
Prayer Call Weds! 9PM EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us

7pm, Trinity United Methodist Church
1300 West Street, Annapolis, Maryland 21401

July 15 (morn) Fort McHenry Prayer Journey
10 am, 2400 E Fort Ave, Baltimore, MD 21230 

July 15 (eve) Philadelphia PA
7pm, Philadelphia Tabernacle of David
21 Beechwood Dr, Huntingdon Valley PA 19006

We Experienced His Glory!
It was sometime after 2pm Saturday. The Glory Procession was at the Gate DC and Whole Word Fellowship. I was sharing about our journey and the Courts of Heaven. Prophet Sheryl Price from NJ began to declare, “All rise! All rise! Here comes the Judge!”

And the glory of God came in through the gate.

We had planned on having an orchestrated prophetic roundtable. Instead, the Holy Spirit swept in, and our friends spoke as moved by the Spirit. Three hours felt like 20 minutes! And when we stepped together into the Judge’s verdict and His new move, it was hard to remain standing. This weight of glory remained through the evening and into Sunday morning.

It was truly an Isaiah 6 moment, and I am still undone. Not as much as yesterday, when it felt like I could barely function in this realm—weeping, laughing, resting, running. But we have been prophesying an “Unveiling of God’s Unshakeable Throne” and that’s exactly what the Lord surprised us with at this gate for Washington DC.

He came as Judge.

There is so much more to share, and I cannot wait to communicate further with you about the verdicts the Lord has granted all the way up the coast. As Chuck Pierce prophesied, God is opening the gates and aligning them with His throne—we experienced this all the way up. And as Cindy Jacobs prophesied, God is stringing together His pearls.

Tonight we are in Annapolis—the only city besides Boston I remember Cindy directly referencing in her prophetic word for the Glory Procession. If you are in the area, I totally encourage you to join us. Tomorrow we are praying over Ft McHenry, home of the Star Spangled Banner, before journeying to Philadelphia PA. Please pray for great grace. So grateful to the Lord! And so grateful for your intercession which is fueling this extraordinary expression of God’s heart for the East Gate.

Covenant blessings and much love to you,

Jon & Jolene