
CALL TONIGHT! 9pm est. We will be praying together for DC and our Nation. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!

Washington, Man of Prayer! Broadcast tonight on Daystar, webcast, 8:30-10 pm est. See

First—Jolene and I are grateful for the prayers of the Lamplighter family for the “Washington, Man of Prayer” gathering at Statuary Hall in the Capitol. Our friends Keat and Judy Wade of San Diego have been doing an incredible job leading intercession for this event. Jolene and I enjoyed visiting and praying with them earlier in the week, and I promised them we would continue to pray tonight.

May 7: Framing our Future
Each year I look forward to May 7 as a pivotal day where the Lord begins to frame our future. On May 7, 1998 we held a sacred assembly similar to “Washington, Man of Prayer” at Faneuil Hall in Boston. We went to this historic hall known as the “womb of the American Revolution” because we felt that God wanted to release a spiritual revolution that unlocks the apostolic governance of our nation.

This gathering at Faneuil Hall was the first time we publicly sought the Lord for a Third Great Awakening, in the land of historic awakening. And it was the first time we publicly led in repentance for the idolatry of freemasonry, and together sought for the Lord to re-establish His covenant with our nation.

I did not realize that the Lord would use this event to set the course for the next few decades of my life. Where a national movement of covenant restoration with the Lord Jesus Christ would arise, with Heaven’s Court granting a divorce from historic idolatry. I am so grateful to Dr. John Benefiel for his leadership of the HAPN, with a pioneering focus on divorcing Baal and re-aligning covenantally with the Lord.

Sign: Earthquake Confirms Covenant
And it is extraordinary how, as we presented this finished work and asked the Lord for His hand in marriage again, He would even send an earthquake to confirm His response! On July 4, 2011 we culminated this project together at the Lincoln Memorial. Exactly fifty days later an unprecedented earthquake rocked the region. The Washington Monument cracked. Gargoyles toppled from the National Cathedral… even one of the most renown altars Baal in the nation was damaged in this quake.

God certainly has a way of making a point. And as this covenantal expression has been restored from heaven, we have begun to see a commensurate release of covenantal authority to bring breakthrough.

We are in an hour where many are looking for God’s hand in transformation—in our government, in our churches, etc. I cannot emphasize enough that this transformation only begins with the restoration of covenant with the Lord, divorced from all idolatry. This understanding is still very new to the vast majority of the body of Christ. We are all on a learning curve here. But friends, on a global basis the Holy Spirit is conveying that the blood of Jesus Christ is worth our uncompromised allegiance. Amen!

Sign: Comet Confirms Release of New Move
Prophetic leader Bob Jones prophesied about a mighty move where God would confront the idolatry of our time. He spoke of an hour where the Lord would combine the miracles of Exodus with the miracles of Acts, delivering His people completely from Pharaoh’s bondage. He also prophesied that a comet undetected by scientists would flash across the sky to confirm this word.

Not coincidentally, the point of demarcation for the beginning of this move was actually on May 7. Many historians regard May 7, 1983 as the birth of the International House of Prayer movement.  Because that’s the date when Mike Bickle chose to begin a 21 day solemn assembly in response to Bob’s word.

And on May 7, 1983, a comet—undetected by scientists—flashed across the sky Can’t make that up!

Friends, we are in this progressive move of the Spirit. And in this season, God’s promise of a new move of deliverance has begun. So this May 7, lets celebrate together the extraordinary work being accomplished by God’s Spirit in our midst. The Lord chose you for this very hour of history. And we together have the privilege of beginning to experience the greatest move of the Spirit seen since the Book of Acts. Let My People Go!

Sign of the Lampstand
In this progressive move, God’s lampstand is now beginning to be seen and emphasized by the Holy Spirit again. The sign of the lampstand demarcates an hour of history where the Spirit of God is moving to complete the work that He began.

Through the “sign of the lampstand,” two intentions are being clearly conveyed by the Spirit for this season. We have shared the first—that we are in a time to reconsecrate the Temple to the Lord, apart from all idolatry. This is the mandate behind the miracle of Hanukkah, when the menorah or lampstand was relit to reconsecrate the Temple after it had been defiled by idolatry.

The second intention of the Spirit—transformation—builds on the first. In Zechariah 4, God’s lampstand appears to the prophet in a visionary experience. The vision of the lampstand, or menorah, signals a season where the Spirit of God is again beginning to move to complete the work He began.

And it is within this prophetic experience that Zechariah hears God’s mandate, “Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit, says the Lord” (Zech. 4:6).

Friends, I submit to you that this is our “THUS SAITH THE LORD” for the season. It’s why we are engaged in a “By My Spirit” prayer watch through Pentecost. Yet until today—May 7—I have been restrained by the Lord from governmentally releasing this word.

Let me be the first to admit that I don’t fully understand all that this implies. But over the course of the first five months of this year, Jesus has been weeping over our lampstands, bringing us into deliverance from the Usurper. Heaven’s vats of oil, once inaccessible due to the reproach of our idolatry, are again becoming accessible so our lamps might burn with holy fire. Destinies in Christ that were put on hold are being released into fulfillment and completion.

Friends of the Bridegroom, it is time again for your lamp stands to shine brightly for Jesus. Because God is bringing to fulfillment what He promised. The cornerstone of Jesus has been laid, the capstone of Jesus will be laid as His great work is completed.

This miracle might be tangibly seen today, or it might not. But I am sure that many are already perceiving this by the witness of Holy Spirit. And there’s real oil from the Lord today on Zechariah 4. Even a grace to enter in by the Spirit and receive Zechariah’s promise as your own!

Because neither demonic powers nor the conspiracies of man can delay God’s work. Today, May 7, 2014, the sign of God’s lampstand is covenantally and governmentally released. Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord!