REVOLUTION 2019-2020 December 29-31 thru New Years Eve, Trump International Hotel. Becca Greenwood joining, along with Dutch Sheets, Cindy Jacobs, more. Hosts Jon & Jolene Hamill, Lamplighter Ministries. Registration only $150. 

To attend, register on Eventbrite $150 CLICK HERE.
Note that all conference attendees will have free access to webstream. 

To sign up for web stream, archives $60 CLICK HERE. 

ANNOUNCING LIVE WEBSTREAM! With Revolution only 12 days away, Jolene and I are excited to provide this opportunity. Now you can join us for New Years Eve and beyond without leaving the comfort of your home. Plus you will have access to all archives so you can absorb aspects of the gathering that speak deeply to your heart.  

Please sign up on Eventbrite— CLICK HERE.