God often confronts the greatest evil with the miracle of a new birth”—Crown & Throne.


PRAYER CALL WEDNESDAY, 9pm EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!

MERRY CHRISTMAS LAMPLIGHTER FAMILY! We come bearing glad tidings this morning. Thank you Jesus!

For the first time in a while, I had a profound revelatory experience. It came from God’s word, early this morning. Not a coincidence it’s Christmas morning—when we celebrate the birth of the Word, God’s only begotten Son.

And in like fashion, we’re about to see a global release of new births in answer to your petitions. Right in synch with God’s end-time calendar!

Heaven’s Court Has Ruled
Like the prophet Zechariah, by the Spirit of revelation I was awakened to see.Like the priest Zechariah, father of John the Baptist, I seek to authentically convey good news from the Throne.

Because like the days of Zechariah the prophet and Zechariah the priest, angels have now been dispatched bearing Heaven’s verdict over many situations. Heaven’s court has ruled—and many of your prayer projects are about to come to birth!

Before we go any farther, lets read the passage together.

Luke 1:8-17, NASB:
“Now it happened that while he was performing his priestly service before God in the appointed order of his division, according to the custom of the priestly office, he was chosen by lot to enter the temple of the Lord and burn incense. And the whole multitude of the people were in prayer outside at the hour of the incense offering.

And an Angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing to the right of the altar of incense.

Zechariah was troubled when he saw the angel, and fear gripped him. But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your PETITION has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall give him the name John.

And he shall be GREAT in the sight of the Lord… and he will turn many of the sons of Israel back to the Lord your God. 

It is he who will go as a forerunner before him, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous, so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

Christmas 2016—Your Petition Has Been Heard
First thing to note here. The angel of the Lord comes to Zechariah and says, “your petition has been heard.” Heaven’s court has reviewed the petition and has dispatched a verdict.

I believe the Lord as Judge is conveying the same thing to many of you today. Seek Him for personal confirmation. We saw over Revolution that a turnaround window has been opened, personally and even nationally. Heaven’s host are now accessing this window, bearing very good news. In thy dark streets shineth an everlasting light!

It’s so important to note that Zechariah is named from the Hebrew word Zakar, which means to take to heart, to ponder, and to set a course of action. This is essentially the process whereby a verdict is decided by a judge. God “zakared” Zechariah’s petition, and released to the priest His verdict!

Lamplighter family, for many of you, God has “zakared” your prayers. And as of 2016, it’s time for many of them to come to birth in the earth.

One Petition, Many Prayers
Note that the Angel references only one petition. Yet Zechariah and Elizabeth have been barren for decades. They had therefore been praying for a son for decades!

For Zechariah and you, one petition has been fashioned out of many prayers. For Zechariah and Elizabeth, this prayer project lasted literally for decades, until they in the natural were too old even to conceive.

Here’s a word for you this year. You’ve been praying for others, and God has heard your petition. Part of His verdict is to renew your own vitality! Even now receive His anointing to refresh you, spirit, soul and body. His gift to you this Christmas!

Zechariah—Priest for the Nation
Even with his hopes delayed, Zechariah never gave up either his priestly ministry or his stand before the altar of incense—the altar of prayer. And when I read this passage, Lamplighter family I see so many of you. Still a priest for the nation, still standing before the altar of incense. Still resounding with Heaven’s hope!

And the good news is, your hope is about to be met with a new birth of freedom. God always hears the groaning of His people for justice. He always answers—in His time. AND THE ANSWERS ARE ALWAYS BIGGER THAN YOU KNOW.

I never saw this before. But Luke 1 records how God activated the verdict of Zechariah’s petition in timing and synchronization with the birth of Jesus—the very Messiah of mankind!

Now that’s big. I’m sure through the ages Zechariah and Elizabeth wrestled with their barrenness. “Maybe God didn’t answer because our prayers were too selfish. Maybe hope for Israel is finished, and as a priest for the Nation our very barrenness is a sign.”

It was a sign. And so was Heaven’s breakthrough. Through these priests to the Nation, four hundred years of relative silence was about to become the gateway for a New Birth of Freedom.

Your Answer is Bigger Than You Know
Like Zechariah, it’s time to reach beyond your circumstances, even your own barrenness in prayer, into Heaven’s full potential. Don’t let go until you receive. The authentic answer to your prayers is more important than you know!

I’m sure Zechariah and Elizabeth had no idea how broad and comprehensive their answer would actually be. In like fashion, the answer to your prayer projects is much bigger than you know! Don’t give up… Persevere! Stand like Zechariah and Elizabeth, like Abraham and Sarah, like Joseph and Mary. Against hope believe in hope, so like them you can become the parents of a miracle child!

And by this child the world will be forever changed. Truly.

Persevere Until Christmas
Watch this. In this turnaround window, God is synchronizing the release of your answered prayer in conjunction with a move of the Spirit much greater than we can currently perceive. In some way, your answer may even be sent by God to prepare the way for Christ’s return!

Many of your answered prayers have eternal consequences, such as prayer for a lost loved one. Friends, the message of the hour is to PERSEVERE UNTIL CHRISTMAS. In other words, to persevere until Christ is born in their hearts and lives. 

Even the heart and soul of this nation, so contended for in this hour of history, can be born again. Persevere!

Great in the Sight of the Lord!
Final thought. Look how the angel described Zechariah’s answer to prayer. “He shall be GREAT in the sight of the Lord.” That’s how God describes your miracle child, now on its way!

Jesus described Zechariah and Elizabeth’s answer to prayer as “a burning and shining lamp.” This year, watch how God conceives holy fire within you. Watch how you birth His fire into the earth!

And with that… MERRY CHRISTMAS TO THE LAMPLIGHTER FAMILY! Yours with great affection and appreciation,

Jon & Jolene