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To order a copy of Crown & Throne see http://lamplighterministries.net

HAPPY THANKSGIVUKKAH to you! Jolene and I are honored to count you among the Lamplighter family, and our hearts and prayers are with you over the coming days of celebration. We all have so much to be thankful for! May God’s richest blessing be upon you and those you cherish.

And as we celebrate, lets remember the historic convergence of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah, pilgrims and spiritual revolutionaries who gave it all for God’s covenant with their respective nations to be established and honored. May the freedom vigil they began be kept in our time. And may the fire on the altar never go out!

Of course, it goes without saying to please pray for Israel in this unsettling hour.

Revolution 2013
“From coast to coast awakening! From coast to coast, REVOLUTION! No King but Jesus!”

This was the new song gently thundered during Revolution 2013, in the hallowed ground where a group of farmers and pastors, dockworkers and merchants became the mightiest fighting force the world had ever seen. The newly-trained Continental army fought against a military machine that had conquered nations across the entire globe.

And they won.

Not a coincidence we were gathered in “Victory Church” in Valley Forge to see God’s army resurrected and equipped for breakthrough. We have received incredible reports. Abby Abildness, whose ministry Healing Tree International helped host the event, wrote “All comments I heard were that it was the best and most historic and significant conference people ever attended.”

We are grateful! Thanks to all of you across the nation who have been laboring in prayer. The Lord even met us with provision, as we exceeded our budget by more than $500 in a last-minute miracle!

Crown & Throne—Endorsements
And as you know, Crown & Throne was officially released during Revolution 2013. Thank you all who have already ordered copies from our website! The favor granted by God and His people has been humbling. Below are excerpts from friends whom we asked to endorse the book.

“These pages simply rumble with the sound of awakening. Open them if you dare!” From the foreword by Cindy Jacobs, Generals International.

“Crown and Throne takes the greatest model of our Messiah’s triumph and invokes a people today to arise with the same selfless approach to seeing the glory overtake the earth. Read!” —Chuck Pierce, Director, Global Spheres.

“Crown and Throne is a fresh, revelatory contribution to the prayer movement for this hour of history” —Mike Bickle, Director of IHOP-KC.

“In “Crown and Throne,” Jon & Jolene Hamill capitalize on the current momentum of the global prayer movement and propels it further by lifting the veil on vital themes necessary to the maturing church.” —Matt Lockett, Director, Bound4Life, JHOP-DC.

“Jon and Jolene Hamill have been a turbo charge to the 24/7 prayer movement in Washington DC… ”Crown and Throne” is an operating system upgrade for the governmental intercession movement and gives us further understanding on what it means to bring the Government of God to the earth via the House of prayer”—Jason Hershey, Founder, Davids Tent, Director, Washington House of Prayer.

Isaiah 6: Vision of the Unshakeable Throne
Speaking of which… I feel today to briefly share the prophetic mandate that the Lord has spoken to us for 2014. Of course we’re focused on the Crown and Throne as a new move of the Spirit, a new expression of His heart and authority in the earth. But within this context, the Lord time and again has recently drawn my attention to Isaiah 6. The passage chronicles how, in a year of governmental shaking, Isaiah experienced the majesty of God’s unshakeable Throne.

In September the Lord unexpectedly brought us to Israel—our first trip—to bear witness to the birthing of God’s “Crown and Throne” movement. And it was in Israel that we first heard the US government had shut down. Government employees were furloughed. The National Mall had actually been shut down!

And I feared that Davids Tent, a 40 day expression of 24/7 worship on the White House Ellipse, might be forced to vacate the premises as well. Astoundingly, Davids Tent was the only ongoing event allowed to remain on the National Mall, due to the type of permit the team had been granted.

While watching these challenges unfold in Washington DC, the Lord began to speak to me about His unshakeable Throne. I realized that for the second year in a row, Davids Tent became a prophetic witness to our nation. The government of man had been shut down. But the government of God remained!

Glory Through the Gates
Through this government shutdown the Lord was bearing witness to my heart that the days of Isaiah 6 are returning. Who really rules? Who is our true source of provision? The purity of our trust is being tested and refined.

Isaiah begins his account with “In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, sitting on the THRONE, high and lofty…” King Uzziah had died—and the government of man had essentially shut down. It was in the same year of this occurrence that the Lord gave Isaiah a vision of His unshakeable Throne.

Watch this year for similar prophetic experiences. In 2014—within the same year as our government shutdown—God is opening the heavens and unveiling the King of glory on His Throne. What we’re calling “the Crown and Throne” is going to become personal and hauntingly real as the King’s domain is revealed!

There’s so much more to share from this passage that is revenant to this hour. Isaiah 6 conveys a move into Throne Room worship, with proclamation that releases God’s glory through the gates of the Temple. Watch for our worship to shift into a greater Throne Room expression. Also, watch this year for His glory to be restored through the gates!

Also we see from this passage that Isaiah was undone by this encounter. Primarily he was convicted of having unclean lips. He was dwelling among a people of unclean lips. God is moving now to purge His leaders and intercessors of uncleanness in our mouths, in our hearts and our words. Don’t be discouraged—this is part of the preparation for His glory to be released through our gates!

Finally for now, it’s important to understand why King Uzziah was disciplined by the Lord. From II Chronicles: “When he became strong, his heart was so proud that he acted corruptly, and he was unfaithful to the Lord his God, for he entered the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the altar of incense” (II Chron. 26: 15-16).

Verdict: Balance of Power Upheld
Not unlike America, Israel’s government was established with a balance of power between three offices, or branches: the prophet, priest and king. As king, Uzziah actually “crossed the line” and took on priestly duties by burning incense. In other words, he brought to bear an undue influence of his kingly branch upon the priestly branch. The resulting judgment from the Lord was essentially government shutdown, but even more. Uzziah actually died.

Beloved, it is an imperative to watch against pride in this hour. We must be careful not to pridefully assume we know what’s best, or that the ends justify the means. We must all be careful to honor and embrace the balance of power that has been established for our own good—and above all else, for the good of others! Governmentally, this is a covenantal foundation the Pilgrims sought to establish as a beach-head against dictatorship in their governance and that which was to come.

Amen. Something we all should ponder while eating our turkeys and relighting the menorah. Covenant blessings to each of you, and again… HAPPY THANKSGIVUKKAH!