
Prayer Call Weds! 9PM EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us


7pm, Philadelphia Tabernacle of David

July 16 Albany NY
7pm, Rock Road Chapel
96 Rock Rd., Berne, NY 12023

2-5pm Afternoon | 6:30-9pm Evening

Faneuil Hall Convocation a Week Away!
YESTERDAY WE SHARED how, on Saturday afternoon, we were literally rocked by a corporate visitation from the Lord. In Daniel 7:9, you can see how the prophet “watched until the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days took His seat.” The Lord literally came into the room and took His seat as Judge.

And all the sudden, I felt compelled to declare the verdicts the Lord had given us from state to state all the way up the coast. Things I didn’t even share in the evening meetings. Promise to post on this soon. But I knew these verdicts were being announced and enacted for our region—and in our region for the nation.

I then began to share a story I want to now share with you. Some of this will be old news, some new. As we were planning the Glory Procession, the Lord spoke to me to rent Faneuil Hall, Boston’s treasure and the “womb of the American Revolution.” This new move of God is a spiritual revolution, and really I began my journey into this reality here on May 7, 1998. The very next day a prophet declared that I was a spiritual Paul Revere, going from city to city and declaring “the Lord is coming!”  My world was forever changed.

So I felt we needed to return to this historic venue for the American revolution to see His work released in this hour. Didn’t know much more than “Faneuil Hall, July 22.” Jolene and I love collaborating with New England leader Linda Clark, and when we ran the idea by her she told me the story of how Cindy Jacobs had prophesied that the three of us needed to return to Faneuil Hall!

Crazy. Amazing confirmation. Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce soon confirmed that they would join us.

Faneuil Hall is Becoming “Daniel Hall!”
So I was praying at home shortly afterwards when the Holy Spirit visited me. He told me that we were joining at Faneuil Hall on 7-22 so the Lord can release His verdict for His people and our nation. This gathering is literally a convocation with the Court of Heaven. Faneuil Hall is becoming “Daniel Hall!”

From Daniel 7:22—

“…Until the Ancient of Days took His seat, and judgment was rendered in favor of the saints of the Highest One, and the time came for the saints to possess the Kingdom” (Dan. 7:22).

A supernatural foe—literally an antichrist spirit—had been fighting against the saints and overwhelming them, changing times and laws. Then the Court of Heaven ruled, and suddenly everything changed! The beast became restrained. And the saints suddenly regained strength and momentum, surging into a new move of the Spirit to possess their promises!

Gary Beaton Prophesies
Sounds far-fetched, but I felt then that the Lord was rendering a similar judgment for His saints in America today. A turning point for our nation!

Most of you know this story already. But you can imagine my surprise when a high level prophet I had never known before literally reiterated this very word to me on Saturday.

Prophet Gary Beaton, mentored by Bob Jones, will be joining us at Faneuil Hall on 7-22. We have opened up an afternoon session to give us all breathing room and include Gary in the mix. Without going into detail, the Lord brought Gary before the Court of Heaven on 7-22 nine years ago to present his case for national renewal. He knew there would come a time when the gavel of the Ancient of Days would fall… and he has been waiting ever since, for these nine years, for the Lord to make His time clear.

I am submitting this to you as friends of our ministry so you can pray with more focus. Clearly this time is strategic. Please consider fasting and praying for this breakthrough time. Folks are telling us they are joining us in Boston from the 13 colonies and across the nation. Please pray. And join us if you can. Because His judgment is being rendered in favor of the saints!