JAMES NESBIT JOINS PRAYER CALL TONIGHT! Rome to Jerusalem Tour. 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. 

Sept. 25-Oct. 7, 2018. With with James Nesbit, Ed Watts, Jamie Fitt, Jon & Jolene. WEBCAST—covering conference itinerary, cost, information and instructions, as well as key revelation, click here.

NEW BOOK—THE MIDNIGHT CRY! Prophetic perceptions for 2018-2020 including Rome to Jerusalem Tour, more. To receive your copy click here

Passion. Beauty. History. Destiny. Rome and Jerusalem are uniquely paired among the cities of the earth for all who genuinely seek God, and seek to discover the covenant roots of our faith. The prophetic summons to these two cities in 2018 is beyond words. As you will see, I believe the Spirit of God has invited us to another turning point in history. 

Our Crown & Throne Israel tour last year, with renegade worshipers Ed Watts, Jamie Fitt, and James Nesbit, made a defining impact on both our hearts and our world. Afterwards, the Lord actually extended our tour—with an unexpected mandate to travel home through Rome.  

From the time Jolene and I arrived in Rome, we were surprisingly saturated by God’s presence. Further, every moment became a journey of discovery about God, about ourselves, and about the amazing work He is inviting us to for 2018. 

Last year we retraced the steps of King David as he restored the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. Friends, this may be a stretch, but I don’t believe that approximately seven months later President Trump took an unprecedented stand in the diplomatic community and openly honored Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. 

This year we are being invited into another journey of recovery. To see His lampstand—and all that it represents—restored to Jerusalem. He is resetting our lampstands and relighting the flame. A burning lamp awakening!

The Lampstand—From Jerusalem to Rome
Near the ancient forum, not far from Rome’s Campidoglio or Capitol Hill, a giant arch was erected to honor Rome’s victory over Jerusalem in 70 AD. The Arch of Titus famously features a sculpted panel depicting the scene of Jewish slaves carrying the Temple menorah into the city. 

Remember 2018 is the year of the door. The Arch of Titus represents a doorway by which the Jews entered into all of Europe—unfortunately in shame, prejudice and subjugation. And the Temple menorah, probably lit by Judah Maccabee himself to mark history’s first Hanukkah, was taken captive.

Ancient Roman culture helped to mentor the entire western world in persecuting the Jews. Many of the covenant roots of our faith were simply cut off, replaced with Roman tradition. Pogroms and expulsions ran through the centuries, in all nations, in both Protestant and Catholic expressions. Ultimately this prejudice culminated in the horrors of the shoah, or holocaust. 

God is summoning us to the gates. We must do our small part, as empowered by Holy Spirit, in seeing the reversal of this curse.

The Lampstand—From Rome to Jerusalem
While in Rome last April, I believe the Lord showed us that it is now time to apostolically reverse this journey of the menorah, or lampstand. He desires to restore the burning lamp in the depths of our hearts. And He desires to restore the burning lamp of His menorah this year from Rome to Jerusalem.

What does this mean? The lampstand represents God’s covenant and glory. Just as Moses encountered God in a burning bush, the menorah is a burning tree with many branches. But this tree was largely cut off from her covenant roots when replanted in the soil of Rome. 

Like the branches of a menorah, the lampstand of our faith branches out to all the world! But it must be centered in Jerusalem, not Rome. We are grafted into God’s covenant with the land and people Israel, not the other way around. I feel the Lord wants to symbolically replant the menorah in the soil of Jerusalem, further reconnecting the branches with the roots of our faith.

Remember Jesus’ parable of the 10 virgins. They awaken at midnight, light their lamps, and go out to meet the Bridegroom. We too are being summoned for a journey—to light our lamps and make a journey. This journey is going to culminate with Israel’s Bridegroom, in a great reunion of the lampstands and the tabernacle in the city He eternally calls home. 

Jerusalem. 2018. The Feast of Tabernacles. 

We are declaring the restoration in Jesus—Yeshua—of our Jewish roots. Of our covenant roots.

What’s in this for Rome? Everything. Seeking God for this prophetic restoration by no means robs Rome, it frees Rome. By honoring God’s original intention for His lampstand in Jerusalem, breaches will be healed. And the lampstand of the Lord which genuinely belongs to Rome will immediately become empowered.

That’s the great power of God’s restoration. And I sense prophetically you will see great renewal in both Rome and Jerusalem as a result. A burning lamp awakening!

So friends, lets light our lamps—and from Rome to Jerusalem, lets go out to meet the Bridegroom in 2018! He’s standing at the gates even now, waiting for your arrival. Not by might nor power but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts! 

Covenant blessings…