24 for ’24—Remember End of Year Giving

24 for ’24!Consider a Year-End Donation
We’ve got such a big year ahead. Please believe God with us for an final $24,000 to launch Lamplighter into 2024. Helping us here would be a great way to celebrate our 20th anniversary! To donate CLICK HERE:

Dec. 30-31 Light the Way—Revolution Summit 2023!
With Jon & Jolene, host pastors Jamie & Redonnia Jackson, more. Remnant Church Brunswick GA. Lets usher in the new year together in the presence of the Lord!

Now thru Jan. 1 Watch of the Breaker II
Lets secure God’s best for the holidays! Keeping vigil…

MERRY CHRISTMAS! PLEASE KEEP WATCH. That about sums it up. Enjoy your family carols, feasting, wrapping, unwrapping, playing games, watching Hallmark movies and either indulging in great-grandma’s old-world Christmas dishes or thoroughly avoiding them. 

But in the midst of this, lets be like the shepherds keeping watch on Christmas Eve. May God’s glory break in during your watch, even with an angelic chorus to guide you to the living Savior! 

That said, no matter what STAY VIGILANT. 

Why? There remain credible homeland security threats through the season that confirm prophetic warnings given by Adam Schindler, Jolene and myself, and others. Our sense is to keep seeking God’s Psalm 91 protection especially over New York City, Washington DC, Texas, and military towns such as Norfolk, Tampa, Pearl Harbor, etc. Pray for Alaska. Pray also for IHOPKC through their very difficult new season. Amos 9:11 restoration is a mandate as we “call 911!”

I will also say Jolene also woke up from a dream early this morning exclaiming, “Jerusalem!” Please pray for her shalom. Also continue  to keep watch for hostages to be released, and for a turnaround victory for Israel.

Hey, and have you donated? It’s not too late to make a generous year-end contribution to Lamplighter Ministries. Vitally important as we engage for 2024 both in Washington DC and nationally. Believing God for the extraordinary—an extra $24,000 to launch us into 2024 which will help us with exciting new projects, continued staff funding, and so much more. So excited for what’s ahead. We are beyond grateful! 

Merry Christmas to you and yours,

Jon & Jolene