
6:30 pm, New Dimension Church
100 Niantic Ave, Providence, RI

July 21 Plymouth MA with Dutch Sheets
Radisson Plymouth
180 Water St, Plymouth, MA 02360

2-5pm Afternoon | 6:30-9pm Evening
With Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets, Gary Beaton, Linda Clark, Jon & Jolene, Jamie Fitt and PTOD Worship, More

Glory Procession Enters Final Week!
We had a blow-out meeting yesterday. At about 4:20 pm the power of God hit the Valley Shore Assembly in Connecticut, just as we were finishing up. We have found the Lord brings a sovereign expression of His glory sometime during the meetings—always incredible, rarely when we expect! Further, many familiar with Lamplighter have commented that the corporate anointing in these meetings is higher than ever before. WE ARE SO GRATEFUL TO YOU LORD!

Hard to believe that tonight marks day 19 of our journey. We have literally stepped into God’s new move all the way up the coast. And it’s truly a spiritual revolution—what Jonathan Edwards called a “divine attack upon society.”

So incredible to see how the Lord has ordered our steps this week. At Boston’s Faneuil Hall we will gather in the “womb of the Revolution.”  Historically, the argument could be made it all began in Boston, at this very hall. Revelation 19:11 shows how Jesus judges and then makes war to enforce His verdict. We will see the Lord release His verdict of justice at Faneuil Hall. We then journey to Trenton, known for the TURNING POINT in this revolution! Finally we close out the journey next Sunday at Yorktown Virginia’s “Surrender Field” where the British surrendered to George Washington and our dream of Liberty was finally secured.

Can’t make this stuff up if you tried.

Appeal to Heaven Tuesday at Faneuil Hall
Many of you are traveling to Faneuil Hall Tuesday. Here are some tips. First, it’s best to enter into the city after 9am, when rush hour traffic subsides. You might want to give yourself some time to enjoy the city before our gathering begins at 2pm. Great restaurants of all price ranges are all around Faneuil Hall for both lunch and dinner if desired.

Please come and enjoy! But lets remember we are there for national breakthrough—to see the Lord grant His judgment in favor of the saints. Heaven’s court will literally be in session these two meetings.

Webstream—Working on It!
There is a high demand for web stream of the gatherings. Friends we are working on it! The bandwidth at the Hall does not allow for web streaming so we are working on other arrangements. We would love to provide this for you so you can join with us across the nation. Look for an announcement on web streaming in the next day or so!

Invitation to Sow
The generosity of God’s people has been incredible all along the way as we step into this new season together. God is moving! And we have full confidence that His provision, generous from the heart, will continue to be seen.

That said, we’d like to give you an invitation to sow into His work through Faneuil Hall and the Glory Procession. It’s true there are many expenses associated with these gatherings—approximately $15,000 total, including venue rentals, airfare, lodging, honorariums, etc. I have full confidence that our God will supply our needs, because that’s really how He is. That said, pray with us, ok?

Our heart is also to offer you an opportunity to sow into this new move, and receive with us from the breakthrough He is granting. “…If you sow to the Spirit you will of the Spirit reap life everlasting” (Galatians 6:8). You may feel to sow financially, and you may feel to sow to the Spirit through prayer. Every contribution to Christ’s cause at this time counts beyond measure!

We feel so honored even to be part of what God is doing. From our hearts and from our team, we are grateful to be taking this journey with you! Each step of the way has been an unforgettable adventure. Covenant blessings each of you!

Jon & Jolene

To sow to the Glory Procession please see