Prayer Storm family,

Some of you have asked what it was like to pray through the last few weeks in Washington DC. Have you ever been in the middle of a whirlwind, with lightning and thunder and hail and earthquakes rocking the world around you? Kind of like that. All I can say is thank you for your vigilance. And we, the Prayer Storm intercessors over this hour of history, HAVE BEEN NAMED for such a time as this!  

Thank you all for your vigilance. Lets keep President Trump’s first overseas journey in VIGILANT PRAYER. Trump is finishing his visit to Saudi Arabia, the heart of Sunni Islam, today. On Sunday he goes to Jerusalem. Keep watch. Pray for favor and protection.

Because in typical Trump style, the risks are great but the potential for good is exponentially greater! Here’s why.

An Unprecedented Hour
Let me paint a vivid picture for you regarding this extraordinary window of opportunity President Trump is stepping into. Trump’s primary mission is to empower a coalition of Mideast nations to embrace peace and disavow the radical terrorism that has so marred our landscape and theirs. Internally from the likes of ISIS and Al Queda especially. Externally, and perhaps most importantly, from Shiite Iran. 

While the Trump team was still in the air, Iran’s presidential election was decided. Hassan Rouhani easily won the majority, even though his opponent was backed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and was said to be favored by the ultimate ruler of Iran, Ayatollah Khameni. 

Such an interesting development. And it has marked an unprecedented hour to draw the Sunni nations of the Mideast together and propose a military and diplomatic alliance the Trump administration has called “a Mideast NATO.”

Correction on this statement. Lets say, Sunni nations with one exception. That would be our friend Israel. 

Kairos Time for Collaboration
With all its challenges, Iranian nuclear deal brought an unanticipated, unintended blessing to the region. I’ll never forget the jaw-dropping speech made by Netanyahu before Congress on Purim eve 2015. He pled to America and the world to forbid the furtherance of the deal—not just for Israel’s sake, or for America’s sake, but for the sake of the Sunni nations of the Mideast.

“President Obama, listen to Netanyahu on Iran!” resounded the Saudi-backed paper Al Arabiya, just before Netanyahu’s speech. Faisal Abbas, editor in chief of Al Arabiya’s English website, memorably wrote, “It is extremely rare for any reasonable person to ever agree with anything Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says or does. However, one must admit, Bibi did get it right, at least when it came to dealing with Iran.”

Remember that before Iran wants Jerusalem, it wants Saudi Arabia’s Mecca and Medina—the two holiest cities of the Islamic world. Over the past few years, collaborative defensive efforts have since drawn Jordan, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and others together for mutual benefit. Again, countering radical terrorism from within, and countering the extraordinary terrorist and military threat posed by Iran. 

With Iranian elections just decided, it again is stunning that President Trump is addressing this situation at such a strategic time. A very bold statement of the United States’ resolute commitment to our allies.

Kairos Time—Eve of Jerusalem Day
On Sunday President Trump journeys to Jerusalem—on the eve of Jerusalem Day, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the reconstitution of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital after the Six Day War. The honor conveyed through timing of this visit speaks volumes about the Trump Administration’s continued dedication to Israel as a sovereign nation, and Jerusalem as its eternal, undivided capital. 

And as we shared in previous postings, President Trump will visit the Western Wall to pray. One can only imagine the content of his petitions and supplications while there. But lets pray for all supernatural forces of the enemy to be restrained, and for an open line of communication with God the Father. Speaking life, encouragement, identity and intention into the President’s heart. 

Father God we declare Your covenant favor over Trump’s journey. We pray and claim Psalm 91. May You “shamar”—watch over, protect and defend—the President, First Lady Melania Trump, and his team. May they be graced by You alone to quite literally redirect the course of history. Turnaround! Give keen discernment. Protect them from outward threats and also from any diplomatic compromise that would dishonor Your covenantal expression in Israel and throughout the Mideast. 

Father God, we pray and claim your promise of blessing, regional collaboration and transformation promised in Isaiah 19—Egypt Your people, Israel Your inheritance, and Assyria your handiwork. We ask that you draw all the sons and daughters of Abraham into a greater revelation of Your heart, for Your glory. In Jesus’ Name!

Today you are getting a double portion blessing. Our friend Sandra Teplinsky is in the Capital of Jerusalem. I want to close with seven brilliant points she made for you to pray today. To read her full posting click here. Below is her directive:

Like other Israeli intercessors, I am deeply concerned about Trump’s visit and negotiations which follow. We sense demonic traps being laid for him, Netanyahu and Rivlin. We are not afraid; instead, we are gearing up for spiritual battle. God has delivered us time and again over thousands of years. But we are alerting you and asking you to join us in prayer. History belongs to the intercessors! Here are some ways you can stand with us as watchmen and women on the wall:

  1. First, gear up. Re-consecrate yourself to the Lord, clothed in spiritual armor, and empowered and covered by the blood of Yeshua and His angel armies.
  2. Enemy forces are setting traps for Netanyahu in any upcoming peace talks with Trump and Abbas. We  suggest the following Scriptures be prayed into the matter: Psalm 9:13-15, 35:4-9, 57:6, 119:110, 124:1-8, 140:4-11, 142:1-7; Isaiah 8:10; Proverbs 21:30-31.
  3. Pray for grace for both Trump and Netanyahu (and Abbas) to surrender themselves fully to God who appointed them to their posts. Pray they will seek out His Word as the final, authoritative guide in any negotiations. Ask God to give them dreams in the night of heavenly strategies. All three leaders are currently experiencing some chastening in their respective nations. Therefore pray for grace to humble themselves before God, so He might lift them up.
  4. President Trump has surrounded himself with an array of advisors pertaining to Israel. Some present credentials that look good, but they consciously or unconsciously speak the plans of the enemy. Pray that ungodly advisors be silenced or removed from their sphere of influence. Ask God to put in place those advisors who will speak according to His will. Pray He surrounds them with favor and amplifies their voices. Ask for continual grace to keep Trump and his team from getting sucked into what has been called the “Palestinian vortex” of deception and distortion.
  5. Pray for God to expose schemes of darkness to Netanyahu — and for him to rightly discern them. Such schemes include hostile reactions by America and other nations toward Israel if peace talks break down.
  6. Keep your eyes and heart on God’s vision for the Middle East, which even now is gradually becoming reality: “In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria…The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. The Lord Almighty will bless them, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.” (Isaiah 19:23-25) Pray for revival among Israelis and Palestinians.
  7. Ask God to awaken and mobilize the intercessory watchmen in America concerning Trump’s engagement with the Jewish state. Pray the President does not fall into any trap designed to cause him, indirectly or inadvertently, to harm Israel. “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.” (Genesis 12:3)