Hanukkah… Also Jon & Jolene’s 11th anniversary! If you’d like to make a special year-end contribution, please click here.

OK I really did promise a break for the holidays. And it’s not that we all don’t need a little break. But watchmen, there’s a whole lot we need to cover immediately, especially praying for the safety of our watchmen in the natural. The police.

I actually found myself in unexpected negotiations with the Holy Spirit before we left for a Florida Christmas yesterday. I had awakened at 3 am and could not get back to sleep. The Lord clearly spoke to me that I could go to Florida only if I agreed to keep my watch over Washington DC during our time away.

Of course I agreed. Over the 14 hours of driving time that followed, I had a lot of time to ponder. How hard could keeping watch over DC be over Christmas? I mean, the President is on vacation in Hawaii, Congress is adjourned, and after a heated skirmish, referees have finally separated Marco Rubio and Rand Paul.

What could possibly go wrong?

Well… here’s a list. Please keep eyes open and hearts sensitive to the Lord as we move through these holy days. Merry Christmas to each of you!

Holiday Prayer Watch
1. Police protection—pray for protection for your local police, for exposure of any plots of violence or sabotage, for lawlessness to be abated over the holidays and honor, mutual respect and blessing to be restored. Watchmen, it’s time to pray for our watchmen. And over the holidays, you might consider thanking those who put their lives at risk everyday to protect you and yours, both here and abroad. Be generous with your gratitude!

2. North Korean Threats Against White House, Pentagon—The Associated Press is reporting that the White House and the Pentagon were specifically mentioned in threats by Pyongyang in response to FBI allegations that North Korean agents hacked Sony and threatened “911-style attacks” in theaters if the movie is released. With the Lord’s command to keep watch, I am personally taking these threats seriously, and hope you do too.

3. Pray for perimeter protection against terrorism—for White House, Pentagon, government bases worldwide. Please lets keep the Secret Service and Pentagon police covered in prayer, as well as perimeter protection for military bases, consulates, etc globally as the Lord leads.

4. Watch against potential terrorism at airports, transportation hubs—Radical Islamists have tried to strike on both Jewish and Christian holidays. Remember Christmas day a few years ago, when the “underwear bomber” tried to strike. Lets keep vigilant even as we travel, praying God’s protection and praying for potential terrorist strikes to be exposed and negated.

5. Finally, pray for a release of God’s angels! They showed up 2014 years ago on a barren hillside near Bethlehem to announce some really good news. And I feel like they are here again with heaven’s fresh directives—to usher humanity into God’s covenantal protection, provision and vitality through Jesus Christ. Pray for Holy Spirit visitations and angelic encounters this holiday season. Pray for many to return to Jesus Christ. Pray for your family, for folks near and far, for missionaries on the field. Pray for unreached people to receive the best Christmas gift anyone could ever receive. And that is Jesus Christ Himself.

Merry Christmas to all!

Jon & Jolene