CALL REPLAY—FREEDOM MOVEMENT—THE WATERS ARE RELEASED. Jamie Jackson gave a profound update on justice and revival in Brunswick, GA.  Kelsey Bohlender shared the word of the Lord on a Pentecost deluge of God’s river of justice. His voice is like the sound of many waters! Playback number (605) 313-5155

All eyes are on Brunswick GA today, where the preliminary hearings over the shooting of Ahmaud Abery are being held. Jolene and I are here visiting with Jamie and Redonnia Jackson and joining in prayer by a united, multi-ethnic body of Christ for city all of us have come to love. Please join us and cover this revival city today.

Today the prophetic journey towards justice we have all been on comes to a crescendo. Lets begin today with a dream Lynnie Harlow received. Lynnie has joined Jolene and me for our time in Brunswick, and received the dream last night. We will follow through with an excerpt from our new book White House Watchmen that adds meaning. You have to understand the  vast potential of this new season!

Some are Trying to Topple the Cross! But the Overcomers Prevail—Lynnie Harlow
DREAM: I dreamed I saw a hill with a huge cross on it. On one side of the cross I saw a large crowd of angry people as far as the eye could see. They were trying to push the cross over to topple it.

On the other side of the cross was a smaller group, made up of believers in Jesus, and we together were pushing the cross back into its right position. The more we pushed, the more it became upright. And with every push the earth would shake and tremble and you could see the cross being put back into its right foundation.  

I believe the Father is saying though it looks overwhelming right now to stay our course in prayer. As the song says, “It MAY look like we’re surrounded but we’re surrounded by HIM”!!! 

Our righteous cry is pushing the cross the enemy has tried to topple into its upright and original purpose where the Father embedded it in the foundations of His love and promises to us. 

Though the enemy is roaring, the Father is roaring louder!!! Keep pushing in prayer…THIS IS HOW WE FIGHT OUR BATTLES!!!

Repairing Covenant—The Founders Cross
Jon here. When Lynnie Harlow shared this word with Jolene and me this morning, I was stunned. The justice of Christ’s cross has purchased our redemption. As the Apostle John observed in Revelation, “Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals; for You were slain, and purchased for God with Your blood men FROM EVERY TRIBE AND TONGUE AND PEOPLE AND NATION. from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth.” 

Jesus is compelling us to stand behind His cross, including its most devastating and redemptive message. From this seed we will see a harvest of justice. As with our forefathers at Iwo Jima, seen in the graphic above, we together must take our stand. 

As our friend Chris Mitchell would hastily point out, within this overall picture there is a further meaning that conveys the vast potential God is offering us through the travail of this difficult season. Because Chris is a watchman of God’s covenant in our nation. And from his hometown of Virginia Beach, what we know today as the United States of America was founded by covenant with Jesus Christ with a large wooden cross erected as a witness. 

The following is an excerpt from our new book White House Watchmen, which will be published this August. 

My own forefathers crossed the Atlantic on a small cramped boat called the Mayflower. Their voyage was brutal. But when the Pilgrims waded ashore and consecrated the land to Christ 400 years ago this November 2020, they knew at least they had come for freedom. 

The covenantal legacy of my forefathers is at the core of my watchman call today. But I knew little about the group of English sojourners who, with a passion similar to the Pilgrims, established the Virginia Company in 1607. So I was grateful when my good friend Chris Mitchell Jr took me to school. As a black pastor and gatekeeper for Virginia Beach, he soon convinced me I had a lot to learn. 

Standing at a seven foot wooden cross commemorating the original planted by the Virginia Company upon arrival, Chris explained how chaplain Robert Hunt committed the land to Jesus Christ for the propagation of the gospel throughout the continent and world. Their aspirations were not impractical. At the time, the colony known as Virginia stretched from the east coast to what is now known as California. 

Chris recited Chaplain Hunt’s words of consecration virtually by heart. Probably because he has embraced their covenantal legacy as his own. 

We do hereby Dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as the earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelist to the World. May all who see this Cross remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this covenant….”

The founders of Virginia established their sphere in covenant with Jesus Christ, an astounding beginning blessed by God. The Virginia Company soon began to flourish.

Twelve years later the first slaves arrived. Like my forefathers they crossed the waters in a cramped ship, this one originating from Angola, West Africa. Whereas my forefathers aspired to freedom, these Africans were brought ashore in chains. In the promised land of the New World, they became property. Worse, these slaves were welcomed by the very founders who established Virginia in covenant with God. 

Thus slavery was validated by the original gatekeepers of our nation—first by the body of Christ, second by the formal government which they had established. This decision set a precedent for more than 250 years of horrific injustice through slavery in America, followed by enduring struggles with prejudice until this very day. 

We’ve come a long way. But prejudice and racial inequity still mar the landscape of this freedom experiment meant by God to fulfill the founders’ declaration that all men are created equal. Division still haunts even the body of Christ. Meanwhile human trafficking in our nation, which should be unimaginable in our day, is actually reaching an all-time high. 

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The revolutionary words opening the Declaration of Independence were penned by Virginia’s legendary Thomas Jefferson, ironically himself a slave owner. 

Thank God his words outlived his decisions. They prevailed through the lash of the taskmaster, the bloodshed of the Civil War, the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, the genocidal targeting by Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood, through the marches which were met with massacres and church burnings during the dark night of the Civil Rights movement. 

Because without fulfilling the first words of the Declaration, American independence would have no legitimacy. And worse, our foundational covenant with Jesus Christ by which our nation was committed to God would have remained forever compromised. I am so grateful the Lord mandated that we live up to the words of our covenant with Him.

As shared in the last chapters, to heal history one principle is vital for you to understand. Covenants establish thrones of governance. When a godly covenant becomes compromised through sustained violations, idolatry or abuse, the protection or shamar of God must be withdrawn in a commensurate manner. Therefore a door opens for satanic forces to influence this very throne.

Yet Jesus never forgets the covenants we and our forefathers have made with Him. You can see how the freedom movement we know as Exodus began 400 years after the Jews became enslaved in Egypt. Let My people go! 

We were convicted to believe the Lord was now moving in a similar way in our land.

Dream—Slavery a Covenant with Death and Hell
Jolene and I traveled to Virginia Beach to take part in a few of the meetings. During this time the Lord gave me a dream. I literally saw from Isaiah 28 how covenants with hell were formed by the validation of slavery by the body of Christ and government. The Lord showed me that this entry of slavery in the land was not just a breach of His covenant with the land. Instead it was considered by Heaven a covenant with death and hell, as referenced in Isaiah 28. Sourced by hell itself! 

I also saw that through the validation of institutional slavery by both governmental authorities in Virginia and the body of Christ, not only was the Hunt covenant defiled, but it compromised every other foundational covenant with Christ built upon it. Including the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and even the Pilgrim covenant, made by my forefathers just a year after the slaves arrived. 

Verdict: Covenant Repaired
In this dream the Lord showed me that after 400 years, God was willing to grant an annulment of this covenant with death by verdict from Heaven’s Court. “Your covenant with death shall be annulled, and your pact with hell shall not stand!” (Isaiah 28:18). 

Again the Lord made it clear this verdict was similar in magnitude to the days recorded in Exodus. After 400 years, the covenant with death and hell made through the validation of institutionalized slavery by both the body of Christ and civil government was annulled by Heaven’s Court. A dark thread which tied government to slavery was removed. Even abortion, founded by the prejudice of eugenics, was impacted.

Legal authority was finally granted for the principality over the covenant with death and hell to be restrained and removed. The primary obstacles holding back God’s freedom movement were thus restrained. And America’s covenant with God was finally repaired, as validated by Heaven’s Court. A future forged by His freedom movement has thus been secured.

After 400 years… LET MY PEOPLE GO.