SPECIAL CALL TONIGHT! 9pm EST. Announcing Revolution, and praying for Israel and Mideast. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

REVOLUTION 2019-2020, December 29-31, Trump International Hotel. Lets gather in Washington DC to dedicate a new year and a new decade! With Dutch Sheets, Cindy Jacobs, Chris Mitchell Jr, Jamie & Redonnia Jackson, Gideon Group, more. Worship by Da’Neil Sharpe and the Remnant Band, more.  

REGISTRATION: $120 before Oct. 16, $150 after Oct. 16. To register on Eventbrite CLICK HERE. 

FIRST—JOIN US TONIGHT for key call. Our big announcement on Revolution 2019-2020 will be a primary focus. But urgent prayer is immediately needed for Saudi Arabia and for Israel. Most of you know Iranian-backed Houthi rebels bombed Saudi oil infrastructure, and half of the oil production nationally is now shut down. Secretary of State Pompeo put the blame squarely where it needs to be, which is on Iran. The Shia nation responded by declaring they are ready for war with the US! 

Friends Remember Daniel 10. We knew from the beginning of the year that conflict with Iran was possible. We also felt that breakthrough prayer as in the days of Daniel could mitigate the situation. Lets pray for the Prince of Persia to be restrained!

A few days ago in Philadelphia I awoke seeing the phrase “Israel at War.” Iran, Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza are all threatening. At the very same time, Israel’s elections are being held this coming Tuesday. 

All that said… revv up your engines… we need to pray! 

Second—Links Working!
So we made our big announcement this morning about Revolution, only to receive emails in return that the EventBrite links were not working! 

OK it wasn’t panic, but it was close. 

The good news is, after having our master technologist (that would be me) thoroughly analyze the situation, the master technologist (that would be me) discovered that I did not actually activate the page to make it live. Who knew that we had to click that extra button there to make this thing work! 

Suffice to say, it’s now live. Hallelujah! 

Revolution 2019-2020
All that said, we are so excited to invite you to Revolution 2019-2020, through New Years Eve at the Trump International Hotel in Washington DC! The year 2020 will prove to be one of the most important in America’s history. You are being invited to shape history by dedicating the new year and the new decade to the Lord from the epicenter of our Nation’s Capitol!

Revolution is not a conference so much as it is a corporate experience with God. You will hear fresh revelation for 2020 from some of our nation’s highest-level prophets. You will experience the spontaneous flow of Holy Spirit in worship, prayer and prophetic expressions. You will receive teaching and personal ministry. You will have the opportunity to connect with friends across Washington DC and the nation. And you will have the privilege of ringing in the new year at one of the most sought-after locations on earth!

But the most important reason you should attend is the contribution you bring to the corporate anointing. We gather each year as an ekklesia to have found that, especially in Washington DC, the authority to secure our nation’s future is largely dependent on our corporate synergy and agreement. So we welcome each of you in the blessing and authority the Lord has entrusted to you.

This will be our seventh Revolution gathering, and the second at the Trump International. We host the gathering each year around Hanukkah, the Feast of Dedication. It was amazing to discover that this year Hanukkah runs from December 22-December 30. Add a day, and we have the privilege of dedicating 2020!  

Can’t make this stuff up. 

So please make plans now to join us for Revolution 2019-2020. Invite your friends to come. And lets pray in the new year together at the Trump International in Washington DC!

Jon & Jolene