
Prayer Call Tonight! 9PM EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us


7pm, Rock Road Chapel
96 Rock Rd., Berne, NY 12023

New! July 17 Claremont NH
2pm Grace River Church
56 Main St, Claremont NH

July 17 Eve Brattleboro VT
7pm, Healing Grace Ministries
55 Marlboro Road
, Brattleboro, Vermont 05301 

2-5pm Afternoon | 6:30-9pm Evening

Eight Days—Word by Chuck Pierce
Our Glory Procession meeting last night was powerful… and colorful! We will never forget the scores of banners dancing through the sanctuary. Truly, His banner still waves!

We are posting photos from each stop on our FaceBook page. Love for you to friend us!

Chuck Pierce released a prophetic word yesterday—and it stopped us in our tracks. He prophesied about a new decree for our land. He declared that God is giving us strength through the next eight days, and that a new rule will be set.

What does this mean? Not sure. But it’s probably not a coincidence we will be culminating the next eight days with Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets at Faneuil Hall Boston and then at Patriot’s Theatre in Trenton NJ! Please note that we have opened up a second session at Faneuil Hall to give us all more room to breathe as we stand together for God’s verdict to be released. A new rule will be set!

By the way… have you taken a close look at the graphic above? A few familiar faces are actually featured… revolutionaries of this hour!

Below is Chuck’s word. Please note his warning not to compromise with the enemy over these next eight days.

New Strength for A New Rule! Prophecy by Chuck Pierce
“I will give you strength over the next eight days, and there will be a new rule set. Do not be weary!  Take a deep breath, for I will send wind after wind of strength.  In these next eight days, there will be a rising of My decree that has gone out on your behalf in the land, and you will take a stand.  You will then be energized, and you will overthrow this enemy that is standing in your court and saying, ‘You will bow.’ This will not be a season of bowing!  The enemy will come to you with a compromising agreement.  Do not compromise and agree with the enemy over these next eight days, but let Me show the enemy that which I am capable of setting in place. Then, the enemy won’t just agree, but the enemy will bow before you!

“In this season of the door, I will surprise you with the new revelation I will set before you.  For this is a day that you have cried out, and I have come. As a sign, I am extracting all that the enemy has tried to squeeze (out of you) and tried to stop you from having, and I am bringing it and will be setting it before you. Make a record of the revelation that I sit before you, for this will define how you go out, in days ahead. For in these days, I am calling My people out. So bring the revelation in, and then you will go out … not only with joy that produces strength, but you will go out with a strategy and in a strength that you’ve not had.   I’ve heard your cry, and I have come to your door with what I have extracted from all of what you have been pressed in, in the past.  Now you will receive and go out with strength over this season ahead.

“I am extracting faith! For the enemy has pressed you in, but what’s coming out of you now is a faith purer than you have ever had before.  From your authority and crying out,  I am causing the enemy to be pushed up into My courts. And from your pushing and your pressing, I will now look at the enemy and make a decree that will give you your authority, in your war in days ahead.  I am extracting the faith that has been pressed out of you, and it will be as a pure vial that I will give back to you, and you will use it with great authority.  Let Me process this that has been pressed out over the next eight days, and it will be as if one drop of that which has been pressed through you will then begin to spread with a new glory in the earth.

“This is the beginning of you taking up your mat and walking in a new way.  I have heard you, and it has been expanded this day.  You brought the enemy before Me and I will set the decree that sets your boundaries for your new way.  I have enlarged the place of your tent; your testings have pressed out a new vial of fragrance, and your testings have caused new wine to be brought forth.  You have secured a new place and this new enlarged place will be established over these next 8 days!”