Miracle 44! Thank you for considering a donation to Lamplighter. Click here to donate online. Click here to donate by mail.

Last night a record was broken! We were honored to host 140 callers for the launch of the Life Decree. Our time together was extremely revelatory. Thank you Martha Lucia for sharing your heart and insights, and special thanks to all who joined us!

Today begins the seven day countdown for our New Birth of Freedom project. We will culminate with a ‘conference call prayer meeting’ next Tuesday evening at 9pm. At that time, President Obama is presenting his State of the Union Address. We want to pray together and hear God’s perspective on the State of the Union!

We are praying for Holy Spirit clarity for our president. And we pray for the Lord to speak to you about His heart and work for the nation. Please make plans now to join us next Tuesday.

On a personal front.. the lease renewal for our apartment came up this week. Rent in DC is beyond expensive, and we don’t yet have the financial capacity to handle it.

That said… Dear friends just contacted us and told us to sign up for another year!!!

This is a total miracle. We are humbled and full of gratitude for the opportunity to keep this torch burning in our Capitol over the coming season. Thank you, Lord Jesus! And thank you friends. Words cannot express our gratitude to all of you who so believe in our common cause.

As we were coming to the lease deadline, pondering a move, what kept coming to me wasn’t the proximity to power but the friends who have become precious as we’ve prayed together. I’ve said this so many times you’re probably tired of reading it. But we are grateful for you, and grateful to be on this journey together.

Two Things Necessary
Two things are necessary to reside in DC–rent, and everything else. And the “everything else” is where we could really benefit from your blessing right now. As we shared before, our monthly donations decreased after the elections. So when the Lord asked us to cancel travel plans to focus on this New Birth of Freedom project, financially it was a risk.

We thought it would only be for 22 days. Turned out to be 44, praise God!

44 Days
And I say “praise God” because of all that He has accomplished during this time. So much revelation was birthed out of the midnight watch the first 22 days. It has truly set the course for the rest of the year.

It was during this time that Dr. John Benefiel felt should take the next 22 days and launch the HAPN expression of the New Birth of Freedom Project. With this has come the Life Decree, as well as state by-state strategic prayer for breakthrough on abortion and for this Nation’s new birth of freedom!

The phrase “New Birth of Freedom” is from Abraham Lincoln. In the Gettysburg Address he decreed “That this Nation, under God, shall have a New Birth of Freedom–and that government, of the people, by the people, for the people–shall not perish from the earth.” That’s exactly what we are contending for here in DC and across the nation.

It’s so interesting that Jan.1, when we started this project, was the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. Midway thru, President Obama received his second inauguration on Martin Luther King Day–followed immediately on the 22nd by the 40th anniversary of Roe v Wade. And we close the project next Tuesday, on Abraham Lincoln’s birthday.

Miracle 44
Thanks to the donations of many of you throughout this project, we have covered about a third of our budget outside of rent. We are asking God for a $4400 miracle to conclude this project!

Friends, I don’t have any “New Birth of Freedom” coffee mugs or keychains to offer… not yet anyway, but that may not be a bad idea! Hype aside, I earnestly believe in the work we together are accomplishing. We are sowing into God’s heart for freedom, and will absolutely reap accordingly.

So the link goes up today for “Miracle 44.” Please add your faith to ours for God’s provision, and invest as the Lord empowers!

Covenant blessings,
Jon & Jolene