CALL TONIGHT! 9PM ET. Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm! 

YOM KIPPUR SERVICE—7pm Wednesday, Woodlawn Christian Fellowship with Pastor Michelle Perrera, Robert & Annette Stagmer. Onsite prayer at Gettysburg battlefield, Fort McHenry prior. Meeting will be live streamed. Woodlawn Christian Fellowship, 6426 Kriel Street, Gwynn Oak MD. 

Prayer Project Sept. 25-Oct. 5


DEAR FRIENDS,FIRST—PLEASE PRAY FOR FLORIDA AS HURRICANE IAN HITS. So many of us are praying for friends and family directly in its path. The hurricane strengthened significantly as a category 4 storm, rushing ashore with 155 mph winds. That’s only two miles per hour short of a category 5. Forecasters are warning that more than two feet of rain will cause widespread flooding. Electricity is out across Florida. And storm surges the height of a two-story building are now flooding shorelines. 

If there is any good news in the midst, it’s that THE STORM HAS ACTUALLY TURNED, coming ashore in a less-populated portion of southwest Florida instead of the metro Tampa area. 

We know from personal experience that Florida intercessors are heroic—with boundless love for their state. We are standing with you, precious friends and family, through this crisis and its aftermath. 

Prophetic Warning—The Shofar is Sounding
As you know, Jolene and I received a strong warning from the Lord about a coming storm. We were compelled to engage in a “Turn the Storm Tour” state to state from Jacksonville FL to New Hampshire, then Boston, NYC and Philadelphia to trumpet this warning. 

Is Hurricane Ian “that storm?” Yes and no. I believe it is an initial confirmation of the broader warning the Lord has called us to clearly convey at this time. Four categories of storms were identified—natural storms such as Hurricane Ian, a crisis involving tainted fentanyl, a potential surprise terrorist and/or military strike, and a potential storm over the upcoming 2022 elections. 

Prophetically, it’s no coincidence that Ian formed into a hurricane on Rosh Hashanah. The Jewish New Year also marks the Feast of Trumpets. And for sure the trumpet is now sounding. 

Check out the graphic above, which shows the probable pathway of the storm. What do you see? I have to admit I did a double-take because even the storm’s pathway looks like a shofar. The shofar, of course, is Jewish trumpet formed from a ram’s horn which is sounded on the Feast of Trumpets. It has become a primary symbol of Rosh Hashanah. 

Beloved, it’s no coincidence this storm is hitting the United States between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. These ten days are known as “the days of awe” and are marked by God’s gracious invitation to engage in “teshuvah” or repentance in order to receive a better verdict for the coming year than what our actions alone deserve. 

According to Hebraic tradition, on Yom Kippur this window of opportunity concludes, and the scrolls that define our future are sealed. 

Beloved, from our perch overlooking Washington DC I can say confidently our nation needs a better verdict than what our actions alone deserve. HELP, LORD! The trumpet is sounding with purposeful force. Storms are forming even internationally right now, beyond our ability to control. 

But these storms can turn. They can dissipate. They can be mitigated. Lets heed God’s call to humble ourselves, embrace repentance, and engage in watchman prayer. Lets sow into recovery. And most importantly, LETS PRAY FOR FLORIDA.