BREAKING NEWS! SACRED ASSEMBLY LAUNCHES PASSOVER 50! Monday, March 25, 7pm, Faith Tabernacle, Capitol Hill. Regional convocation on the first night of Passover! Launching 50 hours of prayer. Jason Hershey calls the upcoming Supreme Court hearings “the Roe v Wade of our generation.” Don’t miss this historic time of praise, repentance and prayer. Get the word out, compel your friends to come!

Address: Faith Tabernacle, 300 A St NE DC. Evening parking at Supreme Court Parking lot across street. With Jason Hershey, Matt Lockett, Sara Ballenger, Jon & Jolene Hamill, Davids Tent, JHOP-DC, more.

Remembrance–Please Read and Remember!
“This do in remembrance of Me.” Jesus’ Passover words compel us to realign our hearts as we receive the Lamb’s own body and blood–what we call communion. He compels us to put forth an effort and perceive again the unprecedented investment He made for us on the cross. Redemption accomplished, so as Misty Edwards sings, “the Father will have a family, and the Son will have a Bride!”

Jesus also compels us to remember our journey with Him, personally and corporately. I want to briefly bring your attention to His work over the past few years, keeping in mind that these projects are still unfolding and coming to fullness across our land.

Covenant Restored In 2010-11, led by John Benefiel and Cindy Jacobs, we responded to God’s call for the divorcement of Baal, praying at over 10,000 lodges and historic altars of idolatry across the nation. We culminated this project at the Lincoln Memorial, where we presented the Lord Jesus Christ with a Declaration of Covenant, asking Him to marry our land again according to our covenantal foundations. 50 days later, an earthquake cracked the Washington Monument as well as one of the most prominent Masonic altars in the world.

This event was an unprecedented sign that the Lord Jesus Christ had received our repentance, and agreed to marry our land!

Bridal Canopy Prevails In 2012, HAPN/RPN partnered with the Lord to see His bridal canopy established across our nation. Years before, Cindy Jacobs had a vision of an “X” over our nation. The northwest peg was connected with a line to the southeast peg. The northeast peg was connected with a line to the southwest peg. The lines intersected in Kansas, the geographic center of our nation.

While Cindy and Dutch Sheets were praying on this, Dutch saw the “X” transform into a bridal canopy. We knew from this that the enemy would try to “X” out God’s dream for our nation. However, the Lord was intent on restoring His glory as a bridal canopy across our land. On October 31, 2012, we partnered together in each state of the nation to see His dream begin to be released. The Lord gave us a word that “the Bridal Canopy prevails!”

Miracles! New Birth of Freedom In 2013, the Lord spoke to us literally from the Gettysburg Address about a “New Birth of Freedom.” As the Lord restored His marriage covenant with our land, and began the process of restoring His bridal canopy, the eyes of our Savior were now focused upon the offspring of His covenant with us. We felt strongly that the Lord was granting a breakthrough by Passover. And we felt strongly that part of this breakthrough was regarding abortion. For this reason, we felt to pray at every known abortion clinic in the nation by Passover, again receiving the divorcement from Baal and releasing the Life Decree.

Breaking News on Abortion!
Since January, headlines have literally been filled with news of breakthroughs regarding abortion. Mississippi, North Dakota, Arkansas, even Virginia have made news on restraining laws. AND YESTERDAY, KY Senator Rand Paul introduced a bill to define life as beginning at conception!

Note that Sen. Paul’s bill has been introduced literally a week before Passover begins. Can’t make this up! Your labor for the King is preparing the way!

Passover Breakthrough–Disempower the X
Again, the Lord has shown us to focus on Passover for breakthrough. The Spirit of God highlighted to us Exodus 12– Passover–and Acts 12, where the prayers of the saints catalyzed a breakthrough and brought Peter out of prison.

Both Exodus 12 and Acts 12 literally chronicle a breakthrough in relentless, fervent tears and prayer that impacted the governments of their day to free the saints.

Patterned after this, we are facilitating 50 hours of nonstop prayer beginning on Passover. Through this we are praying through two days of Supreme Court hearings on same sex marriage. Our goal is simple–to partner with Holy Spirit and “pray through” for His cause to prevail.

Because “He that hath the bride is the Bridegroom” (John 3:29). Marriage is between a Bridegroom and a bride. And though the enemy in the spirit might try to “X” out God’s work, this “X” will be disempowered, and Christ’s bridal canopy will prevail.

So as we connect tonight, lets remember Christ’s covenant with us, forged over Passover, and His promise to His own! “The covenant I have made with you, you shall not forget, nor shall you fear other gods. But the Lord your God you shall fear, and He shall deliver you from the hands of every adversary” (II Kings 17:38-39).

50 hours nationwide prayer for marriage | 50 hours DC prayer | 50 days nationwide prayer for Supreme Court | 7pm Monday-9pm Weds.