REVOLUTION 2019-2020 December 29-31 thru New Years Eve, Trump International Hotel. Becca Greenwood joining, along with Dutch Sheets, Cindy Jacobs, more. Hosts Jon & Jolene Hamill, Lamplighter Ministries. Registration only $150. To register on Eventbrite or for more information on hotels etc CLICK HERE. 

FIRST—Revolution 2019-2020 is only two weeks away! As we announced yesterday, Becca Greenwood is joining us, rounding out a powerful team for Jesus. 

I love how God orchestrates our journey with such foresight. Can you recall any transition into a new year more vitally important for our nation? What a time to enthrone Jesus over Washington DC as we dedicate a new year and new decade! And while securing your seat at Revolution you are taking your seat of authority in Jesus to catalyze His turnaround. 

Rapid turnaround. 

Speaking of which, the full House of Representatives is expected to convene this week to impeach our President. 

Major Victories Last Week
“It was one of his best weeks yet!” That’s how one presidential advisor described President Trump’s breakthroughs last week. Victories include sealing a new US-Mexico-Canada trade deal described even by folks on both sides of the aisle as “much better than NAFTA,” seating yet another judge on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, finalizing a laborious China trade deal, and signing an executive order by Trump labeling anti-Semitism as a violation of civil rights. 

One more. While the House Judiciary Committee was busy trying to impeach President Trump, the House approved Trump’s Space Force program as a new branch of the US military. 

Great victories. All seemingly overshadowed by the continuation of the impeachment drama against President Trump. Culminating on Friday the 13th… 

12-12 Has Trumped Friday the 13th
Most of you know Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, chose October 31 to officially announce the impeachment hearings against President Trump. Not a coincidence it was on Friday the 13th that Jerry Nadler and the House Judiciary Committee concluded its hearings against President Trump and voted to impeach. The hidden purpose in choosing these days is shameful.

For the past few days a succinct phrase has been resounding in my spirit, and I awoke yesterday morning with a direction to declare the word publicly. Word to Washington DC: 12-12 has trumped Friday the 13! 

In a prayer time over this word yesterday I saw a vision of scrolls sourced from hell itself. Written on these dark scrolls were decrees of “desecrated justice,” empowered by occult manipulation and leveraging. Yet I also saw how Heaven’s gavel has fallen over the cornerstone of American democracy even to “trump” or overcome these demonic decrees. All covenants with death and hell annulled. 

I saw how how, as part of the Lord trumping Friday the 13, He is now unsealing His scrolls of His redemptive justice and exposure. This has actually been in process for some time. But expressions of His redeeming verdicts were actually decreed beginning on the 12-12 “Midnight Shining” prayer call. 

Rapid turnaround. Redemptive exposure. Boomerang. Apostolic Advancement. Daniel 7:22 judgment in favor of the saints, restraining the enemy, releasing the saints to possess the kingdom. Governmental breakthrough for Israel, the UK, and the US. A holy, covenantal alignment between these nations. Mercy securing God’s covenant. Midnight riders released as forerunning catalysts of His rapid turnaround. 

In short, 12-12 has trumped Friday the 13th.

Victory Decreed! From Faneuil Hall to Yorktown
Though we live in Washington DC, the Lord required us to be in Virginia Beach on 12-12, where His covenantal foundations for our land were originally established—and recently repaired. Onsite alignment required! Knowing that as we align covenantally with the Lord, He delivers us from the hand of every adversary (2 Kings 17:38-39). 

The prayer call at midnight on 12-12 was phenomenal. Then at noon on 12-12 we prayed at Yorktown, the battlefield where the American Revolution was won. 

Remember the Glory Train journey this year started at Faneuil Hall, where the Revolution began as Paul Revere launched his midnight ride from the nearby Old North Church. God’s freedom movement took us through the 13 Colonies and Florida. To finalize this 2019 Glory Train journey, we were asked by the Lord to governmentally release His victory for the nation in Yorktown, where the Revolution ended in victory. This is truly where our freedom was secured. We knew this victory would carry us through 2020. 

Due to the delicate nature of aspects of this assignment, I kept it private for many months. Special thanks to our team. It was awesome to see God’s purpose covenantally and governmentally released. VICTORY!

The final portion of our assignment was simply to return home, along the path known as the King’s Highway from Yorktown to Washington DC. This was the route traveled by George Washington upon gaining his victory over the British. This prophetic action released His victory to Washington DC, and even to our Revolution gathering.

Again this is what the Lord asked us to do to secure His movement for our future. None of us knew then that 12-12 would bring a full moon at midnight, accompanied by a 600-strong “Midnight Shining” call releasing His midnight riders to catalyze victory. James Goll even prophesied the mobilization of a continental army through this 12-12 breakthrough. He had no idea of the fullness of our assignment.

Very simply, you can’t make this stuff up. 

The Road Through 2020 is a Revelation Road
That said, here’s a prophetic word for 2020 that takes us into Revolution this year. For today’s midnight riders, the King’s highway is a Revolution Road which always leads to victory. And for 2020 the King’s highway is not only a Revolution Road, it is a Revelation Road. 

We began to see His highway redeemed, revealed and opened beginning over 12-12. The scrolls of Heaven continue to be unfurled. It will be awesome to see where this Revelation Road takes us! 

Remember the process the Lord showed us as recorded in our book “Midnight Cry.” We saw that by 2020 America would face a midnight crisis. Key aspects of the parable of the virgins and the Bridegroom provide a roadmap through the season. 

A midnight hour. A midnight crisis. A midnight watch. A midnight turnaround. Midnight riders released to announce His new movement awakening the bride. A midnight shining. A midnight procession. A covenant celebration. 

As we approach 2020, we can now understand how a midnight watch has marked the turnaround from a midnight crisis. Midnight riders are breaking forth with a midnight cry. The bride is responding by awakening and tending her lamps. A midnight shining has been released. From region to region God is resetting His lampstands and relighting His covenant flame!

Now into 2020 scrolls are being released to guide us on our midnight procession which mobilizes the nation and secures our covenantal inheritance for our future. The road to 2020 is a Revolution Road. It is a Revelation Road. And it is now opening for the journey.

Even now I can hear the approaching hoofbeats. No King but Jesus!