Justice Awakening 52 Conference! Feb. 1-3, 2018, over Super Bowl Weekend. Confronting sexual exploitation, ministering to people in the industry, mobilizing prayer. With Benji Nolot, Danielle Freitag, Jon & Jolene, more. Please contend in prayer with us! See https://www.justiceawakening52.org for more information. 

God is resounding—LET MY PEOPLE GO! Few things so touch God’s heart as what’s transpiring right here, right now. Lamplighter family, please consider a GENEROUS CONTRIBUTION. See https://www.calltothewall.org/justice-awakening-52/, and click donation button at bottom of the page.

“Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal…” (Acts 4:29).

TESHUVAH. TURNAROUND. Wherever the Super Bowl is held each year, that city becomes the epicenter of sexual exploitation and trafficking in the nation. We are in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metroplex with a resolute group of revolutionaries seeking to bring—and even become—God’s hand of intervention. And by this stand here here we are literally contending for NATIONAL TURNAROUND against a superforce twining together heartbreaking subjugation, high level occult, and unimaginable sexual exploitation. 

It’s all sourced in Baal. It is honestly at the very core of the Deep State. Therefore this metroplex has become the frontlines of the TURNAROUND now being decreed. 

And God is saying LET MY PEOPLE GO. 

Friends, your stand with these abolitionists, revolutionaries, and victims being touched through this ministry is one of the highest expressions of TESHUVAH—repentance—you can engage in. Please consider investing in this work. Our hosts have laid it all on the line. CLICK HERE to contribute. And above all else PLEASE PRAY. 

Landmark Day for Justice
It’s probably not a coincidence that today has become is a landmark moment justice—with the FISA document exposing the true grasp of the “Deep State” on our land, our governance, and our culture. 

For this reason I felt today to re-release Monday’s post. Many of you wrote that you didn’t actually receive it in the first place. Very strange. 

The implications of the threats against the Trump Administration and others would be terrifying were it not for the clear expression of Jesus’ verdict—and His fierceness to enforce it in our land.

I want to emphasize again the tremendous need to pray for our law enforcement and intelligence communities at this time. They are the first line of defense for our nation. The fact that a few have been co-opted in no way negates the incredible contribution made every day by the vast majority who see their occupation as a calling, and fulfill this calling even at the expense of their lives. 

Deep State: Verdict from Heaven’s Court
Lord, look on the threats of our supernatural enemy and grant boldness. Stretch forth your hand to heal our land!

As we shared on Monday, our very freedoms depend on receiving the answer to this plea before Heaven’s Court. For real. To read the rest of the posting “State of the Deep State: Verdict from Heaven’s Court” please CLICK HERE. 

Covenant blessings to each of you…