Breaking—President Trump has offered the National Security Advisor position to Vice Admiral Robert Harward. The former Seal is an extraordinary pick. Please take time now to pray for Harward and the NSC staff.

What a powerful call last night. I felt the Lord was deeply engaged in commissioning us all into a new watch for the new season. We are in the midst of a “conflict of thrones.” However you are being secured on higher ground!

Today I want to “dive in” to a clear prophetic directive on this subject—featuring an ocean, a sandbar, a shark and a bull. As shared Monday, I believe a recent dream the Lord gave me prophetically exposes the true purpose behind recent attacks against the Trump administration.

Holy Spirit is also warning us. The keys within this dream are essential to help you embrace this new season, and navigate through it.

So in a moment lets explore the dream, and then I will close with a prophetic perspective regarding the Trump Administration. But first…

Historic Meeting Between Trump and Netanyahu
Amazing how one press conference can shift the entire world. Thank you Jesus! Trump and Netanyahu truly lived up to their calling as turnaround leaders. As of yesterday, the decades-old obligation to pursue a two-state solution is officially over. New and fresh ideas to achieve lasting peace are now being explored.

It was amazing to see the honor, respect and warmth between Pres. Donald Trump and PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Such a different tone than before. Trump denounced the Iranian nuclear deal, and declared his resolve to empower the unbreakable bond between Israel and America. And Netanyahu, after an impassioned message on countering the tide of radical Islamist terror, defended Trump as a true friend of the Jewish people.

Their collaboration is already bringing historic shifts to Israel and the Mideast. I do believe we have seen another extension of the Daniel 7:22 “turnaround verdict,” right before our very eyes. The Lord is taking what the enemy meant for evil and turning it for good.

But this turnaround must be enforced in prayer.

Conflict of Thrones—Bull vs Shark!
OK… in keeping with the Conflict of Thrones warning that has come to define these two years, lets now explore the recent “bull vs shark” dream. I earnestly believe the dream covers challenges now facing the Trump administration. Please keep in mind that historically, God has communicated to His prophets very clearly through dreams and visions which conveyed the essence of political situations, future direction, etc. The biblical prophet Daniel is a prime example.

In the dream, I saw a shark and a bull in the ocean near a beach. The shark was moving at rapid speed towards the bull, aiming for his legs. Its mouth was opening. Clearly the shark wanted to destabilize the bull—to incapacitate him so he could not escape.

In response, the bull thrust his horns into the water, shaking his head while violently retreating. The bull backed his way right up a nearby sandbar, above the tide! In a dramatic turnaround, the bull suddenly took the higher ground.

Gray muscle, fins, and white teeth moved aggressively in full pursuit. In fact, the shark’s momentum drove it onto the sandbar—where it became stuck! Suddenly the predator was trapped on dry ground. In the last part of the dream, the bull lowered his horns again, shook his head slowly, and moved towards the shark.

The Bull—Apostolic Breakthrough
As I shared Monday, the oceans in this dream clearly represented people—the “ocean of humanity.” But my first interpretation of the shark and bull was wrong.

I originally thought the bull represented the demonic principality “Baal.” This entity is worshiped as a bull, and according to biblical patterns it seeks to take over thrones of influence in families, cultures, cities and nations. But though the interpretation seemed to fit the context, I still felt a check. As I prayed more, Heaven’s revelation came.

Now this is a very important key for you to navigate through this new season. You cannot make assumptions based on experiences or revelation alone from the previous season. WE MUST HEAR FROM HOLY SPIRIT AFRESH!

This bull in my dream does not represent Baal but actually God’s Throne room antidote and conqueror of the Baal principality. In other words, His agent of breakthrough.

Biblically, one of the living creatures before God’s Throne is fashioned in the image of a young bull (see Revelation 4:7). Friends further expanded my understanding:

I have heard that the bull in the four living creatures is also called an ox, which represents the apostolic anointing. The ox goes ahead to break up the hard ground with the plow, breaking open the way for the seed. Sounds like Micah 2:13! Psalm 92:10: “But you have exalted my horn like that of the wild ox; you have poured over me fresh oil.”

By revelation from the Lord, the bull in the dream secondarily represents Donald Trump—a man with the strength and the bull-headed persistence needed to restore our land and security, even in the face of unprecedented resistance. Please pray continually supernatural strength for our new President.

New Apostolic Season—Watch and Build!
Many have perceived that Trump’s inauguration also marked Heaven’s inauguration of a new apostolic grace for America. Rick Ridings was emphatic about this during December’s Revolution Conference. A shift from simply rooting out and tearing down to building and planting as well.

The prophet Nehemiah is a good example. He saw the broken condition of Jerusalem’s walls of protection, and remembered God’s covenant. He then cried out “Let us arise and build!”

Covenant with Christ has now been restored as the foundation for this apostolic breakthrough. Like Nehemiah’s builders, we still need to hold up the sword and watch—guard and protect—against those resisting the work. But in this new season the Lord is summoning us in the strength of the ox both to watch and to build!

Targeted Undermining & Agents of Sabotage
In the dream, the resistance to this movement came in the form of a fast-moving shark. It’s important to see that the shark did not seek to devour the whole bull. Instead it went for the bull’s legs. To knock the legs out from under him. 

The enemy’s strategy is clearly conveyed here. With great speed and brute force, the enemy is seeking to undermine the breakthrough and apostolic building founded on restored covenant with Jesus Christ

In the dream this shark hid itself in the “ocean of humanity” until poised to attack. Sharks are largely hidden when they attack because they travel underwater. In other words they are covert.

How do we guard against this? The good news is that as we align with God’s covenant, He promises to deliver us from the hand of every adversary (2 Kings 17:38-9). He is faithful!

That said, we must pray against covert assaults against the Trump Administration and against our nation. A few weeks ago in prayer, Holy Spirit quickened to me the phrase “agents of sabotage.” I immediately knew He wanted to expose their work.

On a national level, lets pray for redemptive exposure of “agents of sabotage” who have purposed to take down the Trump administration—whether within our intelligence community or anywhere else in government, the military, etc.

Retreat to Advance
Small shark, large bull… given the size especially, the bull’s immediate response to the shark wasn’t surprising. Horns locked, the bull seemed ready to fully engage. Then surprisingly he retreated!

The bull backed up onto a very large sandbar and found safety. And as noted, the shark’s blind pursuit stranded him on the sandbar and therefore made him completely vulnerable to the bull.

We are all now called to this same upward journey! And we will celebrate together as the sharks in the water become exposed and trapped.

Encouragement for the Trump Administration
Regarding the President, my best understanding is that the opposition coming against Donald Trump is causing him to seek and secure the higher ground the Lord desires for him to attain. Certainly there are many “sharks” seeking to undermine his administration. They are within the media, political circles at high levels, community activist groups (some of whom are funded by George Soros etc), and possibly even within the intelligence community.

It’s a good time now to share a prophetic word. National Security Advisor Michael Flynn had become a pillar—a major leg—of the Trump administration when he was attacked regarding alleged Russia communications. And the attack, covert and overt, was clearly purposed to undermine the Trump administration.

But Trump and team responded right. After careful evaluation Flynn’s resignation was requested, and a new leader appointed. They retreated from their original aggressive positions and instead sought higher ground.

And I believe by the Spirit their efforts will be rewarded from on High. Obviously we need to continue to pray—for the NSC and the Trump administration as a whole.

Analyzing the Challenges—No Assumptions!
In the media a lot of assumptions are being thrown around regarding leaks, the intelligence community, etc. Perhaps “agents of sabotage” still loyal to the previous administration have indeed sought to undermine the Trump administration by leaking information to the media. If true, this is reprehensible and deserving of immediate discipline.

One thing is certain. The “sharks” in the media saw the blood in the water and responded—with lightning speed.

But lets be cautious to cast blame. We obviously do not know the whole picture. And it’s clear that, after the elections, allegations of intervention by the Russian intelligence community provoked much friction from the Trump Administration. But perhaps there was some truth to it.

The good news is that, no matter what, the Trump Administration has taken the higher ground. And now I believe we will see a further expression of God’s intended turnaround. Watch how “sharks” across the spectrum now become exposed and trapped by their own pursuits as part of God’s breakthrough work. As Jolene shared a week ago, the Lord is painting our supernatural enemy into a corner so that His movement may advance in safety.

What’s Your Higher Ground?
Many of you receiving this word are actually being called to gain higher ground in your own lives. It’s time to take a retreat and seek the Lord. I encourage you to identify three key areas of your life where the enemy is seeking to undermine your work. Look also at three areas of your life where God is calling you to higher ground. Pray into this and see how the Lord seeks to form a new level of protection and stability for your future!

And remember—by attaining the higher ground, you will receive grace to overcome the enemy.

Prayer Points for Trump Administration
Lets review the various prayer points from this posting. I want to encourage you to pray through these points in a targeted, intentional way.

  1. Sharks are after the bull—pursuing Donald Trump to take down his administration. Pray for exposure of “agents of sabotage.”
  2. Sharks are targeting the legs—the most vulnerable parts of the Trump Administration, the pillars which ensure stability. These sharks seek to purposefully undermine. Declare God’s deliverance from these adversaries! (2 Kings 17:38-9).
  3. We must seek God’s higher ground—that’s the place of safety for us personally, and for the Trump administration. The truth will make you free.
  4. We must pray for the NSC—and for other government spheres the Lord highlights to you. Pray in the Spirit to make your way through these murky waters. Pray until you receive breakthrough!
  5. The Lord is your Breaker—He goes before you to prepare the way. He also vows to protect and defend you along the way (Micah 2:13, Exodus 23:20). Pray for sustained breakthrough and revelation of truth as His movement marches forth.

Thanks again for praying. Covenant blessings to each of you. No King but Jesus!