“This is the Roe v Wade of our generation”–Jason Hershey.

Don’t miss this regional convocation on the first night of Passover. Launching 50 hours of prayer. Get the word out, compel your friends to come! With Jason Hershey, Matt Lockett, Sara Ballenger, Jon & Jolene Hamill, Davids Tent, JHOP-DC, more.

Address: Faith Tabernacle, 300 A St NE DC. Evening parking at Supreme Court Parking lot across street. Info 50 hrs DC prayer here

Your Stand
On Tuesday and Wednesday, two historic Supreme Court hearings on same sex marriage will be held. We together feel a sacred call to convene together Monday evening and appeal to a Higher court. It’s time to take your stand–not to be seen by men, but to be seen before the Throne of God.

Significantly, Monday is the first day of Passover. A time where Jews and Christians celebrate God’s radical deliverance from slavery to freedom. More accurately, God’s people were delivered from Pharaoh’s idolatry-empowered subjugation and abortion. More importantly, they were delivered unto freedom to worship as God desires, and live as God desires. LET MY PEOPLE GO!

For Christians, Passover is also the very hour where the Savior married His people! Jesus Christ died to redeem us from our sins, and rose again to secure our eternal life. As John the Baptist thundered, “He that hath the bride is the Bridegroom” (John 3:29).

We gather Monday to celebrate Yeshua’s union with us, and stand together for His definition of marriage to be retained as the governmental standard in our land. Communion will be served at the close of the service. The Sacred Assembly launches 50 hours of nonstop prayer, both on location in Washington DC and nationally via conference call.

So come–and lets take a united stand before God’s Throne. He that hath the bride is the Bridegroom!

Resurgence Happening Now!
A few weeks ago, Jolene and I met with Jason Hershey, Matt Lockett, and Sara Ballenger. We were all feeling significantly burdened over the hearings. Though our respective ministries touch different spheres in DC and the nation, we were compelled by the Spirit to join together, taking a united stand for marriage. The strategy for Passover 50–with 50 hours of prayer in DC combined with 50 hours of prayer nationwide via conference call, and 50 days of sustained prayer for the Supreme Court–soon took hold.

As we united, we immediately saw key ministries and networks across the nation join us for this call. We are witnesses to a literal “resurgence” now taking place across the body of Christ!

This resurgence is proof that the Passover 50 project is actually being entrusted to you! For more information or to participate in the 48 hours of onsite prayer following the Sacred Assembly, click here.

50 hours nationwide prayer for marriage | 50 hours DC prayer | 50 days nationwide prayer for Supreme Court | 7pm Monday-9pm Weds.