SUNDAY 4-18! FB LIVE & CONFERENCE CALL 8PM ET. Launching the “Chasing Glory Prayer Vigil” through Pentecost. We are doing a Facebook live video broadcast with our conference call running concurrently.

8PM FB live: Join us at 8pm ET on our homepage:

8PM Conference call: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Remember pre-conference call prayer begins at 8:45pm!

“TARRY IN JERUSALEM until you are endued with power from on High!” The mandate Jesus gave His disciples following His resurrection must have shocked them. Good thing they followed through. Because they were rewarded with a corporate encounter with the manifest glory of God!

Imagine being there as His mighty rushing wind filled the whole room, and tongues of fire rested on each of the disciples. Imagine the glory penetrating and filling each person, with tongues of fire bursting forth from their innermost beings in worship to God. Imagine experiencing this glory whirlwind and then addressing the vast crowd, gathered from the entire world, that had seen and heard the glory restored to Jerusalem on Shavuot.  

What we now know as the body of Christ was birthed out of this vigil. Imagine keeping watch through Pentecost in the upper room! Signs, wonders, and miracles followed. And their intercession set an example even for our era as we prepare for the glory to return. I am convinced that we will see the same as we continue to keep watch. You and I will become endued with power from on High. The church will receive a fresh wind, and new apostolic wineskins to engage the body of Christ at an even higher level. Signs, wonders and miracles will accompany apostolic ministry and evangelism.

And the governmental glory of God will even shift the course of nations once again. 

I am so excited this sound is being heard by so many across the spectrum of the body of Christ. Really paying attention to Lou Engle and the call to fasting and prayer for revival in Israel and America. FOCUSED AS WELL ON THIS PENTECOST!

All that said, our own “Chasing Glory” vigil through Shavuot launches this Sunday with a live broadcast and call. Remember this is not a random idea for us. The Lord alerted us that within a year of the governmental shaking He warned us of, we would begin to experience His glory similar to what Isaiah experienced as recorded in Isaiah 6. So lets seek his face. In a way we can barely understand, It’s now the season for this. Be sure to connect in. Lets roll…

From Houston Texas to St. Paul Minnesota
With Jon & Jolene, Chris Mitchell Jr.

Note: schedules subject to change. Updates will be posted on our website.

May 7-9 Launch Houston, Houston TX, 

May 11-13 Gold Monarch, Abilene TX,

May 16 Sunday morning, Church on the Rock Oklahoma City, note corrected link:

May 19 LifeGate St Louis MO,

May 21-23 Josiah Center St Paul MN,