Lamplighter Call 9pm tonight!

WEDNESDAY PRAYER CALL! 9PM ET. Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm!

ANNOUNCING—APPROACH THE BENCH! Sept. 15-25. Ten day collaborative project from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur. Leading towards Redeem America Solemn Assembly. 

WATCH VIDEO—CALL 911! Featuring real-time prophetic revelation and the dramatic call to engage in a solemn assembly. Storms can turn. Our land can be healed! CLICK HERE

LAMPLIGHTER CALL TONIGHT! 9PM ET with Jon and Jolene. Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm!

Sept. 15-17 Rosh Hashanah
Sept. 15 7pm Remnant Church, Brunswick GA with Jamie and Redonnia Jackson
Sept. 17 2pm the Gate Vero Beach with David & Tracy Ruleman
Sept. 19 Victory Church Sarasota with Brian & Bren Gibbs 

Sept. 22-25 Tampa
Sept. 22 Signs and Seasons Conference with Dina Ramos, Casa Adoracion y Gloria, Lakeland FL
Sept. 23 Signs and Seasons Conference with Dina Ramos, Casa Adoracion y Gloria, Lakeland FL
Sept. 24 6-9pm ET Redeem America—Yom Kippur National Broadcast, Jon & Jolene with Jen Mallan, Tampa FL

Redeem America! Yom Kippur
REDEEM AMERICA Sept. 24, 6pm-9pm ET Live Stream Solemn Assembly on Yom Kippur. Hosted by Jon & Jolene and Jen Mallan. With John Benefiel & HAPN, Mike & Cindy Jacobs and RPN, Fred & Sue Rowe and Global Watch, Becca Greenwood & SPAN, Ed Watts, Jamie Fitt, Chris Mitchell Jr, Adam Schindler, more.

THESE DAYS ARE AWE-SOME in both their glory and their challenge. What a time to APPROACH THE BENCH. 

Please join us for a ten-day collaborative time of prayer and fasting through the 10 Days of Awe, from Rosh Hashanah leading to Yom Kippur. We recently talked with Sue Rowe, who with her husband lead the renown prayer ministry Global Watch. Sue felt the weight of Holy Spirit as I shared with her about the Yom Kippur live-stream gathering. We are honored that Sue, her husband Fred, and the Global Watch prayer network are joining. 

As we talked, Sue began to prophesy about a 10-day prayer project leading up to Yom Kippur! And immediately I was the one who began feeling Heaven’s weight. Like a glory train, unperceived until it runs right into you. 

My only thought was… why didn’t I think of that? 🙂

We will begin Friday with a powerful posting by Fred and Sue. For now, lets focus a moment on the significance of the 10 days coming up. 

Approach the Bench
Beloved it’s no secret. Many prophets from many streams have sensed major challenges are coming this fall. Many of these challenges are coming to pass right before our eyes. Like a revised deal with Iran that was announced by our government literally on 9-11. Same day—9-11—that news broke that Iran is building a military airbase in Lebanon, only 12 miles from Israel’s border. 

As if we needed any more proof that “Call 911” must become the desperate cry of our hour. 

Therefore, for both America and Israel, it should be a total encouragement that the Lord is inviting us to approach the Bench on Yom Kippur in a nationwide solemn assembly. Lets cry out. Lets make our plea before His Court.

In Hebraic understanding, the time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur marks a period where the Lord sets His course for the new year. The Book of Life is opened. On Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, He “pencils in” His verdicts for individuals, for regions, even for nations. Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur you and I have an opportunity to “approach the bench” in repentance to see our transgressions forgiven, and a better verdict secured than what our actions alone deserve. 

What verdict should the Lord grant you? If you were God, evaluating the condition of your life and conduct, what verdict would you grant yourself? What verdict would you grant our government? Our nation? 

The good news is there’s still time to repent. To recalibrate. To enact deliberate choices to move in a different direction. 

Therefore it’s a time to forgive, release debts and offenses, and renew relationships where they have been strained either by the actions of others or our own. Take the step and initiate reconciliation. It is also your time to sow financially into the Kingdom. 

Let me ask you again—what are you seeking from the Lord in this season? For yourself, for your family, for others? For your nation? How are you praying? How are you setting your course during these next 10 days?

These are good questions to ponder at any time. But they are all the more significant in light of the prophetic warnings so many have emphasized for the fall. The Lord is emphasizing His kingdom alignment. As the Apostle Peter admonished, lets repent and return, so that our sins may be washed away, so that times of refreshment may come from the presence of the Lord! (Acts 3:19).