RELIVE THE REVOLUTION! Sessions at http://wholeword.net

If you’d like to make a year-end contribution, please click here.

To see Year in Review click: See His Glory interactive

Today we’re excited to share with you our 2014 year in review, “See His Glory.” More than most years, 2014 has framed the future in an extraordinary way. And more than most years, our year has been saturated in prayer. Hard to remember the few hours we weren’t actually ministering or on a prayer assignment!

We hope these photos both bring back memories and inspire your future. They are not ours alone, but yours. Jolene and I cherish the growing community of believers that have connected to see Christ’s breakthrough in this tenuous hour of history. It’s been an incredible honor to take this journey together with you.

Finally, it’s time to “Enter the Whirwind!” We are looking forward to starting the year off with you, exploring prophetic promises and framing our future with the Lord through prayer. We look to begin the 22 day project on January 4.

To see our Year in Review please click:  See His Glory interactive

Covenant blessings to each of you,

Jon & Jolene

PS if you are seeking ministries to bless with a year-end donation, please consider us. We are needing to upgrade our media capacities to incorporate video, web-streaming, as well as CD and DVD production. We are grateful!