1pm ET Broadcast with Chris Mitchell, Adam Schindler, Hamill’s

March 14
, 1PM ET
with Chris Mitchell, Adam Schindler, Jon & Jolene
From website

From Jon & Jolene’s YouTube:

From Jon and Jolene’s Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/jonathan.hamill1 TURNAROUND TUESDAY! 

SPIRIT OF ELIJAH PROJECT through Passover. Ramping up through the final three weeks. Please receive the Table of the Lord every day! 

PASSOVER OFFERING. At the Spirit’s leading, we are believing for $22,000 between Purim and Passover for the Israel tour and costs related to our growth. Please consider a generous donation today! To contribute CLICK HERE.

DEAR LAWYERS IN HEAVEN’S COURT, FIRST—Take time now to pray for your sons and daughters. Lets see a generation return to Jesus. LET MY CHILDREN GO! 

Please also pray for the nation. According to news reports, today Donald John Trump faces an arrest warrant over alleged hush funds paid to Stormy Daniels. This makes only the second time in US history a president is set to be arrested. The first and only previous time was when Ulysses S. Grant was caught speeding through downtown DC in his horse and buggy. 

He apparently was a repeat offender. Equal justice under law…

Gaining True Justice
Speaking of which—gaining true justice is a subject that has consumed not only Washington DC but also the nation of Israel. In both nations, the justice system has been compromised. Will these systems become realigned with Heaven’s mandate of equal justice under law? Or will they continue to be weaponized to enforce the rulership of political parties? 

As part of this the fathers and mothers of both nations are being weighed in the balance. You might be interested to know that overcoming the weaponization of the judicial system for political means has everything to do with “the spirit of Elijah.” And it has everything to do with contending for your sons and daughters.

Highest Court—Returning to the Table
“This third great awakening is a GREAT RETURN. Where multitudes will disengage from Jezebel’s table and return to the Table of the Lord!”

It was in the spring of 2010 that the Lord first spoke these words to me. They came from Heaven with such power and authority. And through this prophecy, directives came that have defined our ministry focus ever since. 

An entire generation is going to return to the Lord. You are going to disengage from Jezebel’s table. You are going to despise the defilement, degradation and covenant-breaking Jezebel seeks to feed you. And you are going to return to the purity of unbounded love, covenant love, redemptive love that enriches you, restores your dignity and draws out of you the true treasures of life. It’s time to return to the Table of the Lord! 

I believe it’s for this reason the Lord has continually emphasized receiving communion in this season. Please receive the Table of the Lord every day! Lets remember that the highest Court in the Kingdom of God is the Table of the Lord. You are summoned there  both to receive the “evidence” of your amazing verdict—His very body and blood—and present His “evidence” on behalf of your sons and daughters. 

Really, the same principality that fueled Jezebel’s idolatry and sexual immorality has sought to take your children captive. Here’s good news. Christ’s verdict has already been announced! And at your bidding, Heaven’s army is being released to back it up. “Even the captives of the mighty man will be taken away, and the prey of a tyrant will be rescued; for I will contend with the one who contends with you, and I will save your children!” (Isaiah 49:25).

“The Prophets of Baal Eat at Jezebel’s Table”
You might ask what this has to do with overcoming the weaponization of the judicial system. To find out, lets check out the original reference in Scripture to “Jezebel’s table.”

For context, Jezebel married Ahab to create a transnational alliance tied to the idolatry of Baal worship. She sought to overtake the covenant land. And that’s when God set Elijah in authority over Israel, to restore God’s people back to Himself and to overcome the over-reach of Israel’s compromised government. He did so first by proclaiming a drought—an economic shaking that resulted in three years and six months of scarcity and famine. 

Towards the end of this time, God summoned Elijah to confront Ahab and restore Israel from scarcity. During this confrontation he noted that the “prophets of Baal eat at Jezebel’s table.” 

What does this mean? Jezebel’s table was funded by Israel’s taxpayers. Jezebel was taking the collective wealth of the hard-working Israeli population and funneling monies to sustain the prophets of Baal. 


And by sustaining these corrupt leaders, Jezebel was sustaining their ideologies and influence to continue defiling the generations. 

Elijah’s Day in Court
A few of these prophets of Baal, alternatively referred to as sons of Belial, were recruited by Jezebel with a very specific assignment. Jezebel wanted to possess a vineyard near her palace in the Jezreel Valley. Ahab had originally sought to purchase the vineyard from his neighbor Naboth. Interestingly, “Naboth” in Hebrew means “prophetic words.” Naboth’s vineyard could literally be translated “the vineyard of prophetic destiny.”

And that’s what Jezebel always targets. Not to destroy, but to overtake. Jezebel seeks to overtake the field of covenant destiny, the field of harvest where seeds of prophetic destiny have been planted and sacrificially tended. 

Not surprisingly, Naboth’s reply was absolute. And it must define our resolve today. “God forbid that I should give you the inheritance of my forefathers!”

More on that in a moment. But Naboth’s resolve pushed Jezebel to hire her prophets of Baal for two very specific purposes. She created a false narrative about Naboth—fake news—and hired the prophets of Baal to broadcast this news to the populace she allegedly served. By this the court of public opinion was shifted against Naboth.

Jezebel then hired these sons of Belial to bear false witness against Naboth in a legal court. She hauled Naboth into the judicial system of the day. And through her relentless efforts, Naboth was sentenced to death.

In other words, Jezebel weaponized the justice system to overtake the vineyard of prophetic destiny. I hope you don’t miss this.

Not long after, Elijah appeared on the scene—confronting Ahab again, this time in Ahab and Jezebel’s newly-acquired vineyard. Naboth’s unjust arrest and sentence of death had triggered the convening of a Higher Court. The unbiased truth about the situation was presented. A verdict by the Ancient of Days was set—judgement in favor of the saints, restraining the enemy, and releasing the saints to possess the Kingdom. 

This verdict, announced to Elijah and then presented by Elijah on the very ground where the crime occurred, BROUGHT DOWN THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT TIED TO AHAB AND JEZEBEL.

Tick Tock to the Holy Clock
Let me briefly mention one more thing. All this occurred in the shadow of Mount Megiddo, otherwise known as Tel Megiddo or Armageddon. The Jezreel Valley is what us referenced as the valley of “Armageddon.” Throughout the Bible it’s a symbol for the land of Israel. 

I feel the Lord showed me that the true battle of Armageddon, described in Revelation 16 as “the war of the great day of God, the Almighty,” is directly related to these very issues—on this very ground. In truth, each generation must confront them for the covenant freedom ordained by God to be perpetuated.