia PA, where our government was birthed, as well as Valley Forge, Lancaster, Hershey and the battlefield of Gettysburg, where we saw grace released to complete the turnaround and bring this freedom movement to victory. 

Then on to Washington DC on 08-08, where God’s covenant was circumcised, and intercession was released to fully shift our nation from covenants with death to LIFE. Amazingly shortly afterwards the courts ruled in favor of the defunding by government of Planned Parenthood!

In Virginia Beach we bore witness to God’s covenantal verdict on the 400th anniversary of slavery in America. Covenant with death and hell annulled. LET MY PEOPLE GO! Original covenant with Jesus Christ reconstituted. Freedom movement for this hour released through the gates!

Our second phase of the Glory Train was launched in early September with a weekend gathering at the Gate and Whole Word Fellowship. Emma Stark from Scotland joined us. The prophetic flow was incredible. Our nation shifted as we secured the tracks for our future.

Then we travelled through the Carolinas and Tennessee to Georgia for the 10 Days of Awe. Ed and Lynn Alderson arranged the meetings and accompanied us throughout with their teams. Such an honor to join Georgia gatekeepers for the reconstitution of our nation from this state! 

From Kingston to Conyers to Savannah and Brunswick, the fire of God was released from the Glory Train—just as Bob Jones prophesied 30 years beforehand. Healings, breakthroughs, personal visitations came in real-time.  Many of the meetings simply couldn’t be explained. 

And just as prophesied, the fire will now be carried to the nation. Fire! Or “fahar” as our great friend Rocky Abernathy compelled us to declare. It seems even the angels of Georgia have picked up the accent—far more movement in the Spirit when the release is declared properly!

Yom Kippur—Mercy—Covenant Secured!
During the Days of Awe we sought God together for a better verdict than our nation deserves. Dutch Sheets brought an astounding word on the first night of Yom Kippur, seemingly in response. MERCY HAS SECURED GOD’S COVENANT WITH OUR NATION!

The next morning Dutch joined with us to pray at nearby Jekyll Island. We were summoned together there by the Lord to decree the release of covenant wealth. 

It was amazing to see this verdict re-emphasized in our Jacksonville Florida gathering later that evening, culminating Yom Kippur. Pastors Rocky and Terri Morris hosted us with an open heaven and a veritable feast for dinner. Kelanie Gloeckler led worship and became a new friend. I shared on America’s covenant destiny and led in crying out for MERCY for our land.

From Jacksonville we made an unplanned stop of the Glory Train at Vero Beach, joining with our friends David and Tracy Ruleman. David and Tracy are the founders of the Gate church and movement in Washington DC. They moved to Florida just a few years ago. Twelve or so people in a small Christian coffeehouse at Vero Beach—Truth Beach—proved to be one of the most impacting on the journey. The clarity and authority to declare God’s purposes was beyond amazing. HE LED US TO THE GATE! 

From Face of God to Face of God—Full Circle Moment
Then we sojourned from Vero Beach to Fort Lauderdale, completing our assignment to traverse the geographic east gate of our nation. Jolene and I had the honor of celebrating Tabernacles Friday and Sunday with Mario Bramnick and the New Wine Ministries church in metro Fort Lauderdale. It was an incredible Glory Train weekend. 

A river of revelation and breakthrough genuinely flowed from the Throne. It was stunning how the Lord wove all the themes together from beginning to end. It was like Mario would begin a sentence or a flow, and I would finish it. He even began talking about Jacob’s journey to freedom, which culminated with a face to face encounter with God at Peniel. 

Phanuel. Face of God. 

From Boston to Fort Lauderdale, it was a full circle moment. And I knew from that moment that the Glory Train journey had been completed in victory!

We closed out our time with a message on the Governmental Glory, then receiving our inheritance in this season of shaking. The impartation was tangible. Please take a moment to watch the closing service of the Glory Train journey. CLICK HERE TO WATCH.

Tomorrow on the call we as the Lamplighter family will present to the Lord this sacred work, now completed. Thank you all who joined us, prayed for us and supported us throughout. Covenant blessings to each of you. Amen. And…